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Liquified Mind and Body

My face was glued to the screen. I had lost feeling in all other parts of my body except

my fingers, which were excessively sweating. The uncontrollable shaking was terrifying as I had

numerous teammates relying on my sole performance. I was competing in a tournament final in

one of my most played video games, Rocket League. We lost the tournament, but competed again

the following week. Focus, sweat, relax, repeat. It was an endless cycle of sore glutes and tight

fingers from doing the same thing over and over.

As an avid gamer, I competed daily, totaling countless hours of video gaming throughout

my youth. Video games have become the most popular form of entertainment for young adults

across the globe, as it encompasses creative ideas and realistic scenarios that one can only find

online. It was not until recently that I began to wonder exactly what kind of stress my body

underwent during my gaming sessions. Although it may not seem like much physical exercise,

video gaming does involve a great deal of quick thinking and processing skills. I found myself

undergoing countless calculations in order to outwit the enemy in a method that could create a

winning strategy. It was situations like these that made me curious as to how much video games

develop a person, both physically and mentally.

As my gaming curiosity peaked, I also took Physiology my junior year. Physiology

helped combine my ideas about mental and physical development to that of modern video

gaming. I dove into numerous aspects of the video gaming community, and grew very interested

in specific sources that came across my eyes. I began to comprehend the underlying effects of

video games that many young adults do not realize. Learning more about the impact of playing

video games created the desire to share information involving what exactly is happening to one's

body when they partake in video games. It was this realization that helped me develop my Senior


Project Research Question: How has the development of modern video games affected the health

of young adults?

Since the dawn of video games, the general opinion was that they would rot your brain if

one played too much. On a neurological level, that is false, but when considering the

physiological development and overall health of a growing individual, video games have been

perceived to create noticeable drawbacks. One of the most noticeable consequences of modern

video gaming is the relation to obesity. It has been linked through numerous studies that those

who spend more time on video games have a higher likelihood to gain weight. Although this was

a prominent point when discussing the topic, others have theorized that obese people gravitate

towards video games, implying that obese gamers were already undergoing similar physical

activities prior to starting their screen endeavors. In either case, “several studies have linked

television and video games and increased Body Mass Index (BMI). Children who watch the most

hours of television or play video games have the highest incidence of obesity”(Ayenigbara).

Additional studies imply that children who spend less than about 2 hours per day on screens are

over 75% less likely to develop obesity. The reasoning for an increase in Body Mass Index not

only roots from lack of physical activity, but a significant growth in junk food intake. In addition

to weight-related health effects, similar studies have linked excessive video gaming, specifically

First Person Shooter (FPS) games, to increased levels of violent behaviors among young adults.

Numerous studies have been done to test this theory, with similar conclusions involving a

connection between violent video games and aggressive behavior among young adults. The

violence would stem from specific games inflicting psychological harm upon a specific

individual's internal state, such as their feelings, thoughts, and reactions to certain situations.

These affects, as one might consider, are much more traumatizing to a growing human rather


than an older, more developed person. “A 2015 review by the American Psychological

Association (APA) showed a link between playing violent video games and increased

aggression; however, the review could not confirm a link between playing violent video games

and committing acts of criminal violence or delinquency”(Video Games and Violence).

Considering the evidence presented on the connection between violent games and more angry

behaviors among young adults, there also was evidence presented that pointed towards those

specific children not actually being able to commit real crime. Additionally, the numerous

studies state something along the lines of how there is too little evidence to determine a direct

link to violent video games and crime in society. Although a crime might not be committed,

young adults have the possibility of growing into a more aggressive individual when putting

themselves in certain gaming environments.

Following the topic of increased levels of aggression among young adults who play video

games, some test this theory with a more diverse point of view. Video games have created a

sense of panic in society, and some have used this panic as a sort of scapegoat for acts of

intensified violence. Political leaders such as Donald Trump, House Minority Leader Kevin

McCarthy, and Joe Biden have all pinned spectacular acts of violence on virtual violence

presented among young adults. This however, is not justified by credible evidence because

