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The simplest definition of an adjective is that it is a word that describes or

clarifies a noun. Adjectives describe nouns by giving some information
about an object’s size, shape, age, color, origin or materia

accurate interesting reusable

accessible interoperable ripe
adaptable judicious robust
advisable knowledgeable safe
aesthetically pleasing known satisfying
agreeable large scalable
available lean scarce
balanced learnable secure
bright light selective
calm likable serious
candid literate sharp
capable logical silent
certified long lasting simple
clear long term sincere
compliant lyrical skillful
cooperative magical small
coordinated maintainable smart
courageous makeshift smooth
credible material solid
cultured mature sophisticated
curious mixed special
decisive momentous spectacular
deep mysterious spotless
delightful natural stable
deployable necessary standard
descriptive new steadfast
detailed next steady
different nimble strategic
diligent obtainable strong
distinct odd sturdy
dominant offbeat stylish
dramatic open substantial
dry operable subtle
durable optimal successful
dynamic organic succinct
economical outstanding sudden
educated overt suitable
efficient painstaking superb
elastic panoramic supreme
eloquent parallel sustainable
energetic peaceful swanky
entertaining perfect talented
enthusiastic periodic tame
familiar perpetual tangible
famous physical tasteful
fast plausible tasty
fearless popular tested
festive possible thankful
fierce powerful thin
fine precious thinkable
flawless premium thoughtful
flowing present threatening
focused private timely
frequent productive traceable
fresh protective truthful
friendly proud typical
functional public ubiquitous
funny quick unbiased
futuristic quiet uncovered
gainful rare unique
good ready unknown
grounded real upbeat
hard-to-find real time upscale
harmonious rebel usable
helpful receptive useful
holistic redundant valuable
hybrid regular vast
important relaxed well-made
inexpensive relevant wide
inquisitive reliable wise
instinctive remarkable workable
intelligent resilient youthful

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