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Your Name: Daisy Martinez Genre of the Book: Multicultural

Book Title: Beautifully Me Author: Nabela Noor

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books Date: 2021

1. Pre-K/ CCSD K-2nd Grade/Nevada Core Standards:

-6.PK.3 Use fingered or tripod grasp with drawing, painting or writing instruments
-1.PK.2a Express ideas for activities; initiate and participate in discussions with teachers or
-1.PK.2b Acknowledge actions and accomplishments verbally and nonverbally

2. Objectives:
SWBAT + Bloom’s verb

-Students will be able to create their own self portrait

-Students will be able to discuss what they love about themselves

3. Materials/Equipment:
-Self-portrait print out
-Crayons, markers, and colored pencils

4. Teaching:
A. Plan for reading the book
-Read book and stop to ask questions during the story
-Ask children if they have ever heard anyone speak Arabic
-Ask children how they say “hello” in their language.
B. Plan for extension activity:
-Have children describe their features as they look themselves in the mirror
-Give examples of positive affirmations students can repeat
-Have discussion with children about what they see
-Introduce children to the vocabulary word “Confident”

5. Closure:
-Who can tell me what confident means?
-What is your favorite trait about yourself?
-Can you describe your picture to the classroom
-Inform children that tomorrow we will review facial expressions and choose which ones show
-Each student will have to repeat a positive affirmation before leaving class

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