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Daniel is Sara's child. In the last chapter of the book, ''The World to Come''.

Daniel is in the world

to come. There he is learning a bunch of things, and he is developing in different ways. He is
getting prepared for when he goes to the real world and live. When Daniel was in the world to
come he did several things that are very interesting things such as, bathing in pools of different
emotions, consuming several masterpieces of art and drank literature. The main question that I
was always asking myself while I was reading all this is, what is the point of all this? When a baby
is born he has no previous knowledge, but I have come to a conclusion that I think is profound
and very solid as well.

I think that all the things babies do in the world to come serve as a purpose. When a baby is born,
he might not know anything, but the things he consumed and learned in the paradise will shape
their development in the real world in some way. Let's put it this way, if you consumed a lot of
fancy drinks in the world to come referring to fine pieces of literature and diverse genres instead
of only consuming cheap drinks such as newspaper, that will affect if you will be a creative person
when you grow up and develop to be. I know it is hard to believe, but I think that is how it works
because if it didn't then what would be the purpose of being in the world to come before you are
born? I think Daniel was born and as he grows up he will start developing the same tastes as the
ones he enjoyed in the world to come and that will shape his future.

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