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Create Test Scenari

Test# Test Scenario
Test 1 1. Enter Valid email Address or valid Phone number
2. click Next

Test 2 1. Enter invalid email address

2. Click Next

Test 3 1. Enter invalid Phone number.

2. Click Next

Test 4 1. Enter Invalid Email and Phone number

Test 5 1. let the textfield of email or number text box blank

Test 6 1. Click "Forgot Email?"

Test 7 1. Click "Learn more"

Test 8 1. Click "Create accout"

Test 9 1. Click "English(united states) drop down arrow

Test 10 1. Click "Help"

Test 11 1. Click "Privacy"

Test 12 1. Click "Terms"

2.Create Test Scenario

Test# Test Scenario
Test 1 Enter valid First Name and Last Name

Test 2 Enter Username with letters only

test 3 enter username with letters and numbers

test 4 enter First Name,Last Name and Username with special
characters or symbols

Test 5 Enter Password with minimum of 8 mix letters,no.,symbols

Test 6 Enter the same password on confrim password

Test 7 Enter Password with length of 7 and below characters

Test 8 Enter incorrect password on confirm password field

Test 9 Click the logo on the right of confirm password

Test 10 Click Sign-in instead

Test 11 cick Next after filling in all the text fields

Test 12 click Next without any answers on the text fields

Test 13 1. Click "English(united states) drop down arrow

Test 14 1. Click "Help"

Test 15 1. Click "Privacy"

Test 16 1. Click "Terms"

1.Create Test Scenarios for Gmail Login Page.

check if the user can bypass without blocking.

Check if the user will direct to entering password page

Check if the user will get a blocking message by using invalid

Email Address

Check if the user will get a blocking message by using invalid

Phone number

Check if the user will get correct blocking messages

Check if the user will get a blocking message and the

textbox will be highlighted

Check if the User will direct to Forgot email Page.

Check if the User will Direct to Learn more Page

Check if the User will direct to Creating account page

check if the user can see langauges choices for text languages.

Check if the user will direct to Help page

check if the user will direct to privacy page

check if the user will direct to terms page

2.Create Test Scenario for Gmail Sign Up page.

check if the User will not get any blocking messages

Check if the Username is have the same username with the

other user

Check if the username is valid and not same on others.

check if the user's entered username is invalid

Check if the Username is have the same username with the

outher user
Check if the username is valid and not same on others.

check if the user's entered username is invalid

Check if the user will allow the entered password

Check if the user will not get blocking messages

check if the user will get blocking messages

Check if the user will get a blocking messages by entering

incorrect password

check if the correct password will be reveal

check if the user will direct on the sign in page

check if the users account will create successfully

check if the user will get a bocking messages and the text field
should be highlighted

check if the user can see langauges choices for text languages.

Check if the user will direct to Help page

check if the user will direct to privacy page

check if the user will direct to terms page

for Gmail Login Page.
Expected Result Status/Report
The user should direct to entering password page

the user should receive a blocking messages after

entering invalid Email

the user should receive a blocking messages after

entering invalid Phone number

The user should receive a correct messages

The User should get correct blocking message and the

text box should be highlighted

The User should direct to Forgot email Page.

The User Should direct to Learn more Page

The user sould direct to Create account page

The user should see any choices for text languages.

the user should direct to help page

the user should direct to privacy page

the user should direct to terms page

r Gmail Sign Up page.

Expected Result Status/Report
the user first and last name should not get blocking

the user's username should not accept by the system if

there is same with the others and suggest new valid

The user's username should accept by the system

the username should block and the system should

suggest new valid username

the user's username should not accept by the system if

there is same with the others and suggest new valid
The user's username should accept by the system

the username should block and the system should

suggest new valid username

This should need to check with the analyst on what

special characters or symbols should be valid to enter

the password should allow

the password should not get any blocking messages

the sys should not allow to entered 7 and below


the user should get blocking messages

The users password should reveal

the user should direct on the sign in page

the users account should create successfully

The user should see any choices for text languages.

the user should direct to help page

the user should direct to privacy page

the user should direct to terms page

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