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Have – Has - Go - Goes

A) Complete the following table with the correct forms of Have and Go.

Pronoun To Have To Go
I Have Go
You Have Go
We Have Go
They Have Go
She Has Goes
He Has Goes
It Has Goes

B) Fill the gaps with the correct form of Have or Go.

1. Elephants have four legs.
2. Children go to school during the week.
3. A millionaire has a lot of money.
4. He goes to English class three times a week.
5. Can I have another cup of coffee please?
6. My husband goes very fast in his car.
7. Do you have a pen I can borrow?
8. I can’t wait until I go on holiday!
9. My brother has two dogs and a cat!
10. Do you want to go to the beach?

C) Fill in the gaps with the correct form of Have and Go in the negative.
1. I don´t have any friends.
2. She doesn´t go to her aerobics class on Tuesdays.
3. Your son doesn´t have a new bike.
4. We don’t go classes tomorrow!
5. The moon doesn´t have any oxygen.

D) Make questions using the correct form of Have or Go.

1. Your friend / motorbike
Does your friend have motorbike ?

2. Dogs / wings
Do dogs have wings?

3. Father / Church
Does father go to church?

4. You / movies
Do you go to movies?

Photocopiable © 2011 Rob Woodward – - Classroom and Personal Use Permitted

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