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Course Outlines

Course Name: Basic Biostatistics for Masters Students

Course Code: PuHe6021
Course Credit Hours: 3 Cr. Hrs.
Prerequisites: None
Lecture Hours: 48 Hours
Practical Hours:
Course Description: This course provides knowledge dealing with basic statistical methods
including parametric and non- parametric statistical methods in health care management

Learning objectives: After completion of this course, the students should be able to:
• Describe Basic Statistical Methods in Healthcare Management
• Exercise regression analysis
• Explain non- parametric statistics and hospital statistics

Course Content:
1. Introduction to Descriptive statistics
1.1 .0 Why Biostatistics
1.1.1 Definition of terms
1.1.2.Classification of statistics
1.1.3 Characteristics of Statistics
1.1.4. Classification of statistic
1.1.5. Application and limitation of statistics

1.2. Methods of data collection and management

1.2.1. definition of Terms
1.2.2 Methods of data collection
1.2.3. Questionnaire Design
1.2.4. Methods of data organization and presentation
1.2.5. Data entry using SPSS
2. Summary measures
2.1. Measures of central tendency
2.2.Measures of dispersion
2.3 Measures of shape
3. Probability and probability distributions
3.1 Definition of basic terms in probability
3.2. Set theory and probability
3.3 Types of probability
3.4 Random variable and probability distribution
3.5 Common probability distribution
4. Sampling methods and sample size determination
4.1 Definition of terms and concepts
4.2 Error in statistical survey
4.3 Types of sampling and sample size determination
4.4 Sample size calculation using Epi-Info
4.5 Random Number generating
5. Statistical inference
5.1 Sampling distribution and its properties
5.2 Estimation
5.3 Hypothesis testing
5.4 Paired and independent sample t-tests
5.5 Concept of analysis of variance
5.6 Basic assumptions and application of ANOVA
6. Correlation and linear regression
6.1. Analysis of Correlation
6.2. Simple Linear regression model
6.3. Multiple linear regression and Model diagnostic tests
7. Categorical data analysis
7.1. Concept of categorical data analysis
7.2. Chi-square test for analysis of categorical variables
7.2. Binary, multinomial, and ordinal logistic regression
8. Count data analysis
8.1. Poisson regression
8.2. Negative Binomial regression
8.3. Zero-inflated Poisson regression

9. Survival Data Analysis

9.1 Basic concepts of survival analysis

9.2. Non- parametric methods
9.3. Cox proportional hazard model
9.4. Extended Cox proportional hazard models

10. Non-parametric methods

10.1 Concepts of non-parametric method

10.2 Types of non-parametric test
10.3 Applications of Non-Parametric test

Assessment methods

Project assignment=30%
Seminar presentation=10%
Written exam=60%

1. Bland, M. An Introduction to Medical Statistics, 3rd ed. University Press, Oxford, 2000.
2. Degu G. and Tessema F. Biostatistics for Health Science Students, lecture note series.Addis
Ababa, January 2003.
3. Colton, T. Statistics in Medicine, 1st ed., Little, Brown and Company (inc), Boston,USA, 1974.
4. Fletcher, M. Principles and Practice of Epidemiology, Addis Ababa; 1992.
5. Degu G. and Yigzaw T. Introduction to research methodology: Lecture note for health science
students. Addis Ababa, 2006.
6. Hennekens Ch. and Buring J. Epidemiology in Medicine. Boston, 1987.
7. Hosmer DW, lemeshow S.Applied logistic regression. Second Edition Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, 2000.

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