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5. Basic Training on Search and Rescue (SAR). The

example of vocabulary

and conversation prepared by Central

Language Improvement are as follows:

Table 4.21

The Example of Vocabulary in Scout Movement



Siap gerak

Setengah lencang kanan Berhitung mulai

Hadap kiri gerak Hadap kanan gerak

Maju jalan
Berhenti gerak

Belok kiri Belok kanan

Balik kiri

Lanah tegap

Istirahat di tempat gerak

Hormat gerak

Satu barisan




Dress Ready

Ready count Eyes Left

Eyes Right


Ready March


Left Face

Right Face

To The Right


Step Forward


Stand Easy




Single File


Dua barisan

Double File
16 Ganti barisan 17 Dua kali ganti barisan

Reverse Ranks

Double Reverse Ranks


Hormat kanan

Salute Right

19 Hormat kanan tanpa baret

Without Beret Salute Right


Parade barisan

Parade File


Serong kanan/kin
Slant Right/Left

22 Ganti langkah

Change Of Face Raise Your Weapon


Angkat senjata

24 Turunkan senjata

Lower Your Weapon


Senjata dipundak kanan

Weapon on Right Shoulder Pada president, hormat gerak Presidential Salute


National Flag Salute at

27 28

Pada bendera, hormat gerak

Right Dress

Lencang kanan

March in Place

29 Jalan di tempat Hadap kanan berhenti

Eyes Right, Halt


Open Ranks


Buka barisan




Tutup barisan

Lencang depan Ganti langkah

35 36


Rentangkan tangan Dua langkah kedepan

Lintang kanan/kiri




Variasi barisan

Lari di tempat
Dua kali belok kanan

Close Ranks

Column Forward Change of Face

Stretch your arms sideway

Two Step forward

Column Right/left

Alternating File

Double on Sport

Double Right Face


Boy Scout and Rover Scout

a. Am I a Boy Scout or rover scout?

b. Well, how old are you?

a. Sixteen.

b. Good, you are rover scout then.

But I stay at kid dormitory

b. It doesn't matter. The scout is regardless of dormitory but regards of age.

a. Thank you!

b. You are welcome Learners activity in dormitory

a. Public Sweeping.

All learners gather in front their dormitory after morning conversation and

running morning to perform public sweeping around Modern Islamic Boarding

School and around their dormitory

Before performing sweeping, chief of dormitory and all manager give

advice and instruction about hygiene, learn, religious service and others. The


language used is English. In that opportunity also performed a public court for trespasser of language
discipline and also security discipline.

After finishing all instruction from the manager of dormitory, cleaning

service divides work for the public hygiene. All learners clean the places, which have been determined
by cleaning service.

All sentences are spoken by the chief of dormitory, all managers and cleaning service use English, so that
all learners can take the example from them how to speak English, because all managers are old learners
that are learners class

5 and 6. Hence, this way accustom the learners to listen and to practice English

when public hygiene

The example of vocabulary and conversation prepared by Central

Language Improvement are as follows:

Table 4.22
The Example of Vocabulary in Dormitory











Menyapu Membersihkan


To sweep

To clean



To keep Yard







Dormitory watchman


a. Your name is written on watchman board.

b. Isn't it? Who are the other two?

a. I my self and I forget the other one.

b. How many times have you become watchman so far?

Three times. Let's us recommendation to the teacher!

Come one! Let's go!

Watchman Task

a Let's take water! Bring water vessel!

b. But we have to use wheelbarrow Wait a minute I take it first.

a. All right. Come one! Let's go. I am afraid the water will be run out.

b. Would you like to take meals for our sick friend?

a. Well, but don't forget to submit all recommendations to the classes.

b. Certainly, then we sweep the floor and water the yard together, okay

When Becoming Watchman

a. Hi, let's join together to buy food.

b. How much is for each one?

a. One thousand will do, but the more the better

b. Here it is. You buy food and I keep dormitory here.

a. Shall you go to the class?

b. Yes in the fifth lesson for Mutholaah subject.

a. What food do you like?

b. Any food will do.


b. Summon and announcement

All learners are obliged read Al-Qur'an after performing Magrib Prayer in their dormitory except class 6.
Being reading of Al-Qur'an, one of the manager call learners who trespass language discipline along a
day as well as shares. Announcement and summon of the managers verbally in front of all learners in
every room, and sometime announcement is written on the blackboard by English. This condition can
accustom all learners to comprehend English language. c. Calling the roll

The Way of Modern Islamic Boarding School to discipline the learners is by Calling the rool. So that they
do not go out of Pondok at night because of absence, it is called in every room after performing 5 ritual
prayers and before sleeping
In this opportunity, all the chief of rooms are obliged to converse English in front of his member Besides
calling the roll, the chief also converses about room hygiene, watchman announcement and discusses
something important for them. It is held among of them. Taking a bath and washing

The opportunity to take a bath and wash is limited as well as bathroom and the wash place, it is caused
the number of learners are more than the bathroom. All learners gather around bathroom and washing
place when it comes the time of taking a bath and washing in the morning, evening and on holiday The
gathering of learners in this place makes them converse each other


This chance is as medium of learners to practice and learn to converse English language, to strengthen
the items of lesson; it is got from class, from the central language improvement and the manager of
dormitory. It includes vocabulary, conversation as well as idiom. Every learner converse to their friend
about words or sentences and ask a question each other, which they do not know yet in English in order
learners can speak English fluently

To guide learner in learning how to converse, central language improvement give the example of
conversation especially the situation in the bathroom and wash place. Then the learners practice it in
morning conversation on Tuesday and Friday morning under the control of language manager

The example of vocabulary and conversation prepared

Language Improvement are as follows:

Table 4.23

The Example of Vocabulary in Taking a Bath






Bak mandi








Kran air


Water tap Mouth wash

Tooth brush

Sikat gigi





Water close



Taking bath


aking bath 1


A Who is inside?

I don't know who

a. Whose turn is after him

b. Me, It's my turn.

a. How many people are there after you?

b. Only two

a. Can I enter before you?


Yes please, but don't be long

Taking bath 2

a. Hurry up please!

b. Just a minute, be patient

What are you doing inside?

b. Just brushing my teeth and shampooing my hair

a I've been waiting for a long time.

b. I see, I am just about to finish.

Taking bath 3

a. Is there and extra water scoop?

b. Yes, why?

a Pass me over the wall?

b. Here you are, catch it!

a. Can't I borrow your soap and your towel?

b. Sure! But don't forget to put the soap in my box and hang the towel after bathing.


To release oneself
a Friend, is there plenty of water?

b. Yes, it's enough for two more persons, why?

a. I'd like to release my self

b. One moment, please.

a. Be quick! I've got stomachache

b. Okay, I am about to finish The circumstance in the kitchen

All Modern Islamic Boarding School learners of Gontor do their activity

in Pondok, among others is in the kitchen. This kitchen is under responsibility of kitchen section. When it
comes the mealtime, breakfast, lunch and dinner, all learners go to kitchen. They have to queue to take
and side dish and rice.

This circumstance makes conversation among learners and other in the center of queue up. To add the
material of conversation in kitchen, Central Language Improvement (CLI) prepares vocabulary and the
example of the conversation in the kitchen. So that it facilitates all learners to see and comprehend
English. This conversation is trained in the morning conversation on Tuesday and Friday; it is under the
control of the manager of dormitory The example of vocabulary and conversation are as below:

Table 4.24
The Example of Vocabulary in the Kitchen






Makan pagi

Makan siang
Makan malam


lauk pauk

Sayur mayur

Daging Telur






Side dish









To cook





Tukang masak

Peralatan masak








Side Dish
a. What's our side dish for lunch?

b. The main thing it's very tasty

a. Please have some more!

b. No, thank you. I am already full.

a. Fortunately I came early, otherwise I must stand in line.

b. Yes, you are the first to come and the last to go.

