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Arteche Blvd., Catbalogan City, Philippines 6700

College of Education

Prof.Ed. 6 (Assessment in Learning 2)

2nd Semester, SY: 2021-2022

NAME: Hazel E. Jabonete

Name of Activity: 1st Summative Test Part B (Midterm)
Program, Year & Section: BSED-ENGLISH 2A
Date: FEBRUARY 17, 2022

Directions: Answer each item concisely. (10 pts each)

1.Identify three (3) 21st century skills that are crucial to develop among the learners to capacitate them and adapt to the
challenges of the 21st century workplace. Explain your answers.

According to what I have learned, the skills that are crucial to develop among learner to capacitate them and
adapt to the challenges of the 21 st century workplace are:

1.LEARNING AND INNOVATION SKILLS – These skills frequently include the ability to think creatively and innovatively,
problem-solving and critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. To put it another way, one's ability to use a
combination of knowledge, skills, and traits in a certain environment is what learning and innovation skills are all about. In
today's time, high standards and competencies are highly crucial, and any person hired should have the necessary skills
for the work. I feel that having these skills distinguishes one in the sense that it demonstrates visionary thinking in the face
of obstacles, as well as the ability to develop one's or another's ideas with commitment and self-awareness. Learning and
innovation have become required mantras for organizations to become more competitive and deliver the greatest and
most up-to-date answers to industry concerns in this dynamic workplace in the 12th century. These skills could be used
to implement new ideas, improve services, or create dynamic goods. It can work as a spark for your firm to expand, as
well as assist you in adapting to the marketplace and increasing your prospects of career success. It is recommended as
a tool to engage employees and invest in the company's growth, as well as to aid the company's mission and vision.
However, communication and collaboration can also contribute to this in a way that it creates a healthy relationship to the
other workers and work productively in a complex work environment.

2.INFORMATION, MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY SKILLS - We now live in the twenty-first century, which is regarded as a
modern era in which technology plays an important part in all aspects of life. It made our lives easier, more comfortable,
and more fun, yet many people are now completely reliant on it, and it is widely used. As a result, workers are expected
to have information, media, and technology-related skills and expertise. As far as I recall, these abilities are taught as a
subject in the K-12 school so that students are highly competent in them. However, because of its accessibility, it is
frequently misunderstood and misinformed. That is why it is critical to have a thorough understanding of how information,
media, and technology work, including how they target their audiences, how they persuade, educate, and influence them,
how they employ various strategies, and how they may omit information, among other things. These abilities, in my opinion,
are critical for learners to learn in a way that is both practical and effective in the job. Many firms require these abilities to
recognize the need for information as well as to identify, identify, access, assess, and successfully use that information to
address and help resolve personal, job-related, or broader social challenges and problems. First, information literacy is
vital in the sense that it aids workers in accessing and critically evaluating information, particularly while conducting
investigations, writing work reports, and flying business planes, among other things. It also covers the correct use of
information, effective information flow management, and the application of ethical and legal problems linked to information
access and usage. Second, media literacy has become critical in practically every field of endeavor. More people with the
capacity to understand news, information, and data, develop conclusions, and ask the relevant questions are needed in
businesses. It also includes the ability to develop media goods, such as using the proper media creation tools, as well as
the most appropriate expressions and interpretations in a variety of multi-cultural settings. And at last, ICT (Information,
communication, and technology) literacy is an important skill that a learner should have in the workplace because ICT is
critical for the smooth running of many daily tasks and has been adopted because it can help foster more efficient ways
of working in the employment sector. Because ICT allows organizations to operate more efficiently, employing staff with
ICT skills is critical to the smooth running of any business. This requires the capacity to use technology tools successfully
in researching, organizing, assessing, and conveying information, as well as a working knowledge of the ethical and legal
problems that surround the use and access to information technologies.

