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Thursday, 12 May 2022

Group 6 (Genre Writing)

1. Nabilah Ariqah 210705028
2. Lailan Haz Anugrahyuni Siregar210705086
3. Tiur Valentine Lumbantoruan 210705016
4. Titania Hasya Hermawan 210705098
5. Andreas 210705054
6. Agung Marshal Marunduri 210705052

Answer :
 Thesis : Some people believe that university education should only be offered to
those who can pay for their own courses and the government should not be
expected to fund higher education. To what extend do you agree?

 Argument 1 : Firstly, education is very important. Education isn’t just about

learning a collection of facts and knowledge that can’t be applied to the real
world. Good educational systems focus on molding future members of society.

 Argument 2 : Secondly, most of us have grown up being taught the importance

of education. But why is education important? Through your frustrating school
years, you may have thought that it was a waste of time, or was just something
that you needed to do in order to get a job. Truth be told, however, education
goes so much beyond just getting a job and making your parents happy. In fact,
it’s one of the most powerful tools out there.

 Argument 3 : Thirdly, without government financial support, there will be many

young children whose talents are wasted because they can’t afford to pay their
tuition fees. Their opportunities to learn more about the world will also be
reduced. The prolonged effect if the government stops the financial support for
education, will affect the economy of this country due to the lack of workers in
the near future.

 Recommendation : Consequently, higher education is a very critical issue for

every country. However, everybody in a community should not be involved in it;
only brilliant ones who are capable of taking high education should be
supported. The government should provide funds or scholarships equally not
only to students who are very smart or intelligent because it could be that smart
students come from economically capable backgrounds. Meanwhile, there are
those who need the scholarship or funds more.

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