In The Dinning Hall

a. Please queue up behind me!

b. Gee! The queue is to long.

a. It's nothing. Have you got an extra side dish?

b. Yes, here you are! Please help yourself!

a. Thank you very much!

b. Not at all.

Having Meals

a Excuse me! Please move aside!

b. Well, have a seat please!

a. Here I bring side dish. Have some more rice! b. All right, fetch me a little only!

a. Just help yourself!

b. Thanks

a. Excuse me! But I must be of now

b. Yes, please.

Having Breakfast

a. When do you usually have your breakfast?

b. At six twenty, in the morning. How about you?


As a rule, I have my breakfast in the first break time.

b. Some time I have my breakfast in the first break time too.

a. Do you?

b. Yes, but the side dish is often run out. The Circumstance in the cafeteria and learners co-operation

Modern Islamic Boarding School prohibits all learners to go shopping for personal need or buy food
outside of Modern Islamic Boarding School. They are obliged to buy and shop in learners store and
cafeteria. Learners Store and cafeteria are opened at the time, which have been determined, so that it
does not bother the process of learning and teaching. It is opened in the morning, before


breakfast and first rest, in day, after performing dhuhur prayer, in the evening. after performing ashar
prayer and in the night, after learning

When learner's store and cafeteria are opened, all learners come to buy their requirements or buy food.
This circumstance like in the market that very crowded, if in market the language used various, but in
the learners store and cafeteria, language used is English. When buying something learners are obliged
to use English language, if they do not speak English, so they will not be served.

To assist learners in vocabulary includes the vocabulary in learners store and cafeteria, Central Language
Improvement (CLI) provides the vocabulary and example of conversation. This vocabulary is placed in
learners store and cafeteria, while the example of conversation is trained in morning conversation on
Tuesday and Friday morning. It is under the control of the manager of dormitory The example of
vocabulary in learners store is as follow

Table 4.25

The Example of Vocabulary in Cafeterin





Minum ringan


Daftar makanan


Soft drink










Susu Es







At the learners canteen

a. What will you have?

b. Anything will do.

a. Well, I am going to have noodles.

b. I'll have the same.

a. What shall we have to drink?

b. Whatever you like will be all right with me.

a. How about ice with milk?

b. Yes, it's okay

a Carriage or tricycle to my house.

Learners store

Table 4.26

The Example of Vocabulary in Learning Store (Co-operation)








Sepatu Pena

Shoes Pen




Harga Lantai atas


Down stairs

Lantai bawah



To look



Buying a pen


a. Can I look this pen?

b. Which one? The red one or the green one?

a The red one please. How much is 1?

b. It is one thousand and five hundred.


Have you got Pilot refill?

b. Yes, here you are.

Buying Shoes

a. I'm looking for shoes. Can I see that one?

b. Which one please?

a. The white color next to the black one.

b. What size?

a. Thirty-eight

b. Here you are.

a. What is the price?

b. Fifteen thousand only


a. How much is all together?

b. Seven Thousand two hundred and fifty

a. Here it is.

b. Wow! Your money is too big. Do you have small change?

a. No. How much is the rest?

b. Two thousand seven hundred and fifty Anything else?

a No. Nothing.

115 The circumstance in Library

The responsibly of the library is library section. This section helps learners to improve their scientific
view by providing a lot of books. So far there are about 3050 titles of book and 150 sheets of
newspapers and magazines. Besides providing books this section also holding library course, staging
library books, establishing weekly papers based on the books available in this library
There is a schedule to enter the library The library is opened in certain time. Such as: in the first break,
after performing Ashar prayer and Friday. The member of dormitory enter the library depend on the
time that has determined.

The central language Improvement provides the vocabulary and the conversation that used in library. It
is purposed that learners will easy to converse with their friend when entering library The example of
vocabulary is put in library and the example of conversation is trained in morning conversation, it is
under the control of the manager of dormitory

The example of vocabulary and conversation are as bellow

Table 4.27

The Example of Vocabulary in the Library









Buku bahasa arab



Rak buku


Arabic book


Book shelf










Return back


At the library I

a. Is this seat taken?

b. Formerly yes, But I thing now it is not.

a. Could you move aside please?

b. All right. What book do you read? a. About Islamic religion.

b. Well, I thing we should increase our scientific view At The Library II

a. What kind of book do you prefer?

b. I prefer book on the subject of education and stories.

a. I my self prefer books on the subject of language and Islamic sciences.

b. What do you thing of psychology And Arabic books.

a. In fact, any book is okay

At the Library III

a. Good morning!

b. Good morning!

a. Where do you want to go?

b. I am going to Library

a. Wait a minute! I do not bring a notebook and pen yet.

[4/15, 10:57] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 117

b. Is Library opened?

a Our library is opened. Please look for books or magazines that you want.

b. Where is the book room?

b. I ask the book list. Please show me, where religion books?

a. Sorry, don't read in the book room.

b. By the way, what do you like? a I like the new magazine.

b. Please!

a. Sorry, we do not serve a rent, because books are limited.

b. I want to borrow this book

a. Where is your library card?

b. Yes, this is.

b. When do I have to return it?

a. Next week.

b. Thank you, see you tomorrow. The circumstance in the Mosque

The mosque is one of the important places in Modern Islamic Boarding

School to interact one to the other among learners. Learners perform 5 ritual prayers in this place, so
possibly learners converse to their friend.
The central language improvement provides the vocabulary and the conversation that used in the
Mosque. It is purposed that learners will easy to converse with their friend when entering in the
Mosque. The example of

vocabulary is put in the Mosque and the example of conversation is trained in

[4/15, 10:57] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 118

morning conversation, it is under the control of the manager of dormitory The example of vocabulary
and conversation are as bellow

Table 4.28

The Example of Vocabulary in the Mosque



Al-Qur an Membaca








Praying together


Holly Qur'an Read



Ritual prayers

Speaker's platform




To listen



a. Listen to the call, let's go to the mosque to perform.

b. Have you take ablution?

a. Where do we take ablution?

b. The ablution place is beside the mosque

a. How many times do you perform ritual player together?

b. Twice both are Isya and Subuh.

a. Where do you perform ritual player?

b. In the mosque

a. Do all learners obligate to perform ritual player together?

[4/15, 10:57] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 119

b. Of course, it is religion's order and Pondok's discipline. a. What if learners trespass this discipline?
b. They will be punished by security section.

The above clarifications are the social life of learners every day in Modern Islamic Boarding School. All
activities are intentionally created to assist and to help the learners to learn language Modern Islamic
Boarding School gives same attention to both formal linguistic environment and informal linguistic
environment, because both are very important in the development of language target. Furthermore,
both have a big role and each other are strengthened.

After explaining the formal linguistic environment and informal linguistic environment, the researcher
will discuss it.

