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Electronic Practice

Seven Segment Display : Traffic Light

In this Practicum we have to make a circuit that Display like traffic light on the road
using seven segment as the output component. We need to make a circuit that can counting up or
counting down from 0 to 9.
To make this project we need some component like : Protoboard, protoboard  is a
material for prototyping electronic circuits. Protoboard have many terminals so when we use
this board we just need some cable to connect it. This board does not require solder to make the
circuit. IC 555, this IC used as timer and multivibrator. IC 4026, this IC used to set the shape of
seven segment display. To Activate this IC we need to gift clock pulse as the supply . Cable,
Cable used to connect the component in the protoboard. Sevent Segment common cathode, used
as the output. This component will show the result of project. LED 5v in this project it used to
show the speed of the timer circuit. Power supply DC used convert AC to DC. Capasitor used to
decrease the speed of timer circuit count. Resistor used to Decrease the Current. Multimeter used
to check the component.
Step : first we need to make the circuit plan, in this step we can divide the counter circuit
in two part. Clock circuit and seven segment circuit. Then prepare the component, tools, and
device. Next Check the component using multimeter. After that make the Clock circuit and test
it before continue to the next step. Clock circuit job is gift clock pulse to the sevent segment
circuit, so while this circuit not working well it will make the next step failed. Next make the
seven segment circuit. Last test all circuit.
To make this project some several things that Important to note. Must Obey the
laboratory regulations. check the component before start to make the circuit. And make sure you
are not connected to the Voltage Supply before you finish making the circuit. Also Make sure
you are set the multimeter correctly while you checking the component.
The key to make this Practicum success is in the clock circuit because without clock
pulse as output of clock circuit sevent segment can’t turn on. Other is connection setting at the
leg of IC4026. Make sure that Ic 4026 input and output is right.

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