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Isaac Rollins

P. Gardner

Mangled Fingers

May 6, 2022

Personalized Dedicated Parking

The parking at Brighton, although improved, is still an issue we’re facing. We even have

an instagram account called “Brighton Bad Parking”. Students should have the option to

purchase a spot of their choosing to park in for the next year. I realize that this may not seem like

a pressing matter when in comparison to other problems such as vaping or cleanliness here at

Brighton. There is one issue that is pressing that ties directly into my proposal. Attendance at

Brighton is very bad. In an assembly earlier this year, our principal, Tom Sherwood talked

heavily about the attendance problem here at Brighton. From my understanding we are among

the worst high schools in the state when it comes to attendance. The way my proposal can help

with this problem is giving students incentive to come to school. Without the worry of having to

try and find a parking spot, students won’t be as discouraged to come to school on time. They

will always have a parking spot available to them that they can use. Another reason why this

could help solve the attendance issue is that the selection process of parking spots is determined

by attendance. Students with high attendance will be able to select their parking spot first. While

interviewing Amelia Tarbet, she said she would like a parking spot dedicated to her if it was in a

desirable location.
The selection process will be done not only by attendance but also by GPA. Students with

a GPA over 3.0 will be allowed to choose their parking spot first. This is yet another form of

incentive with the implementation of personalized dedicated parking. Students will be pressured

to not only come to school every day but participate in class activities as well as homework. In

an interview with Laura Malan, she said that dedicated parking privileges should be tied directly

to the student’s attendance and grades (Malan, Laura). Students that come to school and get good

grades should be able to have their own parking spot and take priority over those who don’t

come to school and don’t get good grades.

The goal of my action plan is to set up an easy and efficient system of selecting the order

in which students get to pick their parking spot as well as an efficient way to pay for and receive

their passes. If created well, the system should leave no stress on the faculty in charge of the

distribution. Brighton is fantastic, but this small change could make more students put forth more

effort in their studies as well as come to school more often.

Works Cited

Tarbet, Amelia. Interview. 1 May. 2022.

Malan, Laura. Interview. 2 May. 2022

Isaac Rollins. Personalized Dedicated Parking Survey. Salt Lake City, Utah: Brighton High

School. 19 April 2022. Web.

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