While formal linguistic environment is not only focused to the English

instruction in the class in the form of rules and forms, but it also includes all

language activities outside the class. The purpose of formal linguistic environment

are all language activities in Modern Islamic Boarding School, which related with

English instruction inside the class or outside the class during the activity pays

attention to grammar

Formal instruction in the class includes teaching English activity and instruction that is reading,
composition, dictation, grammar, and conversation. While Formal linguistic environment outside the
class, it includes some Pondok activities, that is presenting vocabulary, afternoon addition course, public
speaking practice, wall magazine, language courses, laboratory, and writing paper The formal linguistic
environment in Modern Islamic Boarding School is
[4/15, 10:58] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 120

same as Dulay views, he stated that a formal linguistic Environment focuses on the conscious acquisition
of rules and forms. It is severely limited in its potential to produce speakers who are able to
communicate naturally and effectively Although it has psychological value in that many adults like to
have the satisfaction of seeing what they have learned its role in the development of communicative
skills to quite limited. Mechanical or manipulative practice in using or stating the rules may precede or
follow the explanations provided by the instructor When practicing precedes the explanation, and when
its goal is to help the learners discover the form of the rule, is called inductive. When practice comes
after the explanation and when its goal is aid the learners in practicing what was explained, it is called
deductive. (Dulay (1982: 17). In addition, Dulay stated that Formal linguistic environment has many
characteristics, those are:

1. Artificial or teacher intends to helps learners in learning second language directly

2. In this case language's learners instructed to conduct language activity in order to present language
structures that have been learned, and teacher gives detection or correction to the mistakes conducted
by learners.

3. Environment represents the part of language instruction at school (Krashen in Hadi and Rockhan,
1990: 118).

The researcher agrees with Dulay statement that formal linguistic environment is not only focused in
learning and teaching English inside the class, but also the learning and teaching outside the class, the
important one is that it concerns in rules and form.

[4/15, 10:58] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 121

And informal linguistic environment according to Krashen is as acquisition that is subconscious process
of developing linguistic concept and rules very similar to the process of children acquiring first and
second language in natural settings.
The existences of informal linguistic environment in Modern Islamic Boarding School can not be
separated from formal linguistic environment, both are related each other Boarding school does not
leave his learners learn and speak English according to them without giving a guidance and ignore
language structure and forms. Really, this Modern Islamic Boarding School makes circumstance
intentionally designed to assist learner in learning English and give picture that learning naturally is
important. Hence, Modern Islamic Boarding School upholds language discipline, obliging to every learner
to speak English any when and every place. Modern Islamic Boarding School provides many kinds of
language activities as the input to all learners to always speak English. And it is burdened to them that
the spy is around them.

Research has produced a rather discouraging view of the effect of correction on learner's errors.
Experienced language teachers have long known that correcting students grammar or pronunciation can
be immensely frustrating. Cohen and Robbins (1976) reported that correction of the written work of
university ESL students did not influence the production of errors. Furthermore, Holly and King (1971)
suggest that students may improve their control over spoken language form without correction.

In the effect of correction on learner's errors, researcher states that

[4/15, 10:59] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 122

correction on learner's errors in formal linguistic environment influence more in the success of learner's
language, it is as as what Pondok has done in the correction on learner's errors. The fact, correction on
learner's errors in structure influence in the second language acquisition.

Finally, researcher stated that the effort and the attention of Modern Islamic Boarding School to both
formal and informal linguistic environment indicate that each one has the important role to help
learners in second language acquisition. The perfect language environment must include both formal
and informal linguistic environment.

4.2 Finding of the method to create the English environment in Modern Islamic Boarding Darussalam

As mentioned on the above chapter that the English environment in Modern Islamic Boarding School is
completed by the existences of formal linguistic environment and informal linguistic environment, it can
not be separated, both are related each other Boarding school does not leave his learners learn and
speak English according to them without giving a guidance and ignore language structure and forms.
Really, this Modem Islamic Boarding School makes circumstance intentionally designed to assist learner
in learning English and give picture that learning naturally is important. Hence, Modern Islamic Boarding
School upholds language discipline, obliging to every learner to speak English. This modern Pesantran is
well known to the society till now, that it cannot be as now, if this Pondok did not pay attention and
research in his education and teaching. Informal linguistic environment is as a part of formal

[4/15, 10:59] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 123

linguistic environment. So far, the researcher does not differ between both in the method to create the
English environment. The heads of Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor

Ponorogo said that the method to create the English environment in Modern

Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo is as following 4.2.1 The existence of language
motivator, both are the heads and the director

Introductory week is annual activity as obligatory program for all of who live in this boarding school. This
activity is known by "Khubatul Arsy" which aimed to give guidance to live in Pondok Modern and
introducing the Pondok Modern to new learners.

General lecture about this boarding school is addressed by the Heads of Pondok and the director of KMI,
so it's expected that learners will understand well about Modern Islamic Boarding School from the
beginning till well known now. In this time, Pondok introduces the new learners the heads and the
director of KMI, the heads are: Dr K.H. Abdullah Sukri Zarkasy, MA. K.H. Hasan Abdullah Sahal and K.H.
Drs. Imam Badri, while the directors are K.H. Syamsul Hadi Abdan, S.Ag. and K.H. Ali Sarkowi, L.c.

The heads of Pondok and the director of KMI are responsible to the improvement of education. They are
as the example and idol to who live in this Boarding School. In every activity, they always guide and
motivate all teachers and learners. The heads of Boarding School have an authority to determine or
decide all kinds of activities and Boarding school program. All who live in

[4/15, 11:01] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: Boarding School must obey the regulation that was determined
by the Heads of Boarding School

The researcher stated that the heads and the director of KMI are the good example in this Boarding
School In all kinds of meeting, the heads and the director always give motivation and advise to the
teachers and learners, moreover, in using English in daily conversation.

4.2.2 Modern Islamic Boarding School's Philosophy and Aqidah as learners'


As the duty of the heads of Boarding School introductory week or it is known by Arsy" which aimed to
give guidance and motivation how to live in Pondok Modern and introducing the Pondok Modern to
new learners. On the other hand, School's philosophy and Aqidah are given by the heads to the
teachers, learners grade 6 as the manager of OPPM and learners class 5 as the manager of dormitory as
well as all learners.

The heads of Pondok gives motivation to teacher because they conduct the education activity and
teaching in Modern Islamic Boarding School. They should know more about Pondok philosophy that
they must have the characteristic of sincerity, if this characteristic is in their hand, they will do their duty
as good as possible and they will not disappoint Boarding School

The heads of Pondok gives motivation to the manager of learner organization of modern Islamic
Boarding School (OPPM) because they conduct and handle all learner activities outside the class. All
kinds of activities out of the class are under the control of the manager of OPPM. They are the
responsible to

[4/15, 11:02] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 125

give the deep information about Pondok s philosophy to the learners and others. The heads of Pondok
gives motivation to the manager of dormitory
because they have the important role to manage dormitory, they are responsible with the special
activity in dormitory With the good motivation given by Heads of Modern Islamic Boarding

School, it is expected all learners are able to be a cadre of ummah, and they have

knowledge and science, it is based on AL-Quran AL-Hadist: After giving and planting the philophy of
Pondok and Aqidah, the learners are given the five spirit of Pondok Modern, those are: sincerity,
simplicity, self sufficient, Islamic brotherhood and freedom. The motto of Pondok Modern, those are:
noble character, sound body, broad knowledge and independent mind

Furthermore, the director explains the important of language and the instruction target of English
language in Modern Islamic Boarding School a Language as medium

1 English language is one of factor to reach successful and education


2. A lot of book's reference are used English language, so learners should be

able to master in English to obtain knowledge and religion

3. English language is as key to success and English is as Language alternative, so that learners have to
master it.

b. Language as skill

Learning English language should have a target to supply and to master English language fluently and
precisely, so that after going out from Modern
[4/15, 11:02] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 126

Islamic Boarding School, the learners have mastered English language The example of Boarding School's
philosophy is as follows Edication philosophy

1 What seen, heard, felt, and experienced by learners one day, it has to contain education element

2 Live once, live meaning

3. Don't ask service

4. Ready to be led and to lead, broken grow to disappear to change

5. All subjects have to contain education behavior

6. Ready to be corrected

7. Education is by doing, non by lips

8. Sacrificing all the wealth, shoulder thought, if it needs with the soul

Learning philosophy

1. The method is more important than material, teacher is more important than the method, the
teacher's attitude is more important than teacher.
2. Modern Islamic Boarding School of Darusslam give fish, do not give a fish

3. Test to learn, non learning for the test

4. Science is not for science, but science for the religious service and do a good deed

4. Material in Modern Islamic Boarding School of Darusslam 100%

religion and 100 % common.

