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May 19, 2022 Student Council Meeting Minutes

Ben Humpal-Pash (President):

Lily Miller (Vice President):
Bridget Cahill (Secretary):
Savannah Skaggs (Treasurer):
Mrs. DeYoung (Sponsor):

Seminar in Room 12
Remind link:

1. Call to Order
1.1 Welcome (Ben Humpal-Pash)
We went around and said our name and favorite snack.
1.2 Approve Agenda (Ben Humpal-Pash)
1.3 Meeting Minutes (Bridget Cahill)
Mrs. DeYoung reported last week we mostly went over the new set-up.
1.4 Treasurer’s Report (Savannah Skaggs)
Mrs. DeYoung reported that we have not used or received any money since the last meeting.

2. Unfinished Business
2.1 Food Drive (Ben Humpal-Pash)
Mrs. DeYoung reported that we have not heard back from Casey’s on the pizza donation still. However,
we received a certificate in the mail from the United Way for participating in the food drive. The
certificate says we donated 46 pounds of goods.
2.2 Snack Rotation (Mrs. DeYoung)
Mrs. DeYoung said people can sign up for the snack rotation, but it’s optional. She suggested that people
might want to wait until next school year since it’s so far away.

3. New Business
3.1 Officer Elections (Mrs. DeYoung)
All the candidates running for office presented a short speech. Chloe Peterson wanted to be added to the
treasurer position. Members voted. The results will be announced tomorrow.
3.2 New Ideas (Mrs. DeYoung)
Mrs. DeYoung had members go through the list below to figure out what we wanted, if anything, to tackle
in the fall. We will discuss those ideas in more detail next week. Those items have asterisks next to them.
3.2.a Freshmen lock-in (Lily Frideres)
3.2.b. Grill out for a fundraiser (Kaitlin McGaffin)
*3.2.c. Something fun at the end of each quarter (Harper Schnettgoecke)
Some ideas already shared on this were to have a lock-in for each grade level. Another idea was to take
whatever we come up with as the top-4 ideas and use those.
3.2.d. Food truck event (Caitlin Johnson)
3.2.e. Clothing drive (Allie Dittmer)
3.2.f. Carnival night and/or Friday (Mya Spykerman and Jaden Arnold)
3.2.g. Mileage club continuation (Vanessa Reid)
3.2.h. Talent show (Cooper Moffitt and Paige Handsaker)
3.2.i. Fundraiser for sports equipment and/or more events like powderpuff (Reyna Taylor)
3.2.j. Kindness challenges and/or surprise and delights (Leah Biesen)
*3.2.k. Drive-in theater and/or movie on the field (Elizabeth Lopez-Perez and Paige
Mrs. DeYoung said if we do this, we would probably want to do the drive-in versus the field as we did the
movie during COVID and the sound wasn’t very good. She also said it is about $500 to buy the rights to
be able to show a movie, so we’ll need to do a fundraiser along with it.
*3.2.l Anything but a backpack day (Ellie Feingold and Anthony Huynh)
It was suggested to do this as a part of Homecoming.
*3.2.m. Color run (Gracie Dodson)
*3.2.n. Haunted house fundraiser (Natalia Dunnington)
*3.2.n. Trick or treating in the school for little kids (Belle Nelson)
*3.2.o. Walk-a-thon (Reagan Schmidt)
*3.2.p. Cultural fair (Lynze Geerdes)
3.2.q. Dance marathon (Olivia Axmear)
3.2.r. Job fair (Ariana Chappell)
It was suggested to do this later in the year, closer to the summer.
3.2.s. Club fair (Taylyn Angus)
Taylyn said Key Club organizes this, but we can help out with it.
3.2.t. Art show (Kaelyn Banks)
*3.2.u. Breakfast for seniors (Paige Handsaker)
Elizabeth suggested we could do this at the beginning and end of the school year for a sunrise and sunset
*3.2.v. Amazing race/Halloween race (Paige Handsaker)
3.2.w. Raffle a shirt for homecoming (Jaden Arnold)
3.2.x. Recycling competition (Chloe Peterson)
*3.2.y. Sports and activities day (Bridget Cahill)
When asked, Bridget said this would be like the field days we had in the past and have a bounce house.
3.2.z. End of the year festival (Tatum Hendricks)

4. Announcements
4.1 Next Meeting is Thursday, May 26, 2022 during seminar in Room 12
4.2 Next Meeting Snacks Provided by Mrs. DeYoung
4.3 Adjournment

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