“research shows only tenuous connections between virtual and real-life violence,” says Kocurek,

a renowned writer from the Washington Post. Kocurek determined that scapegoating video

games for violent behaviors among children is a lazy and thoughtless approach from individuals

who are not delving into the deeper meanings of violent environments in society. She supports

her case with her conclusive statement “blaming video games for mass shootings divorces them

from a larger, flawed cultural landscape and suggests that the problem is a single rotting fruit and


not the unchecked growth of a poisoned tree”(Kocurek). Although Kocurek did not necessarily

say the health effects of videogames are positive on an individuals growth, Kirk Robles, Director

of UC Berkeley Esports, had a lot to say about how video games have positively affected the

lives of young adults in our society. Prior to the interview, Mr. Robles explained that Esports are

a form of competitive gaming on a collegiate level. He also discussed how he’d worked with all

types of young adults, and allowed them to gain scholarships at UC Berkeley. From the

discussion, it was interpreted that video games are a fantastic way to connect with others on a

new type of social level. Specifically during the pandemic, social interaction became extremely

difficult for young adults, and video games offered an escape for those who needed it most. He

stated, “Video games have always given people the opportunity to engage with one another

without having to be in the same room and get them out of their shell… It was a nice way to

keep some friendships alive.” The most prominent topics during the discussion involved how it

helped introverted people develop methods of connecting with others. Kids who entered the

program with little to zero social skills, have left the program more confident than ever. He said

video games have allowed them to grow into more well rounded characters, which they might

not have ever developed without the social connection of modern video gaming. Mr. Robles also

said “So I know a lot of students who win these scholarships… they're not just wasting the time

on video games, and they're very invested when balancing it with their school work and studies,

so it's a very positive influence on young adults.” Collegiate video gaming has allowed an escape

for young adults in a social world that has boosted their mental health in a way that makes them

a more positive person.

Regardless of how much experience one might have with young adults who play a solid

amount of video games, statistically speaking, 90% of video games involve aggression-triggering


gameplay that have the ability to cause a more emotional lifestyle. This is due to the competitive

environment that is created when playing a multiplayer video game. It creates a scenery for

problem solving, hand eye coordination, resource management, math skills, and cooperation.

Studies focus on the tolls of excessive video gaming rather than the pros, specifically the

aggression viewpoint. “A small 2017 study found no long-term negative effects on empathy even

in “excessive” users of violent video games. However, the American Psychological Association

(APA) finds a “consistent correlation” between playing violent video games and aggression

(though not enough evidence to associate gaming with criminal violence)”(Impact of Video

Games). This adds on to the previous point made in the most recent paragraph, considering the

fact that although video games among young adults might lead to a more aggressive lifestyle, it

is not directly linked to criminal behaviors within society. Criminal behaviors should not be the

defying line for modern video gaming. One must consider the psychological effects of excessive

gaming, and if it leads to a more pessimistic and lonely lifestyle. In addition to connections to

obesity and violent behaviors, studies have shown that an addiction can fester in the midst of

excessive amounts of video gaming as a young adult. Just over a 12-month period, psychological

issues of video games such as withdrawal, tolerance, and loss of interest in other activities, can

develop in growing individuals. Issues like these are studied rigorously, considering that

treatments for issues like these are still a work in progress, as the psychological disorders are not

completely understood or rather agreed upon. Additionally, excessive video gaming among

young adults has been linked with sleep deprivation, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. “There

has also been concern that exposure to the extreme violence that is commonly found in video

games can desensitize teens and young adults to such violence, causing emotional problems and

even leading to young people committing acts of violence”(Grinspoon). This connects back to


the idea of violent behaviors among young adults, and considering the flourishing development

of modern video gaming into more realistic and immersive gameplay, the issue will continue to

spread unless directly combated by professionals. Similar studies produce similar results, and

conclude with information involving playing in moderation. Limiting the number of hours spent

playing behind the screen can limit the negative effects of violence and psychological disorders,

and increase the positive effects like, previously mentioned; problem solving, cooperation, etc.

Being educated on the risks of video gaming is essential to prevention of physical and

psychological injury.

When considering the physical toll of modern video gaming, one must also reconcile with

the fact that young adults also benefit from extensive time spent on video games. New research

suggests that while screen time spent on video games is targeted as the cause of obesity and high

blood pressure, certain video games could encourage players to be more active and physically

benefit them. Specific researchers from Brazil and the UK underwent a trial involving the

psychological effects of video games and how it affects their bodies. Things like heart rate, blood

pressure, oxygen efficiency, and endothelial function, were all recorded during this process.

“Their results, published in Games for Health Journal, found that playing active video games

gave very similar physiological effects to the traditional treadmill exercising, and blood glucose

levels dropped to safe levels following both types of exercise.”(Video games-jogging). Although

they might have similar effects, one might prioritize active video gaming due to them being

much more motivating and enjoyable than a traditional jog around the block. For young adults,

physically being able to see the reward and be able to win helps encourage the behavior in order

to improve performance for the next exercise, whatever form that may take. Additionally, Dr

Pooya Soltani, a researcher at CAMERA, said: "Exercise is already recommended by doctors as


a drug-free way of managing diabetics' blood sugar levels, along with diet, but it can be difficult

for people to stick to exercise routines long term.”(Video games can have..). The main focus was

that young adults are getting necessary exercise while also enjoying it, and how the physiological

effects were maintained through the design of the game to keep the player wanting to be better.