[4/15, 11:03] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 127

423 Presenting all English activities by good example

Actually, Modern Islamic Boarding School does not stop from activity to the other activity, both learning
and teaching programs or Pondok activity in the formal and informal activity. All activities are
intentionally performed to assist learner for learning to obtain the language goals.

Modern Islamic Boarding School obliges all learner to use English language in all Pondok's activities in
every place and at any time, either in classroom teaching or activities outside the class, even language
activities or also pon language activities All learners who trespass the discipline will get punishment. The
punishment is based on learners mistake.

All Modern Islamic Boarding School's activities, either in the class or outside the class is under the
control of the heads of Pondok, all teachers, all managers of OPPM and dormitory's manager The trainer
of all training activities is all teachers, the manager of OPPM as well as class 6 learners.

All teachers, class 6, manager of OPPM, dormitory's manager become good example to all learners in all
activities, especially in straightening the discipline.
Researcher concludes that this circumstance support and motivate learner to always follow and imitate
the teacher when they perform the conversation with their friend. This circumstance gives learner skill
especially in conversation.

4.2.4 Performing formal court

Modern Islamic Boarding School performs formal court to observe and to control all Pondok activities,
teaching and learning activities, language activity,

[4/15, 11:04] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 128

teacher activities, language supervisor OPPM manager, dormitory's manager, sport club's manager and
others. The court is performed in every Thursday or other day according to the situation and condition.

In the teacher's level, the heads of Modern Islamic Boarding School and Director are as the controller
Director control learning and teaching activities during a week, if there a teacher who does not teach
without any reason and he confesses his mistake, hence director warns and advises him in order to
make him consciousness and to not leave his obligation. In manager OPPM's level and dormitory's
manager, the heads of Modern Islamic Boarding School control the court for them. In this opportunity
the heads of Modern Islamic Boarding School give advise about Modern Islamic Boarding School activity
out of class as a whole. They also accommodate the aspiration of all managers and look for its resolving
and solution

Researcher states that this court is the way to uphold teaching and education in Modern Islamic
Boarding School, one of them is English instructor By this method, a lot of benefits, one of its benefit
know language improvement target in Modern Islamic Boarding School, and know how all instructor
teach seriously and know all learners what they have reached 4.2.5 Performing public evaluation,
correction and encouragement

Human being in doing a work is not always in seriously and hard, but sometimes lack of motivation to do
something. When laziness comes, no activity is done; it is caused the bad result. It is danger that will
bear perverting
Surely, all learners of Modern Islamic Boarding School in doing their

[4/15, 11:04] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 129

language activity are sometimes motivated, but sometimes the motivation is lost from them. This
circumstance causes the existence of language and language activities are ignored, so it is caused the
language damage.

If this circumstance is happen among learners, so Modern Islamic Boarding School anticipate it by giving
a motivation and language encouragement to uphold Pondok's programs, especial in language problem.
This program is under the control of Central language Improvement and language supervisor, because
they are who responsible in language discipline.

The public evaluation and correction to all teachers, manager of OPPM, dormitory and all learners are
performed in the mosque or in the meeting hall. Heads of Pondok, directors, or one of them present this

The evaluation and the correction program are performed in-group with the following rules:

1 The evaluation and correction to all teachers is performed one times a week that is on Thursday
Adviser is the Heads of Modern Islamic Boarding School. This program performed because all teachers
handle the activity of learning and teaching, either in the class or outside the class.

2. The evaluation and correction to all class VI is performed one time a month, because they are the
OPPM manager that manage all learners directly in their activity outside the class. The advisor is one of
the heads of Modern Islamic Boarding School or teachers.

3. The evaluation and correction to all class V, because they are dormitory's manager that have the
importance role in learner's managing in dormitory

[4/15, 11:04] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 130

and they teach the learners how to life in Modern Islamic Boarding School. As instructor is all teachers
specially the language supervisor

The evaluation and correction to all learners from class 1 until class IV present in a group, classes and
dormitory. The instructor is one of language supervisor or Central Language Improvement.

This program must be done in teaching and learning English, so that all learners will know their mistake
from sentences and words, which is used by them in daily conversation. Furthermore, by this program
learners will take care more and will not repeat their mistake

4.2.6 Straightening language discipline

The life of the learners inside the campus within 24 hours is full of discipline which always under control
of the guidance and counselling department staffs. This department, direct as well as indirect, is as a
controller of the whole disciplines, which prefers to use persuasion and prevention approach. This
method is meant to minimize the physical punishment as the basic of discipline control. Based on this
approach the discipline can be carried out properly, and the brotherhood among the learners could be
improved. To intensify the handling. directing, and illuminating the discipline, the learners guidance and
counselling department forms the special guardian team in different fields for afternoon classes,
discussion, public speaking, consulate, sport clubs, language courses, and dormitories. Each guardian is
responsible to solve various problems of the learners. Occasional meeting is also held for consolidation
among the guardians and for evaluation. The guardians and counselling department also takes part in

[4/15, 11:05] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 131

solving the problems faced by the learners through the tutors and guardians

Therefore, Modern Islamic Boarding School oblige all learners to converse the official language (English
during English week, and Arabic during Arabic week) any where and every time they reside in. And who
trespass this discipline, bence he will be called by Central Language Improvement (CLI) to the office,
there he will be checked why he does not speak English with his friend.

Language court consist of three, those are

Dormitory language court

Central language Improvement court

Language Supervisor Court

If learner have entered the language court and he confesses his mistake, hence Central Language
Improvement will give punish, it is as according to his mistake.

The penalization is as follows: 1. Translating Indonesian text into English or translating English text

into Indonesia

2. Resuming text

3. Memorizing the vocabulary and conversation

4. Making composition

5. Memorizing a verses of Holy Quran

6. Standing in front of the mosque or in front of dormitory

7. Reporting to director or senior teacher to ask signature

8. He will be a language spy

However, the punishment that is given by manager of dormitory, Central

[4/15, 11:06] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 132

Language Improvement and Language Supervisor are based on the mistake which I have been done by
the learner By existence of this language court, all learners always beware of conversation, so learners
will not trespass a language discipline. Furthermore, all learners will speak English at any time and
anywhere they reside in, because the spy is among them and always pay attention to them. On the
other hand, all learners do not want to enter language court, its consequently, they always speak

Researcher Stated that the existence of spy and language court are as a supervisor to the learners, it
supervises the learners' attitude to use English language in daily conversation so learners always pay
attention to use this language. The Punishment that given by Central Language Improvement (CLI) to the
trespasser is as the motivation of learners to always speak English, if they do not want to get the punish
for next time

4.2.7 The existence of curriculum development and teachers guidance

This program carried out by the department of teachers guidance to standardize the teaching skill as
well as teachers' competency development, particularly in the aspect of teaching method. This program
is compulsory for every practicing teacher who has an inadequate teaching experience.

The department of curriculum development and teachers guidance is the responsible to develop Pondok
activities, either teaching or learning in the class or the activities outside the class. Its function is as
monitor to those activities. The member of this department is KMI teachers and senior teachers.

The duty of this department is as following:

[4/15, 11:07] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 133

1 Developing the curriculum and the method that used for teaching based on Pondok philosophy

2 Determining the target of study

3. Guiding and counseling in learning and teaching

Monitoring the all activities of teaching and learning The Guidance and Counselling has specific duties in
campus to guide, control and supervise teacher's teaching activities. The area of guidance and
supervisions are mainly focused on the development of curriculum. However, all activities, guide as well
as monitor are as the integrated system of education and instruction in this Modern Islamic Boarding

The researcher agrees with the existence of curriculum development and teachers guidance, its
existence is very crucial in the development and the improvement of curriculum. Teachers guidance, its
existence must be particularly in the aspect of teaching method. Both are very essential in education.

