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Lee con atención y resuelve los ejercicios.

1. Rellena los espacios en blanco según corresponda.

1. You must do your homework everyday. 

2. You must help your parents at home.
3. You must behave well in the classroom.
4. You must tidy your room everyday.
5. You must study hard to get a good job.
6. You mustn't smoke. It is bad for your health.
7. You mustn't drive fast. You have to respect traffic signs. 
8. You mustn't touch that plug. It's dangerous!
9. You mustn't throw the rubbish on the ground.
10. You mustn't disturb the bus driver. It's forbidden!

Explica brevemente la diferencia entre los verbos modal Can, Could, Might y Must.

May, might y could son tres verbos que se usan, entre otras funciones,
para hablar de probabilidad y es en este caso en el que podemos
 Expresar probabilidad: We may go out this Saturday.
 Expresar deseos/esperanzas: May the force be with you.
 Pedir/conceder permiso: You may now kiss the bride.
 Ofrecerse: May I help you?
 Expresar probabilidad: Be careful, the floor might be slippery.
 Hacer sugerencias: You might try parking in the street.
 Pedir algo: Might I borrow some money?
Expresar una habilidad (pasado): I could do a handstand when I was a little girl
 Expresar probabilidad: They could fine you if you don’t leash the dog
 Pedir algo/ hacer sugerencias: Could you give me a hand?

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