On a neurological level, recent studies have shown that modern video games have positively

impacted the health of young adults. As the popular method of entertainment grows, research

becomes more precise and reliable. Studies have shown that video games can help people with

problem solving skills, mental focus, spatial awareness, improved eyesight, and effective

multitasking abilities. As modern video gaming becomes more popular, individuals must grow

beyond generalizations of the discussion. In a research pamphlet published in 2003, “they used a

series of visual puzzles to demonstrate that individuals who played action games at least four

days per week were better than non-gamers at rapidly processing complex information,

estimating numbers of objects, controlling where their attention was focused spatially, and

switching rapidly between tasks”(Fleming). Through unique evidence and numerous tests, the

benefit of video games can be seen as outweighing the negative effects. It improves the health of

growing individuals on a neurological and physiological level, through the challenging of the

mind and body to do things not previously required.

The development of modern video games has led to countless studies and tests to take

place involving the true effects it has on young adults. Evidence shows that these individuals are

heavily affected from both sides of the spectrum, whether it be gaining weight at an alarmingly

high rate, or developing problem solving and critical thinking skills to increase your overall

thought process abilities. During a discussion with Dr. Albert Yu, a pediatrician for Stanford

Children’s Health, the idea of balance was mentioned. Dr. Yu described how much like


everything, video games have positives and negatives, but particularly how “the key is that

young adults can enjoy video games but must have the discipline to stop so they can have time to

nurture other areas of their lives. Have a balance.” This was particularly resonating because both

sides of the topic were addressed, and that there is a medium that sits between.

Researching a variety of opinions around playing games was both interesting and

motivating. Specifically, how video games can shape a person's growth, maturity, and

personality. With that in mind, the health of young adults has been affected by the development

of modern video games in beneficial ways such as increased thought processing skills, as well as

the ability to partake in a more socially suited environment. Video games, however, have

negatively affected the health of young adults through its tendency to create more aggressive

behaviors in addition to possibilities of depression and obesity. Arguably, this is the most

important topic of modern society, considering almost all growing children partake in video

gaming in some shape or form. As parents or future parents, it is extremely important to

understand the risks and benefits of the world that your child is being placed in. With the

necessary knowledge on the development of modern video games and its effects on young adults,

one could take precautionary steps in order to ensure that those growing around you can lead a

safe and productive lifestyle while also enjoying the world around them. Douglas Gentile at Iowa

State University stated that previously, humans would thrust the topic of video games into the

discussion of whether they are simply good or bad, but as more reliable research develops, we

now are finally “starting to move beyond this inappropriately simplistic idea to see games can be

powerful teachers that we can harness”(Why video games). As modern video games develop and

become an even more popular topic, new discussions will rise and opinions will be formed. As of

right now, modern video games have numerous effects on the health of young adults, but it can


be concurred that these video games will change their growth and the way they are shaped as a

flourishing individual.


Works Cited

Ayenigbara, Israel Oluwasegun. “Gaming Disorder and Effects of Gaming on Health: An

Overview.” Peertechz Publications,

p. Accessed 17 March 2022.

Fleming, Nic. “Why video games may be good for you.” BBC, 26 August 2013,

Accessed 21 March 2022.

Grinspoon, Peter. “The health effects of too much gaming.” Harvard Health, 22 December 2020,

645. Accessed 17 March 2022.

Kocurek, Carly A. "Why we scapegoat video games for mass violence and why it's a mistake."

Washington Post, 9 Aug. 2019. Gale In Context: High School,

7095ce. Accessed 17 Mar. 2022.

Robles, Kirk. Director of Cal Esports. Personal Interview. 14 March 2021

“The Impact of Video Games.” Sutter Health,

Accessed 17 March 2022.

"Video Games." Gale In Context Online Collection, Gale, 2018. Gale In Context: High School,

bdd8528&xid=3bdd8528. Accessed 17 Mar. 2022.


"Video Games and Violence." Gale In Context Online Collection, Gale, 2018. Gale In Context:

High School,

2805018. Accessed 17 Mar. 2022.

"Video games can have similar health benefits to jogging." NewsRx Health, 24 Oct. 2021, p. 88.

Gale In Context: High School,

2663e5. Accessed 17 Mar. 2022.

“Why video games may be good for you.” Association for Psychological Science, 29 August


l. Accessed 24 April 2022.

Yu, Robles. Pediatrician for Stanford Children's Health. Personal Interview. 20 April 2022


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