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I chose this for outcome number one because you shouldnt seak validation from others, your

own will always be enough.

During high school I never really studied, but coming to college that was a no go, I had to
double down and go to tutoring for math just to pass with the minimum to get by. ( outcome 2)
( outcome 3) I used to let my emotions get the best of me but with a lot of healing and prayer I
now can say I have my emotions in check.

(outcome 4) i chose this for my 4th outcome because my friends are how i deal with my stress,
they help me talk it out or forget what i'm going through at that time.
(outcome 8) i find prudence to be my top one and it is, without it i could have made some bad
decisions or gotten myself hurt. This is why I always stop to ask myself questions.

On my free time i liked to design clothes, i bought all the machines and paint for it to do it
properly, although i have shied away from it now ive completed multiple clothing projects for
myself now. (outcome 10)
I invite all my friends to hang out or do something to show inclusiveness.(outcome 97)

Trial and error has to be my favorite style of decision making because I'm a hands-on learning
kind of person. ( outcome 102)

To show my active listening skills I remove my airpods because I tend to always have them in
and it may be seen as me not giving my full attention. (outcome 110)
(outcome 99) i would like to think my critical thinking skills are very well, but typically only on
something i find interesting.

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