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What happened in status quo is, since Asian Economic Community (AEC) in other words MEA, was
established in 2015, there has been exist an agreement to create freer corporation amongst community
in South East Asia countries. The take-ways of this corporation are ranging from politic, economic,
trading, to free movement of labour.

With regard to free movement of labour, it is a fundamental principle of the EU and first introduced by
the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992 resulted in giving significant impact of European countries economic
growth throughout the years.


With that in mind, today we are supporting on the side of government, is doing the same thing, but in
Southeast Asia.

But before that, Assalamu'alaikum wr wb. Very god morning to The Honorable Panel of Judges, our
beautiful chairperson, my beloved colleagues, our respectful opponent on side of opposition, and not to
forget member of this house on the floor.

Time split

Two things I’m going to do in today’s speech. First, I’ll give you complete case set-up and give my
argumentations on how it’s economically beneficial. And my deputy will refute the point that coming
from opposition team and give his own extensive points and my whip will be reconstructing the
anatomy of our case and I’ll tell why we should win today’s debate.


Establishing a zone for free movement of labour means for those of people who have job qualification
will find it easier to find jobs in South East Asia’s countries, freer to go to those countries without going
through such complicated administration process and provided with adequate services and facilities in
the country they work in.


We are gonna base our model on the South East Asia Zone, there are three mechanisms the we propose

1. We still give job opportunity to domestic labour.

2. Guarantee fair wages and job protection to local and expatriate workers so that social jealousy
does not occur
3. Implement wage standards that can prosper all parties
Arguments 1

• Assertion

1. Can help deal with labour shortages.

• Reasoning

Some countries in South East Asia, there are certain jobs that are not in demand, or are not filled
because they do not have a lot of skilled or competent labour to take it. And this situation can cause
market labour instability. Therefore, by establishing a zone where many countries in South East Asia are
able to send and receive skilled labours in particular fields to meet job’s demands. As a result, there are
many benefits that can rise up such as it will make the receiving-countries will get highly competent
labour so that it can increase the value of the company and encourage the country's economic growth.

• Evidence:

For example, Indonesia has high needs of adequate labor in the field of civil engineering and technology
in order to develop its infrastructure and economies. However, Indonesia’s Human Resources in those
fields can’t overly meet those demands and requirements due to lack skill or qualification of labor or
experiences needed. So, in order to tackle this problem, Indonesian government can initiate to employ
foreign skilled workers from Singapore in which has high level of human resources in terms of
technology and engineering, so both countries can benefit each other.

Or another example is, Indonesia has formed a partnership with Brunei in the field of Agriculture. The
Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam stated that Indonesia has good knowledge and technology in
increasing rice productivity. So that Indonesian labours who are expert in agriculture could be sent to
Brunei in hope that it could boost Brunei’s agriculture supply.

• Link Back

Therefore, establishing a zone of free movement of labour can solve labour shortages in many countries
especially in South East Asia in which it could benefit the whole countries to fill such undesirable and
adequate jobs particular fields.
Arguments 2

• Assertion

2. Give opportunities for labour to work elsewhere

• Reasoning:

A key word upon this argument is choice. Once we establish this free movement of labour, this will lead
to wider access for many people to look for jobs not only in their home country but also abroad. In other
words, it’s an opportunity for workers to work elsewhere. This opportunity is not only about having a
job abroad, but also they are offered a better choice of job choice in terms of salary, working-hours, and
facilities. Moreover, this also can reduce unemployment rate, then automatically will improve people's

• Evidence:

Indonesia is relatively rich of workers in service industry, profession as teachers for example. In fact,
Indonesia has a large number of teachers; it is likely that the level of competition for teacher
certification and vacancies is high as well. Hence, teachers in Indonesia have the choice to work in
different countries in Southeast Asia where profession as teachers are required the most, let’s say a
country like Philippines as an example.

• Link Back:

So, applied this motion means give the opportunities to labours to work elsewhere.

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