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This presentation will be in 3 parts

1. Confidence is

2. factors that formed influence confidence

3. how to increase our confidence


1. confidence is…..

according to the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something: we had
every confidence in the staff

2. factors that influence confidence

 Internal Factor

 Self concept

Confidence is formed when someone start by his or her own self

concept which is obtained from peers or surrounding society.

According to Centi (1995) self concept is an idea about ourselves.

Someone who feels insecure usually has a negative self concept, on the

contrary someone who has confidence will have positive self concept.

 Physical condition

Change of physical condition also influences our confidence. According

to Anthony physical appearance is the main cause of low self esteem

and someone’s confidence. According to Lauster physical inability can

cause low self esteem. (examples)

 Life experience

Self confidence obtained from disappointed experience is the source

of low self-esteem. It’s better if someone has insecurity, lack of

affection and attention.

 External Factor

 Education

Education influences someone’s confidence. Someone who has low level

education inclined to make him or her feel under control of smart

people, on the contrary individual who has a high education will become

independent and doesn’t need to depend on other individual. That

individual will be able to fill life with confidence and power.

 Job

A job can develop creativity, independence and confidence. Further

confidence can appear by performing a job, besides material that we

can get. Feeling satisfied and proud is achieved because we are able to

develop ourselves..

 Environment and life experience

Environment is family and society. Good support from family member

whom we are having good interaction with will give a feeling of

comfort and high confidence. Meanwhile confidence formation also has

a source from personal experience who experienced by someone in

their life journey. (examples)

3. how to improve our confidence

-I will explain many ways to increase our confidence

1. Always think positive.

Many people know that we should to think positively to increase

our confidence. Avoid getting pity and sympathy from other

people. Never make other people have a low self-esteem to you,

they can have feeling like that with your permission. If you

keep hating yourself, people will assess yourself like the way

you see yourself, you should speak positively about yourself,

about your future, and about your progress. Never be afraid to

show power and your quality to other people.

2. Listening to songs which can generate our spirit

Music can trigger our emotion, so listen only to great and happy

songs. When we listen to sad song, we also feel sad and when

we listen to happy and fun song, that energy also influence us


3. Learn to make decision

Making a decision in life need a confidence, and learning to make

decision means learning confidence. Peoples who don’t have

confidence, will never dare to take decision in their life.

4. Enjoy what you do

Enjoying something that we do is an indication that we already

do right thing. Achievement will satisfy us and boost


5. Brave to try

Don’t be afraid of lose and fail. Every people ever made a

mistake and had failure in life. Mistakes will make us more

careful, and failure is a key to reach success. Never stop to try

so keep on trying. The real failure is when we stop trying.

6. Have a certain attitude

Nervous, hesitant, shy and confused is an indication of someone

who doesn’t have confidence. Try to have a certain attitude, you

will be in control to situation around or in you. Be more creative

and realistic.

7. Make a success list

Try to make a success list which you already attained and start

from little things. What you have done and succeeded is your

motivation to do the next step. You have already done

something in the past and successful, you also can do something

the same in the present and in the future.

8. Learn more knowledge

Confidence will appear by itself when you already have

knowledge, by being resourceful, someone will be able to know

and how to have a certain attitude and solve the problem.

Knowledge makes someone more mature when thinking and

acting. But remember, Never be arrogant and underestimate


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