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Submissions in April 2017

from submissions
where subreddit = 'delta' and created_utc between '2017-04-01' and '2017-04-30'

Results: 52 (2016: 4, 2018: 55)

Whole year: 365 (2016: 116, 2018: 956)
Year by months:
Jan: 30
Feb: 13
Mar: 20
Apr: 52
May: 30
Jun: 31
Jul: 49
Aug: 35
Sep: 33
Oct: 29
Nov: 32
Dec: 0
Average: 29,5, without April: 27,45
from submissions
where subreddit = 'unitedairlines' and created_utc between '2017-04-01' and '2017-04-30'

Results: 448 (2016: 6, 2018: 24)

Whole year: 727 (2016: 111, 2018: 416)

Year by months:
Jan: 17
Feb: 14
Mar: 15
Apr: 448
May: 42
Jun: 47
Jul: 48
Aug: 36
Sep: 25
Oct: 15
Nov: 14
Dec: 0
Average: 60,01, without April: 24,82

Sum score in April, 2017

select sum(score)
from submissions
where subreddit = 'delta' and created_utc between '2017-04-01' and '2017-04-30'

Results: 220 (2016: 6, 2018: 210)

Whole year: 1,286 (2016: 241, 2018: 3,608)

select sum(score)
from submissions
where subreddit = 'unitedairlines' and created_utc between '2017-04-01' and '2017-04-30'

Results: 37,354 (2016: 6, 2018: 58)

Whole year: 38,262 (2016: 248, 2018: 874)

Videos shared:

select count(*)
from submissions
where subreddit = 'unitedairlines' and created_utc between '2017-04-01' and '2017-04-31' and
link_flair_text = 'Video'

Results: 40

Max score in 2017:

select max(score), author, title
from submissions
where subreddit = 'delta' and created_utc between '2017-01-01' and '2017-12-31'
group by author, title
order by max(score) desc
limit 1

Score: 42
Title: "Customer service 0/10"
Highest score between '2017-01-01' and '2020-01-01': 304 ("Aloha from 1A&B! We’re
off to OGG and we’re gonna get married! ❤️") -> Definitely positive

select max(score), author, title
from submissions
where subreddit = 'unitedairlines' and created_utc between '2017-01-01' and '2017-12-31'
group by author, title
order by max(score) desc
limit 1

Score: 25,865
Title: "Police are filmed dragging man off United Airlines flight"
It is still the highest score in this subreddit ever since (between '2017-01-01' and '2020-01-
01') -> Still negative

Mentioned in r/news in April, 2017

select count(*)
from submissions
where subreddit = 'news' and created_utc between '2017-04-01' and '2017-04-31' and title
ilike '%united airlines%'

Results: 546

Jan: 28
Feb: 4
Mar: 11
Apr: 546
May: 55
Jun: 23
Jul: 36
Aug: 14
Sep: 12
Oct: 7
Nov: 6
Dec: 0

Top 10 in r/news April, 2017

select max(score), author, title, created_utc
from submissions
where subreddit = 'news' and created_utc between '2017-04-01' and '2017-04-31' and title
ilike '%delta%'
group by created_utc, author, title
order by max(score) desc
Limit 10

"Compensation often mentioned"

select max(score), author, title, created_utc
from submissions
where subreddit = 'news' and created_utc between '2017-04-01' and '2017-04-31' and title
ilike '%united airlines%'
group by created_utc, author, title
order by max(score) desc
Limit 10

Rabbit died, scorpion stings passenger on flight, lawsuit

Overbooked mentions Delta vs United Airlines in:
April, 2017
select count(*)
from submissions
where subreddit = 'delta' and created_utc between '2017-04-01' and '2017-04-30' and title
ilike '%overbook%''

Results: 1

from submissions
where subreddit = 'unitedairlines' and created_utc between '2017-04-01' and '2017-04-30' and
title like '%overbook%'

Results: 22

from submissions
where subreddit = 'delta' and created_utc between '2017-01-01' and '2017-12-31' and title
ilike '%overbook%'

Results: 3

from submissions
where subreddit = 'unitedairlines' and created_utc between '2017-01-01' and '2017-12-31' and
title ilike '%overbook%'

Results: 22

Mentioned: “drag” and “off” in April, 2017

select count(*)
from submissions
where subreddit = 'delta' and created_utc between '2017-04-01' and '2017-04-30' and title
ilike '%drag%' and title ilike '%off%'

Results: 0
Whole year: 0 (2016: 0, 2018: 0)

select count(*)
from submissions
where subreddit = 'unitedairlines' and created_utc between '2017-04-01' and '2017-04-30' and
title ilike '%drag%' and title ilike '%off%'

Results: 24
Whole year: 25 (2016: 0, 2018: 1)

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