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Complex Transformation Rules:

1. In source table we have a one attribute as Full name that will be splitting into 3 columns
like First name, Middle name and Last name in target side.
In source table : We have a one column as Full name
Select substr(fullname,1,instr(fullname, ‘’,1,1))as firstname,

Substr(fullname,instr(fullname, ‘’,1,1),instr(fullname, ‘’,1,2)-instr(fullname,

‘’,1,1))as middlename,
Substr(fullname,instr(fullname, ‘’,1,2))as lastname from table name;
2. In source side, we have a gender column , gender column contains data like Male and
Male is populated with ‘M’
Female is populated with ‘F’
Select emp.*,
Case gender when ‘Male’ then ‘M’
When ‘Female’ then ‘F’
End from emp;
3. Date formats are varying for each and every table. While coming to the target side, date
formats are populated with one format for all tables.
4. Transform the data from source to target like
Hyderabad to ‘hyd’, Bangalore to ‘Bng’ by using CASE statement.
5. If the table contains NULL values in source side, that NULL values be replaced with some
value as per client requirement in target side.

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