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TOPIC: The difficulty for first-year students if they study Speaking skills with

native speakers.
Nowadays, Learning English is regarded necessary not only for students, but for
people of all ages. Most students have spent at least 12 years studying English, yet
they are unable to apply what they have learned since there is no context in which to
do so. Because there are few centers or organizations in Vietnam that teach English
by native speakers, many students have difficulty connecting with native speakers
due to the pronunciation on the learning cassettes and the reality that two things are
completely different. As a result, the purpose of this research is to identify the
obstacles that first-year students at Hue University college of Foreign Languages
would have and to devise methods to overcome such issues when studying English
with native speakers.
- First-year student of the English Department.
Practical research methods
+ Observation method: Observe the first-year students communicating in English in
school and in the classroom to see how your English level is.
+ Investigation method: In this method, we will investigate and collect information
by asking questions
- Methods of analysis and synthesis
- After using the method of observation and investigation of the information.
We will use the method of analysis and synthesis to draw conclusions consistent
with the research topic.
1. What's difficult for students when listening to comprehension native
2. What's the difficulty in interacting with native teachers?
3. What's difficult for students when listening to comprehension native
4. What's the difficulty in interacting with native teachers?
5. Do you feel bored when studying with native teachers?
6. Do you have trouble expressing yourself to the teacher?

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