3.LIFE AND CAREER SKILLS – Life and work situations in the twenty-first century, I believe, demand considerably more
than just thinking skills and topic understanding. Students must pay close attention to building adequate life and career
skills in order to negotiate the complicated life and work contexts that exist in the globally competitive digital era. School
is designed to prepare learners for life after graduation. Self-awareness and more specialized skills are in increasing
demand in today's culture. Flexibility and adaptability, initiative and self-direction, social and cross-cultural skills,
productivity and accountability, as well as leadership and responsibility, are all examples of these qualities. The importance
of life and career skills stems from the fact that they help humans to deal effectively with life's demands and obstacles.
Colleges and companies alike are placing a greater emphasis on applicants who can demonstrate their proficiency in life
skills rather than just academic performance. They understand that gaps in academic knowledge are easily filled, but
lacking life skills are considerably more difficult to educate. Aside from that, career skills are crucial in that they can lead
to a variety of job prospects. Employers will view you more favorably. Applicants that are willing to learn new skills are
preferred. You'll be more self-assured during interviews. Your resumes, cover letters, and job applications will be stronger
as a result of this training. I believe that I t is not your degree that will lead to a wonderful job or career. It's all about your
personality and outlook on life. It's all about your life and job abilities, as well as how you interact with others. There are
persons who do not have diplomas but have a lot of prospects ahead of them due of their character and abilities. As a
result, possessing life and career skills can provide you with certain vital characteristics that will help you survive this life
with more satisfaction and success.

2.Identify three (3) important characteristics of the 21 st century assessment? As a teacher in the future how are you going
to integrate these characteristics into your assessments?

1.TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED – This characteristic, I believe, is important in 21st-century assessment since it can
strengthen the dynamics between teachers and students. In order to master the skills required in today's environment, a
combination of technology-enhanced formative and summative assessment is necessary. Being that we are dealing with
a massive pandemic, teaching is now conducted online, necessitating the use of technology. The success of online
education was influenced by the teacher's and students' individual characteristics, teaching style, material use,
assessment methodologies, learning styles, and learning skills. By enabling diverse assessment methods to be used,
facilitating active learning, allowing more frequent formative assessment, and thus fostering deeper learning and
improvements, the use of technology to enhance assessment can help raise student engagement. A greater range of
skills can be examined by using a wider number of assessment methods. As a future teacher, I want to incorporate this
characteristic into my assessment by using various teaching strategies and approaches. Creating exams in a number of
formats, marking them, and delivering timely feedback can take a lot of work. However, with so many digital tools at my
disposal, I have a lot of options for assessing students. There are options for implementing rapid access and exit slips,
questionnaires, and having students participate in discussions both inside and outside the classroom, to name a few.
There are so many possibilities, and what's even better is how quickly data can be obtained, assessed, and students given
feedback. I have a choice in what kind of feedback they get. I can save data in downloadable spreadsheets, receive
emails, use Google Classroom, send an online message with the findings, and some technologies even offer other
formats. All of these things help me to better identify where the students are in their learning and what areas require a little
more attention and teaching.

2.FLEXIBLE – This assessment, in my perspective, is important and should be regarded a formal educational technique
that focuses on enhancing flexibility in students' needs, contexts, settings, and other components of the learning process.
It is a teaching approach in which students have the freedom to select how, when, what, and where they learn. This is
anticipated to be adaptable and appropriate for the demands of the students' current learning environment. This type of
flexibility is meant to increase students' engagement in the learning process, hence encouraging self-regulation. Such
tests can be created by selecting a theme and giving students with a variety of instruments to demonstrate their learning.
The assessment can be flexible in terms of the instruments utilized, the style of assessment, the timeframe for submission,
the content or topic, the type of evaluation, and the comments provided. Educators should give resources that cater to
students' preferred learning styles, assisting them in achieving the desired learning goals. In order to do this, as a future
teacher, I would use different approaches in the marking process, such as peer assessment, self-assessment, and group
assessment, to further encourage flexibility and remove the fear of assessment. Encouraging students to complete this
task utilizing a web page, reflective blog, video, roleplaying, power point presentation, collage, or a radio show, among
other activities, is an alternate option. To assess student work, I may create relevant rules and rubrics. Each student has
his or her own set of skills and limitations, and these exercises allow pupils to select their preferred learning style and
pace. Such inclusive exams may prove to be a less difficult and more appropriate means for many students to demonstrate
their learning. They also establish the groundwork for a greater grasp of ideas by making assessment an enjoyable
experience for students.

