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Mental Health
Group members:
 Rezart Zaimi
 Elsa Lleshi
 Sali Dapi-Leader
 Andia Muçanji
 Elsaeda Hafuzi
 Sabina Meçi
School:Naim Frasheri
Rezart Zaimi
My subtopics
>Emotional well being.
>Mental health therapies.
>Mental health quotes.
Emotional well-being refers to the emotional quality of an individual's
experiences. Emotional well-being is influenced by a variety of psychological,
demographic, economic, and situational factors. For example, the onset of the
COVID-19 outbreak lowered emotional well-being by 74% in China according to
one study. Multiple factors may interact
The implications of decreased emotional well-being are related to mental
health concerns such as stress, depression, and anxiety. These in turn, contribute
to physical health concerns such as digestive disorders, sleep disturbances, and
general lack of energy. The profile of a person prone to emotional distress is likely
someone with low self-esteem, pessimistic, emotionally sensitive, very self-
critical…, people who need to constantly assert themselves through their
emotions. They also tend to be timid, overly worried about the future, and
focused on the past. As Dr. Marisa Navarro says in her book La Medicina
Emocional (Emotional Medicine), "no one is safe from suffering this emotional
state. It is a very serious problem that can result in constant states of anger,
sadness, worry and even anxiety or depression".
On the positive side, enhanced emotional well-being is seen to contribute to
upward spirals in increasing coping ability, self-
esteem, performance and productivity at work, and even longevity. Thoughts
determine our feelings, and thoughts are nothing more than firings of neurons.
And those feelings that our thoughts generate make our body release extremely
addicting substances like adrenaline and cortisol. Like with any other addiction,
the need to continually feed off these addicting substances tends to make the
body think and feel in a certain way. When someone decides to disengage from
these emotional addictions, they have to learn to think differently.
Mental health therapies or psychiatric conditions are common. Many
times, they run in families. Some of the most common mental health conditions
are depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. These illnesses and others like them
interfere with your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Learning you have a mental
health condition can be upsetting. But there is hope. There are a variety of
treatments available for mental health conditions. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Path to improved health

There are several types of treatment for mental health problems. They include:

Psychotherapy or counseling.This also is called talk therapy. It is one of the most

common treatments for mental health disorders. It involves talking about your
problems with a mental health professional. There are many types of talk therapy.
Some common ones include cognitive behavioral therapy or dialectical behavior
therapy. Talk therapy is often done one-on-one. It can also be done in a group
setting or with your family. Individual and group talk therapy is sometimes
helpful. This type of therapy can be useful even for those who do not have a
mental health condition and are simply going through challenging life situations
(grief, divorce, etc.).
Prescription medicine.Prescription medicine is another popular treatment
method. Medicines for mental disorders make changes to brain chemicals that
are involved in emotions and thought patterns. Medicines don’t cure psychiatric
conditions or health problems. But they can improve your symptoms. They can
make other treatments, such as counseling, more effective. There are many
different kinds of prescription medicines available that work in different ways.
Your doctor will make a recommendation and share any side effects.
Support groups.Self-help and support groups can help you gain insight into your
condition. They can provide friendships, support, resources, and tips on how to
live with your condition. They also help address the feelings of isolation that often
go along with mental health conditions.
Other therapies.There are many types of therapies people use to help treat
mental health problems. These can include physical activity, such
as exercise or yoga. They can also include creative therapies. These are therapies
done using means of expressing yourself creatively. They can include using art,
music, movement, or writing.
ECT or other brain stimulation therapy.Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a safe
procedure that sends electric currents into the brain. This causes changes in the
brain that can improve and even reverse troubling symptoms. ECT and other brain
stimulation therapies are often used when other kinds of treatment haven’t
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. This type of
therapy is used to relieve psychological stress. It has become an effective way to
help treat trauma, especially post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Hospital or residential treatment program.Sometimes your mental health issues
become so bad that you need to receive treatment in a hospital or a long-term
program. This can happen when you can’t take care of yourself. Or it happens
when you are in danger of harming yourself or others.

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