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Name and sir name : Hilda Ayu Syafitri

Student Number : 521521024

Telephone number : +905528168783

Graduated university : Darussalam Gontor University

Graduated faculty : Nutrition Departement

Grade of graduation : 3.48

Average grade for the semester : 3.13

Country of origin : Indonesia

Date : 20 April 2022

Name and sir name : Hilda Ayu Syafitri

Exchange rate of ₺ : 3.273908 PI

Exchange rate of $ : 8.431366 PI

Interest rate : 14%

BIST 100 index : 2.430,52

Brend petroleum price/barrel : 105,01

What is turkey issue :

the turky goverment was announced that the end mandatory to use mask indoor on Tuesday.
altought the continue of wearing mask indoor ut will be for public transportation and public
health. mandatory mask use in public transport and hospital will continue until the numbers
of daily cases drop to below 1,000. The government implemented this mandate because the
number of COVID-19 sufferers has decreased than to last year and all people have been
vaccinated. the president of turkey suggest for those aged above 65 years or with serious
diseases cuntinue to use masks.

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