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Ticket 6

Hide – and – Seek

During the summer holiday months Daniel and his two sisters lived in the
village of their mother’s parents. Their best game that summer was hide-
and-seek. One early evening they were playing with the neighbourhood
children, but as the night came the other children went home. Daniel and his
sisters stayed and played the game in their mother’s parents’ courtyard until
it got very dark. Favourite hiding places were behind trees, bushes in the
garden, behind the house, in the hen house or even in the attic.
But in the darkness of the evening a tub in front of the house seemed
like the best hiding place. That tub was usually filled with water for the
animals, watering flowers or for washing hands before coming into the
house. Daniel hid in the tub because that evening the tub was empty and
Daniel crouched in it like a cat, waiting for the sound of his approaching
sister so that he could jump out, scare her and run back to the base.

Answer the following questions:

1. Where would Daniel and his sisters live during their summer holidays?
2.What was their favourite game?
3.What did the children of their neighbours do when the evening came?
4.Which were their favourite hiding places?

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