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I actually prefer to work under stressful or even pressurized environment because this is part of
my personality that I am best at. I'm really skilled at handling multiple tasks and I do love
working in this kind of environment. I am able to handle stress and pressure at work by taking a
small step back to be able to see the situation from a more objective viewpoint. With this, I will
be able to start focusing on the task in hand, by remaining calm and by creating a list of what
needs to be done so that I can be able to move onto the next step. I also handle stress and
pressure by making sure I keep myself healthy. In this way, it enables me to maintain my
optimum levels of concentration at work.
2. In a work place, every worker has its own personal views, conflicting goals and competitive
behaviours often these differences can escalate to conflict. With this one having a team member
with differing views on important marine environment issues, you need to be open-minded.
Respect and hear his or her opinions as well as viewpoints. Through this, we can be able to
annihilate if there are any miscommunication between your team member and will be given a
chance to clarify his or her stance. It will open avenues for a better comprehension of his or her
ideas on marine environment issues. Thus, conflict in the workplace will be avoided.
3. Conflict in every workplace is unavoidable and it can not be resolved unless it is addressed with
the appropriate individuals. When conflict aruse at workplace, I find that the best and
immediate solution is to remain calm and speak in a reasonable tone. Take time to sort things
out. And then talk calmly with the person. Listen to what the other person is saying and avoid
interrupting him or her. It is very best to communicate with the person so that both of you can
be able to come up with a fair solutions to avoid further complications.
4. To become a more effective marine biologist you need to acquire or possess qualities and skills
to make yourself stand out. One of which is the critical and analytical skills. These skills are very
important because as a marine biologist you will have to draw conclusions that requires these
skills. Next is that you have to possess patience and good observable skills because a marine
biologist studies marine life which requires ability to recognize changes in behaviour marine
species and changes in marine environment. Lastly, you need to have excellent teamwork and
communication skills.

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