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(PPENDIX SCARLET BROTHERHOOD CHARACTER CLASSES thar they may ad to these base killin any fashion. The asas sin gains 20 addition discretionary points at levels 2 and 3, after Assassin of the Scarlet Brotherhood (rogue class) which 30 discretionary poies ate gsned pec level, just asa thie Abily Requirements: Strength 12, Inteligence 11, Desterity 13 * Assasins may learn thiewescant ifthe Tnellgence gives the Prime Requisite: Desteiy available language sls Races Allowed: Himan (Sul) * Assassins can use wizard and priest serolls stating at level 12, with che same chance of success asa thief two levels lower: “The Scale Brotherhood ass ie a living weapon made tobe wed gunst enemies of che Suel people. Traine in spying, stealth, disguise and the art of murder they are che secret agents ofthe Brotthou's wl sen to upser a goverment with a well-placed sword orto squeeze criti infor- mation from a musing advisor. Al asasine ae of evi alignment and a majority of those fom the Scale Brotherhood are lawfl ei raised rom birth in a society that preaches onde asthe means of conqueting the world Assassins use the thief XP table, THACO progression and hit dice progression. They may choose nenespon proficencies from the General, Rogue and Warrior lists. They are more versatile than thieves in cha they can wield any sore of weapon, and ate able rouse shields without penal. They may use any magic item useable by thieves, as well as any magic weapon or shild * Assasins are able to backstab as a thief of equal level + Assassins also have the ability to assassinate a human, demas ‘man oF humanoid victim, causing massive damage in a sigle ‘low. The assassin must have stadied the victim for atleast thre consecutive rounde within the patt 24-hours to make cis ateack. The assassin must then surprise the victim and make succesful attack rol. Ifthe attack roll succeed, the vitim mast make a saving throw vs death, modified by ~1 ifthe assassin is 4th-Teh level, -2 if the asain is Sth-L1th level, and so forth Fale means the victim des (brought immediatly to 0 hp, or =10 hp ifthe Hovern on Death's Door optional rule i wsed Ifthe victim makes the saving throw, normal damage occurs, + Assasins ae schooled in the use of poisons, both injected and ingested. Ae higher levels, most lam to manufacture their own poisons. + Assassins can disguise themselves with remarkable skill all assas- sins stare with a disguise skill equal to the disguise nonweapon proficiency at +4, + Assassins begin with all thie sil iste in Table 29 of the Player's Handbook. They begin with 20 discretionary ‘The Scarlet Brotherhood 72 abilities. At each level gain, the monk guns an addtional 1S points to Monk of the Scarlet Brotherhood (priest class) distribute among these kil ‘The Scarlet Brotherhood monk isa dedieated soldier inthe war ‘mpaciy. Through study and discipline, they hone their minds odes until they ae capable of feats impossible to normal hun, can use themselves as weapons to preserve the virtues of their race. le they are called monks, this term does not refer to ascetic dedica- fon to a god, but to a rligious devotion toward the principles oftheir and race — fanaticism and zeal focused om thet belief that they the chosen people of Oerth, destined to rule the world. The Searle ethethood monks are all lawful evi, supporting the idea that a pefect psety is one that embraces onder and clesely defines the lines between nd socal levels, with the Sel and monks in the top level ‘Monts use the ceri XP table ane gain hit dice as clerics. They may st profciences from the General, Regue and Wertor lists. They are filed in combat, having leamed how to best us thei bodies as a means destroy thir Foes. They use simple weapons that are either exiting els or can easily be made out of nearby items, such as daggers, hand ares, hs staves, spars, javelns and polearms they may also use crossbows, as, Suel have along history with that weapon. Monks wear no armor, for ieracs from their finely honed reflexes and inapedes thei bility to theit body's condition. They may use any magic tem useable by but can own no more than five magi tems and may retain only wealth necessary to support