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The Fenoskyk Sub-Sector

At the rimward extent of the galaxy, the Fenoskyk Sub-sector is the last region of inhabitable
space;wedged between Van Arktryxx warp storm, that rages on the very outer rim, and the
Baeltecch gulf.

Here, so far removed from the galactic core, the stars are old—some dating back to aeons before
even the elder Xenos races began codifying their first records.

But even here, where many worlds and moons are wreathed in permanent night and frozen
desolation for millennia, Xenos civilization rose in its ever varying local fashion. A few remain in
the current millennium but the ruins of glorious star kingdoms and holdings are scattered across the
Fenoskyk system. Many more Xenos worlds were devoured by the Van Arktyxx warp storm, whose
encroachment from the rim dooms this sector unless its course were to alter.

The Yoh-tuun

Consisting of enormous troglodytic monsters the Yoh-tuun stand almost 20 feet tall on average and
weigh 3 Imperial tonnes. They physiognomy is semi-simian in appearance, though their colour
ranges from a brownish red to a pale purple and there are almost completely hairless apart from the
occasional tuft of hair on their chins.

The Yoh-tuun are an almost pitiable Xenos race-if they were not so bellicose and aggressive. Once,
as recorded in rumours culled from other Xenos myths in the sub-sector, they were rulers of many
worlds—exacting tribute from lesser Xenos and warring with galactic contenders such as the
Aeldari and the Ork.

In particular in the songs of the Aeldari craftword Aesiree are the Yoh-tuun's deeds recalled. The lay
of Baulgr Don m'hall-the Aeldari bards sing of colossal citadels forged from near impervious rock
by the immense strength of the Yoh-tuun.

“Baulgr, (a minor Aeldari trickster god), sneaking into the fortress of Luggos—a Yoh-tuun chief.
The sentries of Luggos were said to see any military force and clandestine threat that menaced the

Baugr Don m'hall arrived before the citadel, dressed in the garb of a common herdsmen of the
world. On the plain of Me'yhal Degal, he grazed a herd of livestock each day—coming and going
before the eyes of Luggos the Sky-King.

Each day he moved the herd's feeding area, as if seeking the better pasturage for his flock, but by
each night his camp would be nearer the citadel. Thirty sunrises came and went; he reached the
very shadow of Luggos's towering fortification. The everwatching sentries suspected nothing—he
was by now a part of the landscape to their eyes.

Baulgr,at the thirtieth night, did not sleep. He arose from his cloth-tent, dressed in the Aesiree war
dress. From under the bellies of his herd beasts, he cut the ties of the warriors he had bound there
thirty days before. Thus he became Baulgr Don m'hall—the slow or patient one.”

In immense stone vessels the Yoh-tuun's were said to voyage between the stars. Massive oracle like
craft hundreds of kilometres long, the Yoht-tuun's were renowned for fierce boarding actions
following a direct ram from their neigh physically indestructible ships. The Aeldari speak of savage
wars in the void as the Yoh-tuun chiefs in turn sought to make the Aesiree craftworld pay tribute.
Once roused the Aeldari were relentless in their pursuit of victory against these brutish tyrants. At
ever turn the Aledari defeated the Yoh-tuun's, inflicting devastating casualties through guile and
craft rather than brute force. The Yoh-tuun's ferocity and force could not compete the Aesiree
craftworld's tactics. An internal collapse occurred—unable to sustain the mechanisms of their stone-
craft and now broken militarily-the other Xenos worlds revolted against the Yoht-tuuns—some
ambushing their overlords away from their citadels; others overwhelming the Yoh-tuuns by sheer

Now the Yoht-tuun are wanderers—nearly solitary Xenos; encountered primarily on worlds closest
to the Van Arctryxx warp storm. They have lost none of their aggressiveness despite their fall—
attacking any non-Yoht-tuun they encounter on their worlds. The more nostalgic linger near the
ancient stone citadels—though without their slave driven industries and ancient knowledge-they are
merely squatting in the ashes of their fallen kingdom.

However during conflicts spanning across the worlds of the Fenoskyk sub-sector, Yoh-tuun's have
been sighted serving as paid mercenaries of Rouge Traders, Orks, and even Drukhair forces. Some
rumours even persist of functionalYoht-atuun Masskiffs ambushing traders from behind nebulae as
far coreward as the Baeltecch Gulf. Formerly these tales have dismissed as fanciful, but their
increase since the Cicatrix Maledictum has been observed.

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