Now, the researcher discusses the above explanation. Based on review literature on last chapter Dulay
(1982) stated that the quality of the language environment is of paramount importance to success in
learning a new language. Moreover, according to psychology of education (Fahmi, 1989 28) that the
development of language teaching will succeed, if it includes as the following:

1. Encouraging learner's motivation. Motivation may be defined as the desire to achieve proficiency in a
new language in order to participate in the life of the community that speaks the language. Here,
teacher is very crucial to conduct learner's motivation and learning condition in

[4/15, 11:07] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 134

order to bring the learner in learning situation.

2. Preparing or presenting native speaker, foreign and other kinds, such as: tape, TV, laboratory and
other instruments that can develop and give an example or model for learners in learning language.

3. Developing external factors. It has a major impact on 12 proficiency but probably do not influence it
directly Their effect is mediated by a number of variables. External factors determine the learning
opportunities which individual learners' experience.

4. Preparing language effect in order to give the learners language input. In this case, behaviourist
theory accounts of SLA view the learner as "a language-producing machine" The learner's interlocutor
models specific forms and patterns, which are internalized by the learner imitating them.

5. Preparing linguistic environment as the place in order learners can do their language activity The large
places in language activities can support learners in practicing, learning and imitating teacher's language.

6. Giving praise and punishment. Praise and punishment are very important to realize the main point.
On the other hand, learners will be motivated to learn and to practice the language.

Therefore, the method to create the English environment in Modern Islamic Boarding Darussalam
Gontor is as following:

1. The existence of language motivator, both are the heads and the director,

[4/15, 11:07] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 135

both are the first example in everything

Modern Islamic Boarding School's Philosophy and Aqidah as learners

motivation. 3. Presenting all English activities by good example.

4. Performing Formal court

The performing public evaluation, correction and encouragement

6. Straightening language discipline

7 The existence of curriculum development and teachers guidance The statement of Musthofa Fahmi
above is different from Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussslam Gontor's statement, the differents
are as following:

1 That planting the Boarding School's philosophy and Agidah is the way to motivate learners in learning
English, here the heads and the director guide and motivate the important of English language.

2. The benefit of public evaluation and correction is as external factor that

must be pay attention to them.

3. Presenting all English activities by good example, it consists of many language effects and the wide
place to imitate and to practice English language as stated by Mustafa Fahmi.

4. And straightening language discipline in Modern Islamic Boarding School includes giving praise and
The lest from the above is preparing the native speaker, it is aimed as the example for the learners how
to speak English. But on the other hand, there is something important that Mustofa Fahmi does not
mention it, those are

[4/15, 11:08] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 136

I The existence of language motivator both are the heads and the director both are the first example in
everything. Here, they are as the leader in performing prayers, it is caused the success of study

2 Performing Formal court. This is the method to direct the all activities 3. The existence of curriculum
development and teachers guidance. 43 Findings of the factors that influence in creating the English

The Director of KMI said that the factors that help to influence the English environment in of Modern
Islamic Boarding School of is six factors, those are as following:

4.3.1 English Teacher

The improvement of learners quality basically depends on the quality of the teacher Due to this reason
the Department of Teacher's Career always tries its level best to improve the teaching quality through
various programs. The school programs in this regard include: Teaching subject orientation for the
teachers on English, writing, chemistry, biology, and science, the principle of Islamic jurisprudence for
class five and six, training on teaching subject understanding and workshop.

Among other program, which aimed as a media of teachers' improvement,

is subject orientation. In order to get maximum result, the program was held in beginning of year based
on the fixed program. Due to this school program it is hoped that every teacher could master the subject

The school programs, which continuously managed and organized, include understanding subject
orientation, which naturally held in every morning as an
[4/15, 11:08] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 137

integrated school learning activities. These subjects include writing, grammar, morphology, Arabic
language exercise, rhetoric, Arabic wise word, Islamic religion, Islamic history, the principle of Islamic
and English reading. The school programs carried out to improve learners school achievement in this
year include: guided learning by tutor general test, competition on puzzle, quiz on subject understanding
held on every Friday, reading book in school library, practice on chemistry, and biology in the laboratory
based on the fixed time table.

In the other hand, the improvement of learners achievement is basically depend on the supervision and
the of every tutor in this regard the program is carried out naturally in the morning and night to upgrade
the learning achievement. To achieve this aim the school organised some competitive activities between
learners. The class tutor also guides every learners, reports and solves the problem together with the
principal of the school in the end of every semester

Beside that, the school also fixed regular meeting for the tutor of class in the beginning of school year to
introduce the school vision and mission. This meeting naturally presided over by the director of Islamic
teacher training college the principal in this occasion remind every tutor that his role and consciousness
really very strategic and significant which always being evaluated regularly to achieve maximum quality.

Writing the Teaching Preparation

This program of teaching is an obligation on every teacher in order to get maximum achievement during
his teaching process in the class. In this due regard

[4/15, 11:09] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 138

every teacher should get an attention for his teaching preparation to the head of the school or the
senior officers at the due time. In order actualise this program, the school intensifies its control at the
teaching dimension, at the time of teaching in the class. The punishment for the teacher who has no
teaching preparation may be cancelled his license to teach. Teaching Supervision
The teaching supervision is a program carried out by the school to get maximum achievement in
teaching. In this regard the senior teacher supervise Some juniors are at the time of teaching, in the
class particularly in the aspect of subject understanding and method of teaching Guide Study

In this program, every learner must summarize their studies under the guidance of the tutor and
controlled by the senior teachers together with the heads of the school. In order to get maximum
learning achievement, the teachers also supervise and guide them in mastering the subject.

The researcher stated that there is the important thing on teachers, that is the characteristic of sincerity
belong to them. 24 hours, they guide and supervise the learners without any resting, they hope just God
merit no others. All teachers of Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam are able to speak English,
this is the one of cause of the success of Pondok to create the English environment. 4.3.2 The Method of
teaching English

Language represents as medium for communication and comprehends. English Language for a learners
represent as a means of key to open various

[4/15, 11:11] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 139

sciences and Islam literature, hence the most effective way to learn and master it is by using direct
method, that is Language use directly and intensive in communications, either in classroom activity or
other activity outside of class. In learning process for beginner, this method is also recognized by
method sees and tells. This method is developed on the basis of assumption that learning process of
foreign Language is equal to the learning of the mother tongue, that is with correct reading and imitate.
Progressively child seeing, listening, imitating and practicing more, the more Language pattern and
vocabulary owned.

The basic premise of the Direct method was similar to that of Gouins s series method, namely, that
second language learning should be more like first language learning-lots of oral interaction,
spontaneous use of the language, no translation between first and second languages, and little or no
analysis of grammatical rules.

The characteristics of direct method are summarized by Richard and Rodgers (1986: 9-10) as below
1 Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language

2. Only every vocabulary and sentences were taught

3. Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully traded progression organized around question
and answer exchanges between teachers and learners are small, intensive classed.

