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Brandon Kitrosser



The Art of Escapism

Escapism is defined as the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant

realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy. Some may view escapism

as procrastination, a way to avoid one’s problems. I, on the other hand, view it as a skill, an art. I

struggle with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD). I have obsessive thoughts

about certain things and find it difficult to stop these thoughts, causing a lot of anxiety. I feel a

lack of control in my life, and I am driven to establish order. In order to cope, I try to occupy

myself with activities to distract myself and I find that gaming works the best.

If escapism is an art, then gaming is one of its many genres. It is an interactive medium,

allowing players to escape to the distant future, or a faraway fantasy land. They immerse you in

their world. You’re not just watching a story unfold, you are the hero of your own story. I have

played many games in my short life, some more fun than others. I base this on whatever games

can distract me the most. This has given me a critical eye to view games with. I notice qualities

in my favorite games, allowing me to understand what it is that makes them fun. This has

inspired me to learn to make my own games.

While gaming has given me solace from my intrusive thoughts, it has also taught me to

be more accepting in life. Single player games are great for escaping, but as I got older, I started

playing team-based multiplayer games. When I first started, I would get frustrated when games

didn’t go the way I planned. I would get upset with my teammates for playing poorly. I was
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getting agitated over things that were out of my control while desperately wanting to establish

order. However, I soon learned that this dissatisfaction would accomplish nothing. I became

more accepting when everything didn’t go to plan. I started to apply this philosophy to real life

too. This has helped me a lot in working with others.

In life, not everything can be perfect. At first, I used video games to escape this reality,

but they have now taught me to accept it. Although video games used to be a way for me to

indulge in escapism, they have now become something more. They are a microcosm of everyday

life with various factors and imperfections being out of my control. Escapism is defined as the

tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking

entertainment or engaging in fantasy. However, I have embraced this tendency to the point that

video games are more than a way to escape.

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