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(critical elements are bolded!)

1. Grab a badminton racket and a birdie.
2. Pick a service court (right or left) and stand on the service line. Do not cross the
3. Position feet:
a. Body is facing sideways
b. Non-dominant foot is facing forwards towards the net
c. Dominant foot is facing sideways towards the sideline
4. Hold the racket to the side of your body, in your
dominant hand with forehand grip.
5. Hold birdie in front of the racket, in non-dominant
hand by pinching the feathers between thumb and
index finger with the head of the birdie facing down.
6. Draw the racket back.
7. Drop the birdie.
8. Swing racket forward.
9. Strike birdie below your waist.
10. Follow through!

1. Grab a badminton racket and a birdie.
2. Pick a service court (right or left) and stand on the service line. Do not cross
the midline!
3. Position feet:
a. Body is facing the net
b. Dominant foot is facing forward towards the
c. Non-dominant foot is back
4. Hold the racket in front of your body, in your
dominant hand with backhand grip.
a. Racket is not too close or too far away from
your body
b. Racket is at an angle (about 45 degrees)
5. Hold birdie in front of the racket, in non-dominant hand by pinching the
feathers between thumb and index finger with the head of the birdie facing
6. Draw the racket back towards your body.
7. Drop the birdie.
8. Quickly swing the racket forward.
9. Strike birdie below your waist.
10. Follow through!


1. Must serve diagonally
2. Must serve over the service line on the other side of the court

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