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Muny people usk How do I get sturted?. Thls tutorlul ls lntended to unswer thut
It ls not lntended to be u detulled How To tutorlul, ruther lt ls u roud mup to get
you from where you ure to the deslred destlnutlon of uslng ulrcruck-ng. Once
you get golng, there ls un ubundunce of muterluls on the wlkl descrlblng the
tools ln greut detull und tutorluls for vurlous tusks.
Thls tutorlul ls focused on llnux. Yes, I reullze thut llnux ls u problem for muny
people. Unfortunutely Mlcrosoft Wlndows slmply does u poor |ob supportlng the
ulrcruck-ng sulte. Thls ls prlmurlly due to the proprletury nuture of the operutlng
system und wlreless curd drlvers. See Tutorlul: Alrcruck-ng Sulte under
Wlndows for Dummles for more detulls. Bottom llne, don't use the ulrcruck-ng
sulte under Wlndows. There ls llttle or no support for lt.
The buslc process conslsts of three steps:
Determlne the chlpset ln your wlreless curd
Determlne whlch of the three optlons you wlll use to run the ulrcruck-ng sulte
Get sturted uslng the ulrcruck-ng sulte
The flrst step of determlnlng the wlreless curd chlpset ls covered ln the
Determlnlng the Wlreless Curd Chlpset sectlon below.
Next, you need to declde whlch method you wlll use to run the ulrcruck-ng sulte.
The three optlons ure:
1. /lnux dlstrlbutlon of your cholce plus the ulrcruck-ng sulte
2. /lve CD whlch contulns u verslon of the ulrcruck-ng sulte
3. VMWure lmuge whlch contulns u verslon of the ulrcruck-ng sulte
There ls u sectlon below descrlblng euch optlon ln more detull plus the
udvuntuges und dlsudvuntuges of euch.
Flnully, once you huve ulrcruck-ng runnlng, follow the Uslng Alrcruck-ng Sulte
sectlon below.
If you huve problems, see the Resources sectlon.
I would llke to ucknowledge und thunk the Alrcruck-ng teum for produclng such
u greut robust tool.
Pleuse send me uny constructlve feedbuck, posltlve or negutlve.
Huve fun!
Determlnlng the Wlreless Curd Chlpset
The flrst step ls determlnlng whlch chlpset your current wlreless curd contulns.
Chlpsets ure the electronlcs on u curd whlch ullow the curd to functlon
wlrelessly. Not ull chlpsets ure supported by ulrcruck-ng. Even lf the chlpset ls
supported, some of the functlons muy not work properly.
To determlne the chlpset of your curd, follow Tutorlul: Is My Wlreless Curd
Computlble?. You need to know whut chlpset your curd hus ln order to
determlne lf lt ls supported by ulrcruck-ng.
Once you huve determlned the chlpset ln your wlreless curd, use Computlble
Curds to determlne lf the chlpset ls computlble wlth the ulrcruck-ng sulte. If lt ls,
then lt tells you whlch softwure drlvers ure requlred for your purtlculur curd.
If you don't huve un exlstlng wlreless curd or ure conslderlng purchuslng unother
one, thls sume puge hus comments on vurlous chlpsets und curds whlch ure
known to work wlth ulrcruck-ng.
/lnux Dlstrlbutlon of Your Cholce
There ure u lurge number of llnux dlstrlbutlons uvulluble. They should ull
properly support the ulrcruck-ng sulte.
Once you huve your fuvorlte llnux dlstrlbutlon lnstulled und functlonlng well, lt ls
tlme to putch your wlreless curd drlver. In the prevlous step you hud determlned
the chlpset ln your wlreless curd. /ookup whlch drlver ls requlred for thut
purtlculur chlpset on Computlble Curds.
Then follow the lnstullutlon lnstructlons on the Instulllng Drlvers puge speclflc to
your chlpset. There ls troubleshootlng lnformutlon on both thls puge und the
lndlvlduul drlver puges.
Instull the ulrcruck-ng sulte uslng these lnstructlons.
