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Hello everyone !

This is the staff of Asian BOSS

Hello everyone! It's the staff of Asian BOSS

In South Korea as in most Asian countries

The man dominates society

it's the worst gender stereotype for the whole nation

here too in Korea

there is an opposition between feminists and conservatives

we found it interesting to ask men and women what they thought

let's see what they have to say

have you heard of the term "misogyny"?

Yes. I heard about it

what does it mean?

It means you hate women

especially when you have been hurt by a woman

these people tend to think all women are bad

why do you think this term has become common in South Korea?

I think that term only recently

came into the national spotlight

the event that sparked misogyny

if you take the Gangnam murder for example…

what happened?

What was it about?

Apparently the

man tried asking women out on Facebook

and got rejected several times.

he was also regularly ignored and looked down upon by

women from what i heard this led to him unleashing his hatred

on several women who had no prior relationship with him

it was just a case of murder fool

he did not know them at all?

not at

all why he killed them

"i've been humiliated by women all my life,

so i'm going to kill a woman today"

that's what he claimed

i think this case was more

about his personal case


apparently he wasn't mentally stable

Can't say all men would have acted like that

do you think misogyny is a serious case in South Korea?

It's only started to surface now

but personally I think it's a serious case

of where do you think the misogyny comes from?

men were in a superior position in the past

But after all the feminist movements

many men may feel reverse discrimination

in certain

areas women seem to receive treatment of favoritism

and may not feel good with some men

do you think the gender inequality got bad or

got a lot better?

not only improved, I think women are favored



financially women are better off because they don't have to pay for dates for

like the fact that they expect the man to pay for everything

So you're saying the man is more disadvantaged these days?

i think men are suffering a lot

i mean there are parking lots especially for women

they also talk about building subway cars only for women

i think it's abused

also for some part time jobs they employ only women

so even if a man and a woman have the same experience

the woman tends to have the job it is

abused from what I have seen on the internet

the men often complain about military service

while the women don't have to do it

koreans think military service for men is a natural thing

they think "so what? it's normal"

"men are supposed to protect the country"

well, so women should do it military service like in Switzerland

what do you think?


i hope you're not going to fight

the tradition of men doing military service is old

so if suddenly you ask women to go into military service

they're not going to react well to that

but i think we need to look at social policies more broadly

so i think things have gotten better for women but

only feminism seems to be getting bad i find it disconcerting

i am not against feminism per se

i just think that 'in Korea we don't have real feminism

why do you say that?


....feminism here seems to be more centered on the superiority of women

do you think feminism in South Korea

is going in the wrong direction or

is it still necessary for Koreans?

i think only changes need to take place

to make a difference no matter how big

so i see it as a positive thing

in korean society,

do you think women still face discrimination?

yes, of course

especially in the field of employment

I mean that discrimination still exists

"in Korean society women are treated better,

and men on the contrary are discriminated against"

this is what we have heard from some people men

from a woman's point of view, how do you feel when

you hear something like that?

in some cases i understand where this is coming from

if you look at it one by one...

don't men get paid more than women on average?

you're right, South Korea is the lowest in the OECD nation


secondly, in terms of employment

I think women's conditions are definitely worse than men

's companies tend to assume that women quit when they have a baby

which means it's not a good investment if they're going to leave anyway

so they tend to hire young men as

employees considering all this

it's hard to see how men can be disadvantaged in this aspect

it should be the opposite

but considering the case of military service

i feel bad about it

but if women want to do military service

i think they should volunteer

there a lot of women doing military service

that's what i think

too, some men seem to think that women always expect the man to pay on a date

when you hear that,

that are you re feel?

now that many women are in the working world...

if both man and woman are financially capable

there is no reason for the woman to have to rely on the man

have you ever heard the expression " kimchi girl"?

-yes, I heard about it

-what does it mean

they want to be financially supported by men

while having the same rights as them

so people use the word "kimchi"

to make fun of these koreans

so if a man and a woman go on a date

the "kimchi girls" won't pay anything and

they expect expensive gifts like a handbag or a car from the man

so that refers to these women

so what perceptions of kimchi girls do you have?

a very bad perception

you can see them on the posts on facebook

but i think little kimchi girls

hurts the whole image of koreans

if you have a date with a man,

who do you think has to pay?

both of course

i still pay my
share these days i think most women

try to split the bill on a date

rather than ask the man, "buy this for me"

i think that women are aware of the efforts it takes and try to contribute and

help women who want men to pay for everything no longer really exist

because they realize that it crushes the rights and duties of women

they need first to take responsibility

and those who are responsible do not ask men to support them financially

so I think it's abused these stereotypes about Korean women

do you think misogyny will become worse in Korean society

to the point of upset the men

and could lead us to another murder in Gangnam?


it could be seen as something negative in the short term

but in the end i think things will get better

because i believe in korean

people if people come to realize that it's not good

then change is definitely

possible women in the workplace will increase from now on

which means women will become financially independent

and equal to men as well

but some men will not see this as something natural

because it is in contradiction with traditional values

these men feel marginalized and e

d up resorting to violence I wou

d be concerned and worried

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