4. Grammar was taught inductively

5. New teaching points were taught through modeling practice 6. Concrete vocabulary was taught
through demonstration, objects and

[4/15, 11:12] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 140

pictures, abstract vocabulary was taught by association of ideas 7 Both speech and listening
comprehension were taught

8. Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized The finds that the direct method was used
since the establishing of this Modern Islamic Boarding School up to now, this direct method is more used
for beginner than the next class, especially in vocabulary explanation. Moreover, the other method is
also used depend on the need. 4.3.3 The wide Place for language interaction

An aspect of the learner's situation which has not yet been considered, though referred to above, is the
situation of the leaner in relation to others We can only teach a language effectively if it is the basis for a
genuine personal relationship between teacher and learners, the relationship may not be able to
develop very far or go deep, but three should be no artificial barrier, either the mask which they some
teachers prefer to put on in the presence of their learners, or the simplification, or silhouette, or their
learners which they prefer to see rather than the rounded whole which calls for more effort to perceive.
This relationship can be developed gradually into a complex network of relationship between learners
and learners, based on co-operative work and the normal social interplay of language
Language depends on society and society is built up on supported and realized through language: no
learner can be expected to take seriously a language which fail to do what his own language does for
him: namely, set up and carry genuine contacts with others, even if the contacts area

[4/15, 11:12] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 141

different from carried by his own language. He needs to see his skill mirrored in others and realize it in
relation to others.

Modern Islamic Boarding School oblige all learners to speak English anywhere and they reside in,
moreover, in all activities they should relate each other using English as the communication among
them. Furthermore, in language activities, such as: Morning conversation, giving vocabulary, public
speaking practice and others. These activities will heritage them in the listening and speaking skill. And
other activities, such as: sport activity, and scout movement, they effort their self to speak English as
good as possible.

This social life in Modern Islamic Boarding School is intentionally created to help learners learning
English, and builds the relationship between them as the wide place for interaction.

As mentioned before, that in every activity there is something important that is the supervisor, even the
supervisor is class 5, the manager of OPPM and manager of dormitory or teachers. Because they are the
example for them in any activities, their language, action and other are followed and imitated by
learners. Finally, teacher's language, supervisor's language and manager's language can influence or give
effect to learners language.

4.3.4 Many materials of teaching

Most teachers see the need for making use of visual aids in one form or to help the learners to
imaginative experience beyond the reach classroom, not enough teachers realize the need of using
visual, aids imaginatively That is, they use the objects and situations shown in a picture, film, the

[4/15, 11:12] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 142

or other visual representation of reality as if they were the actual objects and situations themselves
whereas even the best and clearest represntation remains a representation and requires to be related
to or based on experienced reality by some effort of the imagination, however slight. The teacher can
help the learners to make the effort by reminding him of parallels in his own first hand experience and
showing him examples, until he is satisfied that the leap has been made.

Therefore, there are many visual aids that Modern Islamic Boarding School uses it, in order to help
learners in learning and teaching English. The visual aids are as following: Blackboard

The simplest classrooms aid of all is the blackboard. It has great possibilities for pictorial representation,
most teachers use it expect for writing lists of words or paradigms on it. If they show the value of quick
sketches for giving meaning or situation, helping the learners to picture what he is hearing about, they
usually excuse themselves on the grounds that they are no artists, they are afraid of making themselves
what the learners is expected to see in his mind's eye and the home language; yet, although meaning
may have been conveyed, the essential work of picturing a scene, of perceiving visually, has been left to
the learners.

Blackboard is very important not only use for teaching in the classroom, but also out of the class.
Therefore, Pondok make blackboard is something important in teaching English, because it has many
benefits. It is used for writing vocabulary every morning in every dormitory, wall magazine, and writing,
it also

[4/15, 11:13] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 143

used by CLI to write the idiom and vocabularies and put it in the strategic places as well as for writing
the summon and announcements and others. Read-made Pictures

Read-made pictures, either made by the teacher or members of the class out of school, or brought for
classroom teaching, or simple cut out of old magazines, can be divided into two categories. There are
those used primarily for decorating the classroom and giving a background that conveys a visual
impression of the country where the language is spoken. Both are important, but they have different
uses and should be handled differently Pictures printed in the textbook play a subordinate role. Tape
If teachers are going to use a piece of mechanical apparatuses it has to be prepared so that when
teachers need it they can switch on and it words immediately. Preparation means plugging the machine
in, making sure the tape is at the right speed, the right volume, is audible all over the room, and is into
the right place to start. Aids help if, and only if, they have been prepared by the teacher It helps learners
to develop their hearing and to practice the words and sentences.

Adapting Ordinary Films to Classroom Use

We can overcome the defects of a normal film for classroom teaching purposes by playing the film
silent-with the sound switched of-and giving a simplified commentary within the vocabulary range of the
learners. After playing it through once, or perhaps twice, we can play it through with the sound switched

[4/15, 11:14] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 144

on. Although a good deal of the language may still what is going on, this will bring a good deal more of
the language within their range than they would normally grasp, or even notice. The film can be played
through several times like this, and finally it can be played through with the sound switched off again,
for members of the class in relays to give the commentary and reproduce conversation as far as their
knowledge allows. Variation of the would be for the teacher to record a simplified commentary on a
tape-recorder, or for a group of five or six members of the class to the film and prepare a simplified
introduction and commentary for the film and record it on tape-recorder. This sort of work will hardly
become a regular feature of language-teaching programmes until suitable films of the right length and
graded difficulty have been prepared. Library

Library helps learners to improve their scientific view by providing a lot of books. So far there are about
3050 titles of books and 150 sheets of newspapers and magazines.

Besides providing books this library also holding library course, staging library books, establishing weekly
papers based on the books available in this library Furthermore, this library imparts the learners a scope
to rapidly advance their intelligence capacity and scientific desire via reading diversity of books. To raise
learners' reading intention, this library carries out reading book exhibition, wall magazine and serving-
round library Language board

This program is one of the activities of Central Language Improvement to

[4/15, 11:14] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 145

create English environment in Modern Islamic Boarding School. The vocabulary and term in English a by
all learners. are placed in strategic place in order it can be seen and read

The method to conduct this program is:

a Choosing vocabularies, term or story are used by learners every day, it is taken from Newspaper or

b. Before writing on blackboard, it must be corrected by language supervisor

C. After checking, the term and vocabulary are written on blackboard then place it in strategic place. It is
put in elbow Street, kitchen, in front of co operation, and others.

This program assist a lot of learners language acquirement, because by placing the language board by
the example of vocabulary and term in strategic place, learners will see and read it, so that this language
board will improve learners reading, because most of learners read what written on the language board,
hence, this language board is useful for learners. Wall Magazine

Wall Magazine is one of way of learner to express their mind, their think and idea. Learners learn to
express something through a good handwriting. Wall magazine is as learner supporter in Language
improvement in writing and reading.

Because wall magazine is important, hence Central Language Improvement (CLI) oblige every dormitory
or class to make wall magazine, it is placed in strategic place, such as: in front of class, in front of
dormitory, or in

[4/15, 11:15] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 146

frent of the mosque. The wall magazine is conducted at certain time, as in early

new month, Islamic month, Idhul Adha, Idhul Fitri, and the other time.

1. The responsible of wall Magazine order his member to write a paper by determining the good title,
then it is collected to the chief of his


2. Article which have been written to be collected to language supervisor to be checked

3. The responsible write the article which have been checked by

supervisor in special paper for the wall magazine 4. Placing article sheet on the blackboard, then place it
in strategic place, so that all learners read it.

4.3.5 The instruction of teaching English

Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam does not only teach English to their learners, but also teach
Arabic, Islamic religion and general knowledge. The language used for teaching in is English language for
English lesson, Arabic for Arabic lesson and Indonesia language for Indonesia lesson.

The English lesson in this Boarding School is English, composition,

conversation, dictation, grammar and English afternoon course addition.

The method of teaching that used in Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam is direct method; it is
used especially in explaining the vocabulary It is also used more for beginner rather than other method.
Moreover, the other methods are used depend on the situation, the condition and the need.