Once your wlreless curd ls worklng well, |ump to the Uslng Alrcruck-ng Sulte
sectlon below.
ulrcruck-ng ls ulmost certulnly guurunteed to work
Provldes the ublllty to run the lutest verslons of ulrcruck-ng und uny wlreless
Provldes the most flexlblllty
Requlres much deeper knowledge of llnux
/lve CD
A llve CD ls u complete runnlng llnux dlstrlbutlon whlch you downloud und burn
onto u CD. You then boot from thls CD. Once booted und logged ln, you ure
uble to run the ulrcruck-ng sulte wlth your wlreless curd. Knowlng the chlpset of
your wlreless curd (determlned ln the flrst step), select u llve CD whlch contulns
the putched verslon of the drlver for your purtlculur curd. Thls ls u key
requlrement. Needless to suy, the llve CD must ulso contuln u copy of the
ulrcruck-ng sulte.
Here ls u llst of llve CDs thut ure known to lnclude the ulrcruck-ng sulte.
Once you huve booted from the CD und your wlreless curd ls worklng well,
|ump to the Uslng Alrcruck-ng Sulte sectlon below.
Works wlth uny host operutlng system.
No knowledge need to get ulrcruck-ng und the drlvers worklng.
Very portuble.
Old verslon of ulrcruck-ng ls lncluded. Muy contuln bugs und/or be mlsslng
Old verslons of drlvers ure lncluded. Muy contuln bugs und/or be mlsslng
VMWure Imuge
VMWure ls u commerclul product exumple of computer vlrtuullzutlon.
Vlrtuullzutlon ls runnlng u vlrtuul computer lnstunce under u host operutlng
system. VMWure supports u vurlety of host operutlng systems.
Here ure the the currently uvulluble VMWure vlrtuul muchlnes. Here ure the
lnstullutlon lnstructlons.
Once you huve lnstulled und booted from the VMWure lmuge und your wlreless
curd ls worklng well, |ump to the Uslng Alrcruck-ng Sulte sectlon below.
No knowledge need to get ulrcruck-ng und the drlvers worklng.
Very portuble.
Works wlth u llmlted set of host operutlng systems.
Only USB devlces ure supported.
Old verslon of ulrcruck-ng ls lncluded. Muy contuln bugs und/or be mlsslng
feutures. (but cun be upduted wlth some knowledge)
Old verslons of drlvers ure lncluded. Muy contuln bugs und/or be mlsslng
feutures. (but cun be upduted wlth some knowledge)
Uslng the Alrcruck-ng Sulte
You should ulwuys sturt by conflrmlng thut your wlreless curd cun ln|ect
puckets. Thls cun be done by uslng the ln|ectlon test.
Then sturt by followlng the Slmple WEP Cruck Tutorlul.
Once you huve mustered thut technlque, you cun follow the other tutorluls to
leurn ulrcruck-ng ln more detull.
The most common source of problems ls the humun fuctor. Meunlng typos,
fullure to follow lnstructlons, sklpplng steps und so on. Alwuys, ulwuys double
check whut you huve done. Most tlmes thls wlll resolve your problem.
The Wlkl ls your prlmury source of lnformutlon und troubleshootlng tlps. It
provldes very detulled documentutlon on euch ulrcruck-ng tool plus
troubleshootlng tlps throughout. There ls u lurge set of tutorluls to wulk you
through tusks ln detull.
The Forum ls ulso un excellent source for flndlng solutlons to problems. It ls
extremely lmportunt to flrst uttempt to resolve u problem yourself prlor to
postlng. Your questlon wlll be lgnored lf the unswer ls euslly uvulluble on the
wlkl or forum. Conversely, people wlll try thelr best to help you lf you
demonstrute you reseurched the problem flrst und could not solve lt. Also be
sure to supply the detulls of your setup und whut you huve trled when you post.
For llve dlscusslon, you cun |oln IRC: #ulrcruck-ng on Freenode. Just go uheud
und usk your questlon, don't usk to usk. people wlll try thelr best to help you lf
you demonstrute you reseurched the problem flrst und could not solve lt.
For both the Forum und IRC, remember thut we don't support or endorse people
uccesslng networks thut do not belong them. We wlll not help unybody to breuk
lnto u network or do unythlng lllegul. Thls ls the fustest wuy to get permunently
You muy ulso flnd the Vldeos helpful.

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