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Name: Bryan Roger Rodríguez Del Pezo

GDT 8/1

Módulo 4

B. Rewrite sentences with possessive pronouns.

1. Those shoes belong to my daughter. They’ re hers
2. That coat belongs to my son. They are his
3. The house across the street is my parents’ house. They are theirs
4. These coins are my husband’s and mine. They are ours
5. The table over there is your table. It's ours

C. Complete each conditional sentence. Use your own words.

1. If the weather is bad this weekend, __ I prefer to stay home
2. If _ my friends ask me out_, l´ll go out eat tonight.
3. If I found your wallet, _ I will give you back
4. If__ he lets me go to the phone booth, I always call home.
5. If I had a new car, I would take my family for a ride.

D. What would you do? White an unreal conditional sentence beginning with If.
1. You have two sandwiches for lunch, but they charge you for one.
If it would be good to buy two sandwiches, I would eat one and take the other one
for my friend.

2. You pay for a newspaper that costs one dollar with a five-dollar bill.
The merchant gives you nine dollars change.
If the change was wrong, I would directly tell the seller that he was wrong

3. You order a PDA from a mail-order company. You see that there are two PDAs and
a cell phone in the box.
If I had realized that I had more than one PDA, I would call the company.

E. Whiting. On a separate sheet of paper, write a story about a time you or someone
else had to make an ethical choice.

Once in a musical event traveling back and arriving at a colleague's house he had not
realized that he had left his naleta inside the car which I noticed and returned to return his
belongings, the same one that had the money from the event

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