their modest neds; most monks donate to the Scarlet Beothethood ot use eto fund projects of interest to en, suchas traning promising studene or etablishing a safehouse in enemy city. Most older monks, both male and femal, shave thei heads not on an oueworel assignment, although his tradition has begun to oe of practice with some of che younger monks who insist on being iy to work anywhere inthe Flantese with a moment's notice, atl a head makes a person sand out asa posible Brotherhood agent. * All monks begin wth che ability to do lethal damage with their hands and feet a if they were carrying weapons. This “open hand!” ability begins modestly but eventually allows the monk to sttke several times per round in combat and inflice wounds equal {to those fiom the most dangerous weapons; these multiple attacks ‘cannot be acelerated through the use of magic such a haste. * Monks can move faster than a normal human de to thie taiing and heightened body awareness; the movernent rate increases as they gain levels * Their keen senses allow them to perform several thief skills Theit thie skis and base score are listed here: ing monk starts with 35 discretionary points to add to these 73 bility Requirements: Strength 9, Dexterity 13, Wisdom 9 ime Requisite: Wisdom * While they prefer open-hand attacks to weapons, monks retain acer Allowed: Human (Soe) the awarenes of anatomy and ar able to cause extra damage hen they use weapons agunst living creacures, equal tothe monk's level divided by 2, rounded up. This extra damage only applies ‘gunse creatures with familiar anatomses (musculatue, skeletal sys- tem, joins, et.) so this abikty cannot be used agains amorphous ‘creatures suchas slimes, gaseous life forms and so forth, * Once pet day per level, a monk may atempe to stun an opponent with an open-hand attack. The monk declares the intent ro stun and rolls to hit i the attack hits, the target must roll a saving "row vs. paralyzation or be stunned (anable to attack and losing all Deerity adjustments) for one round. + A monk may deflect an incoming fired or hurled missile (arrow, bolt, dagger, and so on) by forsaking any other action and making 2 save vs, petrification + Ifa.monk is atacked by an effet that requies saving throw, a sxsccesfl saving throw ws the atack results in the monk taking ro damage, even ifthe attack was a fireball for example. Monks also gain several special powers as they increase in levels because ‘of their growing mastery over their minds and bodies, * Ac 2nd level, a monk guns the ability to kill opponents with a succesful open hand atack. The attack must stun the target, who then must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation at +4 odie + At 3nd level, a monk can resist ESP or other thought-reading tempts by making a save vx death magic at +2. A dtv-level monk is able ro safely fll up to 20' as long ab she is within 1” ofa wall. This ability assumes the monk ean make peri= dic contact withthe wall to slow the fll. A tee or similar solid object counts a a wall for tie purpose * At Sth level, a monk becomes immune to all diseases, as wells ‘haste and slow spell * Ar 6th level, the distance a monk can fll without harm incteass 0 30's long ashe is within 4 of a wal, ‘A Teh-level monk gains che ability to momentarily accelerate the Inealng process of the body, repairing 2 points of damage suffered Called Master of Dragons, che monk's initiative rolls are improved byl ‘A Sth-level monk is unaffected by charmn-type spells and effect if she makes a successful saving throw vs. wand; itis resistance ell fails, normal saves (if any) apply to resist the effect. Monks of th Climb Walls 50% level are called Masters of the North Wind, Find (bur not Remove) Traps 5% ‘At 10th level, che monk's hands and fee are considered +1 Hear Noise 10% ‘weapons for the purposes of striking creatures chat can only be hie Hide in Shadows 5% by magic weapons. A monk of this rank is clled Master ofthe Move Silently 5% Exse Wind, * Ae 11th level, monks become immune o all poisons and assume ‘Their ability to evade and to fortify their flesh against blows also by the monk per level once day {ges them a bonus to their armor class, which increases by lve * An Bth-level monk