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Bilal Reginald Putra



As the director of marketing for Wardah, you are obligated to make a promotion plan.

Develop suggestions for each of the following items:

a. Marketing communication objectives

b. The method you will use for determining the communication budget

c. The use of a push strategy or a pull strategy (explain the reason)

d. Elements of the traditional promotion mix you will use & why


Personal selling is often essential if firms seek to land a commitment of some type and has

the various factors that make personal selling more or less important in the promotional mix

compared to advertising, and other elements. Could you give us some examples of a brand

that emphasizes more of personal selling as their promotional tool? Give the reasons of why

they are using it and what roles they play in it?


Chapter 13

a. The marketing communication objective I’d like to choose for Wardah is encourage
purchase and trial. Wardah is a well-known brand and I think their target market already
know the competitive advantage of Wardah compared to other brands. So, the objective
is to encourage people to purchase and try Wardah.
b. I would use percentage of sales method because it’s the most simple way to do it.
c. I would use push strategy because I think Wardah’s products need to be communicated
by personal selling. Then, we will try to convince channel to promote our product by
putting it on the best selves or by persuading their customers to buy Wardah’s products.
d. I will use sales promotion and personal selling. Sales promotion is needed because we
need to get our retailers and customers get excited over our products and willing to buy it.
Personal selling is needed because our customers may need more information about
Wardah’s products when they buying the product. It also needed to convince our
customers to buy our product instead of other’s.

Chapter 14

Brand example that emphasize personal selling is Vivo Smartphone. In a store which sells many
brands of phone, they will send company representative which is personal seller. Their job is to
inform the benefit of using Vivo, tell promotions such as discounted price if there’s any, also
persuade/convince customer to willing to buy Vivo.

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