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With this activity, you are expected to achieve the following learning outcomes:

Learning outcome: To demonstrate comprehension of very short and simple texts,

phrases, and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate

personal relevance when it comes to reading, listening, and the usage of simple

grammatical structures and sentence patterns.

The activity consists of:

Below, you will find some activities related to each one of the skills:


Read the text A wildlife officer on Kangaroo Island, and follow these


1. Find an adjective in the text which matches the descriptions below:

1.1 not interesting ___Boring____

1.2 the opposite of sad _____Happy_______

1.3 many people like it ____See Koala bears_____

1.4 a nice thing to do; makes you smile ___Help with the sea Kayak_________

1.5 Nice to look at ____ See Kangaroos ________

1.6 Very good _____Working like wildlife officer _______


2. Read the following text and answer the questions.

2.1 What is the prize?

Work in the one of the best jobs in the world

2.2 Is this competition open to everyone?

People that aged are 18-30

2.3 Do you think this is an interesting opportunity? Why?

Yes, because is good for the people interested in the wild life

3. Read the text A wildlife officer on Kangaroo Island again and answer the

questions below:

3.1 Where does she work?

She works in the Kagaroo island

3.2 What work with people does she do?

She takes a visitors on the walking tours and help with the kayak tours

3.3 What work with animals does she do?

Check the turtles on the beach and in the sea

3.4 What things does she like doing?

Swim with the turtles, see beautiful animals, work in the Kangaroo Island


1. Write an e-mail where you apply for the job in the advert Tourism Australia. (150

words aprox.)
2. Write your own biography in no more than 10 important facts of your life.

Choose the 10 most important events in your life and write your biography with

them. (200 words aprox)


Talk about a member of your family. Provide his/her personal information, describe

him/her and talk about his/her tastes. Say also what things you both have in

common. Additionally, describe a past experience you had with him/her. Record

this information in a video or audio and upload it. Paste the link in the final


Nota: el taller debe entregarse el día lunes 28 de febrero por correo

electrónico, aparte de eso la estudiante deberá sustentarle a la docente las

actividades que hay dentro del trabajo.

Correo electrónico:

Cel: 3104145438

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