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What is Overfishing?
When fish are caught
faster than they can
reproduce, this is known
as overfishing.
When did overfishing start?
The first overfishing happened
around Stellwegen Bank in the
early 1800s. This was when people
in search of blubber for lamp oil
killed the whale population.
Where is this mostly

Overfishing is largely found in

the Mediterranean Sea, with 62
percent of its fish stocks
overfished and on the danger
of becoming extinct.
Why did I choose this topic?
I chose this topic because we see the ocean is big, people
don't see that the population of the ocean has reduced in
a big amount. Also, the overfishing doesn't only affect the
ocean it also affects us if we overfish then we can run out
of food to eat or even things we get from fishes (vitamins
D and B2).
Facts By a Marine
A Big fact is that if overfishing
keeps on going, by 2050 there
can probably be no ocean.
Why is this important?
This is important to know about
because if we continue overfishing
then our future generation wont
have any left or even there can
probably not be any other
Technology used to stop overfishing in the world
Fishing nets with LED lights attached can attract the proper
catch and guide non-targeted species to safety. This saves time
for fisherman and helps them avoid bycatch (other fish or marine

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