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Informative Writing

Author: Ananda Dwi Riowni Firdaus

Topic: How to keep a healthy body from good sleep quality

Some people may think, is it true that quality of sleep can affect our health? The answer
is yes. Sleep is one of the most important activities for health. Smith, Felts, and Becker
(2009) explained that poor sleep quality, fighting, suicide ideation, smoking, and alcohol
use appear to be health risk behavior. It is not difficult to keep a healthy body from a
good quality of sleep. This essay will help you provide some solutions, on how to keep a
healthy body from good sleep quality, by set a good sleep schedule, create a restful
room, and pay attention to what we eat and drink.

In addition to get a good sleep quality, firstly we should set a good sleep schedule and
stick with it. Polyzopoulos (2001) claimed that for the right sleep schedule to keep a
healthy body, people require a consistent sleeping time of roughly 7–8 hours,
particularly at night. It means, the recommended amount of sleep for a healthy body is
at least seven to eight hours. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. For
example, if we sleep at 10 pm, we have to wake up at 6 am and do it every day. Being
consistent in our sleep schedule reinforces our body's sleep-wake cycle.

The next one we should do is create a restful room for a cozy sleep. Some people may
have a different opinion on how they get a comfortable environment for sleep. But often,
it is cool, dark, and quiet. Exposure to light might make it more challenging to fall
asleep. For this consider using a dim light instead or if it’s still too bright, we can turn off
the light. The right set of lighting can help create a perfect atmosphere. For a quiet
room, use an earplug. And for cooling the room consider using an air conditioner or a
fan. All should be considered and suits our needs.

And the last step to get a good quality sleep is paying attention to what we eat and
drink. When bedtime comes, avoid being hungry or stuffed. It can make a discomfort
feeling that might keep you up. Besides that, avoid food or drink that can risk our health
and even can affect our sleep such as nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol. Nicotine and
caffeine's stimulating effects take hours to wear off and can disrupt sleep quality. And
even though alcohol makes us tired and sleepy at first, it can impair our sleep later on.
Consider eat well and don’t get too stuffed or hungry before bed, and drink water

There are other brilliant ways how to keep a healthy body from good sleep quality. In
conclusion, sleep, therefore, is a basic necessity of the human body. Poor sleep quality
such as lack of sleep or a messy sleep schedule can affect body health. Hence, we
need to improve our sleep quality to get a healthy body, start from set a good sleep
schedule, create a restful room, and pay attention to what we eat and drink. These tips
are sure to help keep our healthy body from good sleep quality.


Smith; Felts; Becker. Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Health Risk Behaviors.
College Student Journal; Sep 2009; 43, 3; ProQuest pg. 924.

Lambrini; etc. (2018). Sleep and Health: Role of Dopamine. IntechOpen: Chapter 3.

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