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Deep Processing- Chunking & Layering h 12, 2022 6:04 PM Tag! Active leaming Deep Processing Task Name Urea cycle EXPERIENCE I tried to Layer & Deep Process Urea cycle- OME fully yielding a good Mindmap REFLECTION BEFORE THE EVENT 1 Iwas very excited to process Info of Urea cycle as my Priming & Q session felt very good 2. | hoped Urea cycle will be cakewalk for me DURING THE EVENT ¥ ORDER CONTROL & LOGICAL REASONING 1 Atthe start of Video, | was very eager and it also continued till the end 2. But there were times when I found it difficult to learn in the order of OME: SPECIFICALLY AT TIMES when | was not able to understand the Flow of Urea cycle as in Why OME step leads to another! 3. | panicked at first that the process is taking a lot of time & wondered if | should just memorise cycle instead of reasoning. But My brain didn’t accept the defeat. It kept on searching answers for WHY! Deep Processing: C 4, | finally tackled this struggle by Taking in hand ORDER CONTROL- | started to think why & How - EVERYTHING FELL IN PLACE. | am not sure if my reasons are right, but my mind created a logic that was sensible enough to understand Y MIND: THINKING SPEED L I grasped the concepts very quickly while watching Video 2. But when Processing it, | found my Thinking speed to be very slow. | was very demotivated by increased time consumption 3. I consoled it was just the confusion leading to clarity stage- Took a lot of breaks in between and continued my Deep processing AFTER THE EVENT | feel very much confident about ORDER CONTROL & Logical reasoning even if it’s not perfect & completely right but just for my understanding FACTORS | ate a hell lot of Maggi: So | think my mind's thinking speed was really slow CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS | started off with mindset that | will quickly finish Urea cycle & was very eager too I quickly grasped the lecture But Processing became quite tough Problem 1# Logic behind Urea cycle oR wR Problem 2# Thinking speed- Increased Time consumption Problem 3# Whether Creating my own logics are good if it makes sense enough to chunk 7. | tackled each of these problems as mentioned in During the Event 8. Then coming to the good part, I finally got the flow of Urea cycle: It all made sense to me. | just recalled the Logic & Concept layer in Mind once 9. I will come back to the Important details & Specifics later on ing- Chunking & ABSTRACTION Y¥ ORDER CONTROL & LOGICAL REASONING L_ Usually when it comes to Order control & Logical reasoning of Concepts, | follow the same in OME Video what Dustyn says without processing it in my mind 2. Approach- My approach was to complete the topic quickly. So | consumed whatever given 3. Perspective- | had the assumption that I was thinking about the concept all along but in real it was Dustyn’s Thoughts, Logic & order 4, Strategy- My Strategy of Deep Processing is really bad as I am just consuming info in the way it is presented- Trying to visually arrange it- Just recalling the relations & Applications. But | never do the Processing in my mind 5. Habit- I've been into Mindmaps for nearly a month now and the strategy | mentioned has become automatic. I've not really learnt Deep processing y MIND: THINKING SPEED |L_ From Abstraction on Order & Logic, | now know that my Deep processing was really low 2. Usually when | learn,| just consume, Compare, Recall. This is the first time | actually understood what it means to Layer! Deep process, 3. Since | had to break my Old chain and build new reasoning power and critical thinking, It took lots of time 4, Also, My focus and concentration was also bad ¥ INSECURITY ABOUT THE LOGICS CREATED, 1. This is the first time | have created my own logic. So | am doubtful EXPERIMENTATION 1 Should Practice Order control & Layering according to my Deep processing & Logical Reasoning Deep Processing- Chunking & Layering 2. Should Improve my Focus & Concentration- 1% Marginal Gain tracking: Mindfulness Meditation 3. Regarding Insecurity about Logic & Order control- Should Clarify it in Discord sing- Chunking & Layering

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