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April 25 ? May 10, 2008

Journey with Bruce Lipton and Nicki Scully on a pilgrimage to Egypt. This magical adventure
joins science and spirituality to provide a deep experience of Mystery School rites of passage in
the monuments and temples of Egypt. Bruce brings his extensive background in cellular biology,
quantum physics, and consciousness to provide a scientific context for the shamanic initiatory
processes that Nicki has learned from leading 30 plus groups to Egypt since 1989. Together
they will lead you through a mystical weaving of science, spirit, and the magic of ancient Egypt.

Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., author of the best selling book, The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power
of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles, is an internationally recognized authority in bridging
science and spirit.
Nicki Scully, author of Alchemical Healing, A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational
Medicine, and co-author of Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt, Awakening the Healing Power of the
Heart, is a teacher in the fields of metaphysics, shamanism and healing.
Please join Nicki Scully and me as we explore these new ancient mysteries in the magical land of
Egypt, April 25-May 5, 2008. For detailed information and registration, see shamanicjourneys
website or contact us by phone or email: email (800) 937-2991,
(541) 484-1099

Site : Article : Copyright 2006-2007 Bruce Lipton Ph.D.

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