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Copyright © 2017

Copyright © 2017
There are many secrets and tips that can instantly
improve your piano skills, and in this lesson I’m
going to show you another one. The secret to my
success as a pianist is the metronome.

Metronome = Better Practice

The metronome has been my constant companion through the years that I’ve
played and practiced piano. It always comes down to practice, and the
metronome can help you with that.
The metronome is a device used by musicians that marks time by
ticking at a certain rate (beats per minute). Some electric pianos
and keyboards have them built in, but I have mine on a free
phone app which I would highly recommend getting if you don’t
have a metronome yet.
You can control how fast or slow the metronome ticks, depending
on how fast or how slow you want to play. The best way to use
the metronome is to play along with it while you play your song.

For example, if I wanted to practice this exercise with the metronome, I would
start out slow at first, like 60 BPM. Then I would play along with the exercise, and
gradually increasing speed as I go along. It doesn’t really matter how fast or slow
you play, as long as it’s good for you. You can always adjust the metronome, but I
recommend practicing between 60 and 108 BPM.

Muscle Memory & Dexterity

The metronome is great for building finger muscle memory and dexterity so
you’ll eventually be able to play fast songs accurately. The more you practice, the
better you’ll be and the metronome is a critical part of your practice.

Copyright © 2017

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