may fall upto SO’ safely if within 6 ofa wall. es) the ttle Master ofthe South Wind. + At 12th level, a monk’ initiative bonus increases vo 2, Monks of this rank ate called Master of the West Wind, +A L3dh-level monk achieves the idle Master of Winter and gins the abily to make an attack called the “quivering pal.” which creates disharmoni vibrations in a target creature’ body and may cause death if the monk so wishes. Use ofthe quivering palm is as follows: ‘+ Temay be attempted once per week, and must be announced before making an “open hand!” attack. + Teonly affects man-sized or smaller creatures that can be affected by the monk's stun attack, and only ifthe monk is ‘of higher level (or hie dice) than che target creature IF the arack hits, i uses normal damage. The monk may slay the target with the vibrations a anytime within the time limit of one day per level ofthe monk; the carget gets a save vs. death magic to avoid the effect. + A monk of Leh level gains the ide Master of Autumn and always ges a saving throw vs: magical atack, even when none is normally allowed. “A LSth level monk is called Master of Summer and gains a limit- ced precognitie ability, there isa 90% chance cha a premonition ‘of death or serious harm wars the monk 1-4 turns before the +A Léahy-leyel monk is called Master of Spring and his hands and feet are considered +2 weapons for the purpose of striking cre tures tha can ony be hit by magical weapons: + A 17thvlevel moo i able to leave her body and project herself inno the astral plane (as an astral spell she may clo this once per week, remaining away for any length of time, although the physi body stil needs nourishment and will starve if not eared for. The ‘monk that attains this ank is clled Grand Master of Flowers. The Searle Brothethood enforces astit hierarchy within its ranks of monks. Only the mos skilled monks may achieve the highest levels the weaker ones being prevented from rising by rials of ritual combat. “There are only three monks of L3th level (Master of Winter), and only cone of each level above that. Until 8 years ago there were fewer monks of higher levels three Masters of Dragons and one Master of each level above that), but Korench Zan chose to relax this restriction, seeing the teed for a greater amber of powerful monks in the coming year ‘When a monk reaches level 13 or higher, she must issue a challenge within one month to a monk of the same level assuming chat there x rho open position at that level. Ifthe challenged monk reasesto ab cat his rank, the two choore atime and place forthe duel. The ‘monks may fight with any weapons or special abilities avaiable co them. Victory conditions for the batl are determined beforehand, with mest butles being to unconsciousness or a certain number of hits: Cruel or ‘vengeful defending monks of rank often inise on bate to the death "The lover in the struggle — assuming he survives — drops to the lowest number of experience points necessary for his previous expei- cence level a cannot challenge again for one year. The winner grins oc retains the tie ofthat level and alls associated abilities. 'A monks not required to challenge ifshe isnot intrested in the ttle or abilities ofthe new level, However, the monk is unable to gain ‘experience points unless she involves herself inthe challenge proces. ‘Table C13: Monk of the Scatlet Brotherhood iL Able (s) 1 1 Base sills 3 2 Killing arack 3 3 Resitane to ESP 4 4 Fallup to 20' aly s 5 Toumune to deat, haste and slow 6 6 Fall up to 30" sally 7 7 Self eal 2 hp level 8 8 Fall up eo 50 safely, +1 ininive 9 ° Resiane to chan fers 10942" Open hands -+1 apc weapon uu os Iemune co pls 2 546 ‘ite mkiatve lls B88 Quivering Palen 1h 910. Almaye gets a ang throw 1s 9412 Premonition of death ot has 16 ons "7 9416 Open hand +2 magical weapon oe 1» 9420 Asal pjeton (monk only) 20 oa22 ‘The Scarlet Brotherhood More Unarmed Unarmed AC ‘Actacks Damage Boon 2 A Mt a 12 1 1a 2 2 1 1a6 2 1s 3/2 146 8 1s 3/2 16 8 15 3/2 1a6+1 4 18 2 1641 4 1B 2 1d6+1 +5 18 2 1a 45 a s/2 128 +6 a 5/2 18 +6 2 sf 13841 47 a 3 Last 47 a b 1as+1 +8 pa 3 1410 +8 7 iz 10 +9. 27 7/2 1410 7 72 1alz +10 30 4 1al2 +10 30 4 12 #10 "4

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