3. RESPONSIVE – This characteristic of assessment is important because it emphasizes the use of timely feedback from
teachers and peers in informing students about their progress toward learning goals and objectives. This creates a sense
of involvement and participation, as well as a sense of ownership over one's own learning. It also gives them the chance
to improve their learning results by using constructive criticism from previous mistakes or flaws. I feel that the process of
producing a response should be a positive, or at the very least neutral, learning experience for the learner. Negative
feedback can demotivate students' efforts and results. It is critical to emphasize defined objectives and carefully planned
learning, as well as identifying and responding to what children have learned. As a future teacher, I will engage in ongoing
assessment discussion in order to integrate this assessment. Examine the results of each assessment to find strategies
to involve students and their cultural knowledge, as well as to scaffold their learning with what they already know. In every
evaluation, I will provide a specific grade and set standard as a mark to their learning, and I will inform them of what areas
need to be improved, as well as possible solutions and advice for becoming better next time. Encourage them to do better,
and in addition to the other techniques available, I can use the rewards system. I'll assess their learning base based on
their development and whether or not they've followed my advise and criticism. Such for example, I talked about literature
and various literary works, for example. I'll do a formative evaluation to see if the students comprehended the instruction.
The students will respond to the question "How does Literature mirror your life?" on a 14-sheet of paper. "What literary
work reflects your life?" and "What literary work reflects your life?" In this method, I'll be able to determine how deep their
understanding is and whether they truly comprehended the instruction.

3.How is outcomes-based education related to 21st century assessment? Explain using specific examples.

I believe that outcome-based education is related to 21st century assessment in a sense that They have a
balanced and inclusive assessment system that is meant to assist improvement at all levels and is balanced and inclusive
of all students, constituencies, and stakeholders. Both aim for student and teacher competency and achievement in the
learning process. Students need to develop 21st century skills in order to live, learn, and flourish in a 21st century
environment, as well as to succeed in college and employment. The 21st century learner outcomes are made up of content
knowledge and 21st century competencies. What is to be learnt and demonstrated is specified in the learner outcomes.
They are acts and performances that embody and reflect learners' skill in successfully applying content, information, ideas,
and tools. They are a physical application of what has been taught. The assessment of the twenty-first century centered
on defining certain skills and establishing means to measure them. It is the new approaches and strategies that are
applicable and effective in today's educational system, whereas outcomes-based education focuses and organizes the
educational system around what is necessary for all learners to know, value, and do in order to graduate with a desired
level of competence. These two provide opportunities for learners to develop as individuals, experiment with what they
are passionate about, and discover themselves. Allowing them to be exposed to a varied group of people and ideas in
order to broaden their horizons. It ensures that learners are informed about the interdisciplinary subjects, skills, and
competences required, as well as achieving the 21st century standard assessment, with the use of outcome-based
education based on the power principle. Learning outcomes are measures of an academic course's performance. It can
provide a clear picture of what can be accomplished by participating in a specific program. To effectively conduct and
complete the course, the teaching setting, learning activities, and assessment scheme must be correctly structured based
on the defined learning outcomes. We are living in a time of extraordinary global and technological change. Students today
face an uncertain future filled with complicated geopolitical, social, and environmental challenges. We can't say for sure
what our pupils will need to know after graduation. Outcomes-based education and 21st-century assessment, on the other
hand, educate students critical life skills and competences that will aid them in navigating this uncertain future.

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