The researcher stated that the instruction by English can improve learners

[4/15, 11:15] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 147

language especially in learning second language. In English lesson, leamers read and comprehend in the
side of vocabularies and sentence, the sentence and new words are found in the lesson will be practiced
by them in daily conversation and it enriches learners vocabularies.

4.3.6 Central language improvement and language manager of dormitory To make the all language
activities run well in order to create the English environment, Modern Islamic Boarding School performs
Central Language Improvement, language manager of dormitory and language supervisor Every of these
three have the duty based on their job.

Central Language Improvement is the responsible for language improvement in this Modern Boarding
School. It should firmly enforce the language disciplines and rules to do so. That is why it frequently
resort to many sort of linguistic activities, such as: to hold English competition to correct wide spread
linguistic mistakes, to publish any Arabic and English story book, to alive the teaching programs of"
progress English Course" and so fort. The development of language is the responsibility of Language
Improvement section called CLI (Central Language Improvement). The tests of this section are providing
new vocabulary, controlling morning conversation, managing language courses, holing drama contest in
English Language. This year there is English Fortnight program where the learners speak English for two
weeks incessantly

To keep the linguistic skill of learners in progress Modern Boarding School served activities as below

1 To give the right usage of the Standard English and to evaluate the

[4/15, 11:16] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 148

Pondok wide linguistic faults once a week

To publish English wall magazine amid graduation periods 3. To promote English zone

4. To comprehend any literature and to interpret it

5. To write the glossaries in every strategic place.

To keep the language discipline and to hold language court Then, language manager of dormitory is the
responsible of language improvement in dormitory. A language activity in dormitory is under the control
of this manager The duty of language manager of dormitory is as follows,


1. Presenting the vocabulary every morning 2. Preparing the learners to follow morning conversation
and supervising them.

3. Holding language court for trespasser in dormitory

And the duty of language supervisor is as follows:

1. Supervising and controlling the activity held by Central Language

Improvement and language manager of dormitory

2 Correcting the vocabulary, idiom and structure before presenting to the


3. Correcting the question of examination and question for intelligence


4. Monitoring the language activities of learner class 5 and 6.

5. Holding language court for trespasser of class 5 and 6

It is clear that Central Language Improvement and language supervisor have

[4/15, 11:16] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 149

the important role in the language improvement in Modern Islamic Boarding School, its existence is as
machine moves the all language activities.

After explanation the above factors, the researcher is going to discuss it. Mackey stated that creating
language environment is not separated from teaching language and its effect in second language
acquisition, it is based on the model of teaching language according to him. He stated that the factor
that helps the teacher in creating language environment is as follows.

1 Teacher Teacher is the responsible in teaching and learning activity The teacher should know his duty
that guide, supervisor and trainer

2. Method of teaching. The method of teaching is the step that teacher should know how to teach the
learners. The method used by teacher should various according to the lesson items.

3. Socio-cultural.

4. Language instructions. It can something that brings learners learn.

5. Learners. What they do (Nur Hadi and Rockhan: 1990 133).

The factors that help to create the English environment in Modern Islamic Boarding School are 6 kinds. It
agrees with Mackey ideas, but Modern Islamic Boarding School adds it, both are: material for teaching
by English and the existence of Central language Improvement and language supervisor The first, it gives
the learners chance to always train and to expand English materials from the sentence, idiom and
structure that they have studied it. The next, the existence of language manager have the important role
in arranging language activities.

It can be something that influences learning

[4/15, 11:17] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 150

Therefore, it can be concluded that there are six factors that help to create the English environment in
Modern Islamic Boarding School. Those are as


a English Teacher

b. The Method of teaching

c. Many materials for teaching

d. The wide Place for language interaction

e. The instruction of teaching by English

f Central Language Improvement and language manager of dormitory

[4/15, 11:18] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: CHAPTER V


51 The attitudes of learners

From the questionnaire to the learners in Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam, we know that
most of the learners, 375 (60,10 %) learner's motivation in learning English because of discipline 47
learners (7,53 %) are because Gontor is well known. Leamer's motivation because language are 153
(24,52 %), and there are 49 (7,58 %) learners who because there are many friends. Moreover, it is
known that 329 (52,72 %) learner's motivation in speaking English because the existences of language
court. 112 (17,95 %) are not motivated by the existence of language. 144 learners (23,08 %) sometimes
motivated by the existence of language court, and there are 39 (6,25 %) learners who are never
motivated by the existence of language court. In addition, it is found that 380 (60,90 %) learner's
motivation in learning English because there is the good example in English speaking. 79 learners (12,66
%) are not motivated because it, sometimes motivated are 159 learners (25,48 %), and there are 6
learners (0,96 %) who are never motivated. It can be concluded that the most of the learners are
motivated to learn English. They realize that many motivations to make them learn are very important.
Some learners consider that the motivations that intentionally created are sometimes give the effect to
them. They consider that, perhaps because they still feel that they have difficulties in motivation
themselves in learning English, even though they obey and follow the Pondok regulation.

The table of learner's perception toward the teaching and learning process


[4/15, 11:18] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 152

show that most of learners, 319 learners (51,12 %) said that the teacher speak English during the
teaching and learning process. 21 learners (3,37 %) said that the teachers do not speak English during
the teaching and learning process. 129 learners (20,67 %) said that the teachers sometimes speak
English during the teaching and learning process and 155 learners (24,84 %) said that the teachers often
speak English during the teaching and learning process. On the other hand, it is known that 374 learners
(59.94 %) agree with the method of the teaching 58 learners (9,29 %) don't agree with the method of
the teaching. 165 learners (26,44 %) sometimes agree with the method of the teaching and 27 learners
(4,33 %) dislike with the method of the teaching. It can be concluded that the most of the teachers
speak English during the teaching and learning process, and most of the learners agree with the method
of teaching used by teachers. Some learners consider that direct method is good, even though they do
not know what direct method especially for beginner

The table of learner's perception toward language activities show that 365 learners (57,05 %) said that
language activities help them to learn English. 89 learners (14,26 %) said that language activities do not
help them to learn English. 115 learners (18,43 %) said that language activities sometimes help them to
learn English, and 64 learners (10,26 %) language activities never help them to learn English. Next, it is
found that there are 132 learners (21,15 %) like to join language activities. 143 learners (22,92 %) dislike
joining language activities, 272 learners (43,59 %) sometimes like to join language activities, and 77
learners (12,43 %) never join the language activities. Then, it is found that there are 101

[4/15, 11:19] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 153

learners (16,19 %) speak English in sport training, 166 learners (26,60 %) do not speak English in sport
training. 286 learners (45,83 %) sometimes speak English in sport training and 71 learners (11,38 %)
never speak English in sport training. In addition, it is found that there are 94 learners (15,06%) speak
English in scout activities. 257 learners (41,19%) do not speak English in scout activities. 193 learners
(30,39%) sometimes speak English in scout activities, and 80 learners (13,82%) never speak English in
scout activities. Finally, it can be concluded that most of the learners realize that language activities help
them to learn English. It gives them the chance to practice English. Some learners consider that language
activities do not give the effect in learning English because there are many activities beside language
activities in this Pondok.

The table of learner's perception toward language discipline show that most of the learners, 226
learners (36,22 %) obey the language discipline. 94 learners (15,06 %) disobey the language discipline.
221 learners (35,42 %) sometimes obey the language discipline, and there are 83 learners (13,30 %) who
never obey the language discipline. Then, it is known that 307 learners (49,20 %) speak English during
English week outside the classroom. 48 learners (7,69%) do not speak English during English week
outside the classroom. 222 (35,58 %) sometimes speak English during English week outside the
classroom, and there are 47 learners (7,53%) who never speak English during English week outside the
classroom. It can be concluded that most of the learners obey the language discipline. Therefore, still
there are some learners who sometimes obey the language discipline. Although, language discipline is
Pondok's rules there are

[4/15, 11:19] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 154

many learners who do not obey it.

