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Rapid Method – Permissive I

written by Hypnosis Scripts | February 15, 2020

Instructions to hypnotist:

Begin with subjects sitting in a straight back chair.

Spoken to the subject

Are you ready to go into a hypnotic sleep ? (Subject just

respond with ‘Yes’)

Close your eyes and take in a few deep breaths and relax with
each breath that you take. I am now picking up your right
hand. (Pick up subjects hand as if you were going to shake

In just a moment I am going to have you open your eyes and look
at me. I will then count from three down to one. On the count of
one your eyes will close again and your whole body will feel
loose and limp. You will quickly enter a hypnotic sleep. Do you
understand? (Wait for a nod or a yes signal)

Now, I want you to open your eyes and try to keep them open
until I reach the number one.

Three , your eyes are feeling heavy, try to hold them open.

Two, almost there, on the count of one they may close and feel

One, eyes closing and sleep.

(At the moment that the eyes close, firmly pull the right arm in
a downward movement, while delivering the command of sleep)

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