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Name: Justine Mariel Eunice Y.

Grade & Section: BSED- English 2

Activity 1

Week 1
General Instructions:
Write a journal entry that describes your unique characteristics, habits, and experiences. 
Write a journal entry about how you have come to know yourself and how you expect this to
help you become a better person. 

Focus Question

How can oneself make someone a better person?

By knowing myself, I am able to maintain a balanced life personally and

professionally, because I will know what motivates me, and what does not.
When I recognize my strengths and weaknesses, I tend to make better decisions
in or daily choices as I am more focused on what I want to achieve, knowing
oneself helps me to understand how important I am as a person. I learn to
appreciate and love myself. I can use my strengths to excel and shine from
others, my weaknesses can be used for self-improvement and as stepping-stones
for reaching my goal. With these two combined, this allows me to grow even
more and used them in my advantage.

I can learn to handle my emotions, reactions, responses and thoughts. I know

to face my problem and give solutions to them, it’s okay for me to make mistakes
because that’s how I learned. In that way, I became more experience. I cannot be
affected to everyone that everyone says to me or other people.

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