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Facial Expression

Facial expressions are dynamic features which help to communicate attitudes, emotions,
intentions and so on. The face is the primary source of emotions. In addition are used by us to
convey various types of meaning in various contexts. The people perceive facial expressions as
conveying meaning, but what exactly do it mean?

Some of the following examples could answer the question. There are 7 types of facial


Eyebrows tell a lot about what a person is feeling. They can be...

Raised and arched (surprise)

Lowered and knit together (anger)

Inner corners drawn up (sadness)


The only thing more telling than the eyebrows are the eyes themselves. They might be

Wide open (surprise)

Intensely staring (anger)

Have crow's feet crinkles (happy)


The final piece of the facial expression puzzle has to do with the mouth. Look for:

A dropped jaw (surprise)

Open mouth (fear)

One side of the mouth raised (hate)

Corners raised (happiness)

Corners drawn down (sadness)

- Disgust - Anger

- Sadnnes - Happiness

- Fear - Surprise

- Contempt

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