The table of learner's perception toward language court show that 237

learners (37,98 %) ever enter language court. 115 learners (18,43 %) never enter language court. 256
learners (41,03 %) sometimes enter language court, and 16 learners (2,56 %) often enter language court.
Then, it is found that 402 learners (64,42%) receive the punishment that is given by language discipliner
89 learners (14,26%) do not receive the punishment that is given by language discipliner 110 learners
(17,63 %) sometimes receive the punishment that is given by language discipline, and 23 learners
(3,69%) never receive the punishment that is given by language discipline. Next, it is known that 351
learners (56,25 %) realize that spy help them to always speak English. 100 learners (16,02 %) realize that
spy does not help them to always speak English. 145 learners (23,24 %) sometimes realize that spy help
them to always speak English, and 28 learners (4,49 %) realize that spy never help them to always speak
English. It can be concluded that although most of the learners sometimes enter the language court,
they receive the punishment. And also they realize that the spy help them to always speak English
during English week.

The table of learner's perception toward language effect show that 324 learners (51,92 %) said that
Gontor environment helps them to learn English. language. 60 (9,62%) said that Gontor environment do
not help them to learn English language. 203 learners (32,53 %) said that Gontor environment
sometimes help them to learn English language. 37 learners (5,93%) said that Gontor environment never
help them to learn English language. It can be

[4/15, 11:19] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 155

concluded that most of the learners precept that Gontor environment help them in learning English.
5.2 The English Environment in Modern Islamic Boarding School

Darussalam Gontor

The formal linguistic environment in Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor which is found
by researcher, the real of activity do not only include teaching activity in the class, but also activity
outside of the class. The lesson item in class and activity outside of the class, one to the others confirms
and each other are related. Both teaching and learning in the classroom and outside the classroom
cannot be separated, each other related.

Researcher concludes that this Modern Islamic Boarding School does not give attention in one aspect of
skill in one lesson, but in all aspects of language skill, these are listening, speaking, reading and writing. It
does not give attention to lesson for specific skill. It is as follows.


English Lesson and afternoon addition course

public speaking practice and morning conversation

dictation, laboratory activity and language encouragement

composition, writing paper, vocabulary writing all lessons, and



wall magazine.

The informal linguistic environment in Modern Islamic Boarding School can not be separated from
formal linguistic environment, both are related each other Boarding school does not leave his learners
learn and speak English according to them without giving a guidance and ignore language structure and

[4/15, 11:20] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 156

forms. Really, this Modern Islamic Boarding School makes circumstance intentionally designed to assist
learner in learning English and give views that learning naturally is important. Hence, Modern Islamic
Boarding School upholds language discipline, obliging to every learner to speak English any when and
every place. Modern Islamic Boarding School provides many kinds of language activities as the input to
all learners to always speak English. And it is burdened to them that the spy is around them.

Based on review literature on last chapter Dulay (1982) stated that the quality of the language
environment is of paramount importance to success in learning a new language. Moreover, according to
psychology of education (Fahmi, 1989 28) that the development of language teaching will succeed, if it
includes as the following:

1. Encouraging learner's motivation. Motivation may be defined as the desire to achieve proficiency in a
new language in order to participate in the life of the community that speaks the language. Here,
teacher is very crucial to conduct learner's motivation and learning condition in order to bring the
learner in learning situation.

2. Preparing or presenting native speaker, foreign and other kinds, such as: tape, TV, laboratory and
other instruments that can develop and give an example or model for learners in learning language.

3. Developing external factors. It has a major impact on L2 proficiency but probably do not influence it
directly Their effect is mediated by a number of variables. External factors determine the learning
[4/15, 11:20] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 157

opportunities which individual learner's experience.

4. Preparing language effect in order to give the learners language input. In this case, behaviourist
theory accounts of SLA view the learner as "a language-producing machine" The learner's interlocutor
models specific forms patterns, which are internalized by the learner imitating them.

5. Preparing linguistic environment as the place in order learners can do their language activity The large
places in language activities can support learners in practicing, learning and imitating teacher's language.

6. Giving praise and punishment Praise and punishment are very important to realize the main point. On
the other hand, learners will be motivated to learn and to practice the language.

Therefore, the method to create the English environment in Modern Islamic Boarding Darussalam
Gontor is as following:

1 The existence of language motivator, both are the heads and the director, both are the first example in

2. Modern Islamic Boarding School's Philosophy and Aqidah as learners motivation.

3. Presenting all English activities by good example. 4. Performing Formal court

5. The performing public evaluation, correction and encouragement

6. Straightening language discipline

[4/15, 11:20] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 158

7 The existence of curriculum development and teachers guidance Moreover, the factors that help to
create the English environment in

Modern Islamic Boarding School are 6 kinds. It agrees with Mackey ideas, but Modern Islamic Boarding
School adds it, both are: material for teaching by English and the existence of Central language
Improvement and language supervisor The first, it gives the learners chance to always train and to
expand English materials from the sentence, idiom and structure that they have studied it. The next, the
existence of language manager have the important role in arranging activities.

Therefore, it can be concluded that there are six factors that help to create

the English environment in Modern Islamic Boarding School. Those are as


1 English Teacher

2. The Method of teaching

3. Many materials for teaching

4. The wide Place for language interaction

5. The instruction of teaching by English

6. Central Language Improvement and language manager of dormitory

[4/15, 11:21] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: CHAPTER VI


This chapter consists of two sections. The first section is the conclusion of the research findings. The
second section is some suggestions. The conclusion is the summary of the findings that have been
discussed in chapter IV These are the whole answers of the research problem presented in chapter I.
The suggestions, as the follow-up of the findings, are addressed to the heads of Modern Islamic
Boarding School, the director, English teachers and other researchers. 6.1 Conclusion

Based on the findings of this research, several points can be drawn. The following parts present the
conclusion drawn from the findings of this research.

1. The attitudes of the learners in this Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor to the
teaching and learning English inside the classroom and outside the classroom, to language discipline, to
language activities, to language court are in general good enough. The learners are also interested in
English and they have motivation in language activities.

2. The English environment

1 The English environment in Modern Islamic Boarding School of Darussalam Gontor is different from
the environments in other schools, it is completed by formal linguistic environment and informal
linguistic environment. On the contrary, most schools don't pay attention to informal environment.

2. The formal linguistic environment in MIBS isn't only limited by teaching


[4/15, 11:21] Candra Ayu Setyoningsih: 160

activities inside the classroom, but it also includes Boarding school activities outside the classroom, on
the contrary, most schools limited the formal linguistic environment in teaching activities inside the

3. The formal linguistic environment includes teaching activities inside the classroom, for English lesson;
those are English, composition, dictation, conversation, grammar and reading of story for you. The
teaching activities outside the classroom include: presenting vocabulary every morning, afternoon
addition course, public speaking training, language encouragement, wall magazine, language course and
language laboratory

4. The informal linguistic environment includes language activities those are language court, English
broadcasting, summon and announcement, morning conversation, placing the idiom and vocabulary in
strategic place, spy, obliging every section of OPPM and teachers offices to speak English, it also includes
other language activities, those are sport activities, scout movement, learners activity in the cafeteria,
learner's store, dormitory, kitchen, library and in the mosque and the life inside the boarding school.

5. The English environment in Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor doesn't complete, if
it doesn't include both the formal linguistic environment and informal linguistic environment. Then,
language effect and the wide place for language interaction such as, imitation, conversation and
speaking. The formal linguistic environment are not only limited by teaching activities inside the
classroom but it also includes the

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