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1. It is the Buyer's responsibility to secure licenses or other authorities to permit the importation of the Goods into his own country or other designated place of destination and shall indemnify the Seller for any costs or expenses incurred by the Seller due to the Buyer's failure to secure such licenses or authorities, Nguoi mua phai cé nghia vu xin duge cae gidy phép hode xin céc co quan co tham quyén khde cho phép nhap khdu hang héa vao quéc gia minh hoe mét noi dén da duge chi dinh khée va phai thanh todn Iai cho ngudi bin cdc chi phi ma ngudi bin di ganh chiu vi ngudi mua khéng xin durge ede gidy phép hoiic si cho phép ciia ecr quan c6 thim quyén. 2. If for any reasons, the Buyer fails or neglects to take delivery of the products within 14 days of scheduled date (inclusive) the Seller shall be entitled to treat the contract as cancelled. Néu vi bat ky ly do gi ma ngudi mua kh6ng nhan hang hodc xao lang trong viée nhan hing trong vong 14 ngay ké tir ngay da thoa thudn thi nguéi ban duge quyen xem nh hop dong da bi hity bo. 3. The Buyer shall give the Seller shipping instructions within a reasonable time prior to the shipment, including but not limited to the name and detailed schedule of the vessel Nguoi mua sé phai cung cdp cho ngudi ban nhiing chi dan ciia viée giao hing trong mgt khosing théi gian hop ly trude khi giao hing, bao gdm nhung khong gidi han tén va lich tinh cy thé cia con Gu, 4, The Buyer shall not be entitled to terminate this sale contract for reasons of late shipment unless the buyer shall first have given the seller 14 days written notice of its intention to terminate and the seller does not effect shipment before the expiration of the 14 days period, which period shall not commence to run until the specified date of shipment or the last day of the extended period under Clause 7.2 provided always that if the seller's performance is affected by Force Majeure this time shall not run during which the period performance is suspended. Ngudi mua s& khong duge quyén hay bé hop ding nay vi ly do giao hang tr trit khi ngudi mua da gii thong bao cho nguéi bin bing van ban vé y dinh chim dit hop déng trong vong 14 ngay va ngudi ban khong thy hign vige giao hang trong thoi gian 14 ngay 6 va thoi gian d6 s@ chi duoc tinh tir ngay giao hing da duge quy ‘cudi cing cila thdi gian gia han theo diéu 7.2 mién 1a vi thy hién hop déng cia ngwdi ban bj anh hudng boi bat kha khang, thoi gian nay sé khéng duge tinh vao théi gian tri hodn thyc hign 5. Vige nguéi mua thye hign ce nghia vy khée nhau duge thyc hign trade ngay giti hang (bao gém nhung khong han ché & viée m6 thu tin dung) quy dinh trong Hop dong nay sé la diéu kign tién quyét dé ngwdi ban thyc hién nghia vy giti hing vo ngdy da quy dinh. The buyer's performance of different duties before the date of shipment (including but not limited to opening L/C) under this contract shall be a pre-condition for the seller to perform his duty to shipment on the specified date. 6. Viée ngudi ban khong cung cap cho ngudi mua b6 chimg tir van tai day do nhu quy dinh tong hop déng nay st khéng cho phép ngudi mua tr chéi nhan ching tir, nhung moi chi phi phu phat sinh tit vige d6 s& do ngudsi ban chiu. The seller’s failure to give the buyer a full set of shipping documents (as stipulated) under this contract shall not entitle the buyer to rejection, however all the surcharges arising from this problem shall be to the seller’s account. 7. If either party is prevented from, or delayed. in performing any duty under this contract by an event beyond his reasonable control, then this event shall be deemed force majeure, and this party shall not be considered in default and no remedy, be it under this Contract or otherwise, shall be available to the other party. Force Majeure events include but not limited to war (whether war is declared or not), riots, insurrections, acts of sabotage, or similar occurrences, strikes or other labor unrest, newly introduced laws or government regulations, delay due to government action or inaction, fire, explosion, or other unavoidable accident, flood, storm, earthquake, or other abnormal natural event. Néu mot trong hai bén bj can tré hog bj Lam chim tr trong vige thyc hign bat ky nghta vu ndo theo hyp déng nay do mét su cé nim ngoai tim kiém sodt hop 1 cia minh thi khi d6 su cé dé sé duge xem 1a bat kha khang, va bén dé sé duge xem 1a khong c6 16i va st khéng phai bai thumg cho bén kia, cho dit viée bOi thudng dé cé trong hgp dong hay khong. Nhiing tudng hop bat khi khang bao gdm nhung khOng han ché o chién tanh (div c6 tuyén bd hay khong), bao déng, Khai nghia, hanh dong pha hogi, sw c6 tuong ty, dinh cng, bao loan lao déng, luat hay nhimg van ban phap wat méi duge ban hh, cham tré do sy can thip hay khéng can thiép ctta chinh quyén, hoa hoan, chay nd hoje ede tai nan khong thé tanh khoi khac, 1d Iyt, bio ld, déng dat hoje cdc thién tai khae: 8. If either party is prevented from, or delayed in, performing any duty under this contract, then this party shall immediately notify the other party of the event, of the duty affected, and of the expected duration of the event, If any force majeure event prevents or delays performance of any duty under this contract for more than 60 days, then either party may on due notification to the other party terminate this contract. Néu mot trong hai bén bi can tre hode bi Lum chim té trong vide thue hign bat ky nghia vy nao theo hop déng nay, thi bén nay phai ngay lap tire théng bao cho bén kia vé sy c}, nghia vu bi anh huéng va théi gian kéo dai du kién cia su cé. Néu bat ky su kién bat kha Khdng nao can we hode Him chim wé vige thyc hign bat ky nghia vy nao trong hop déng kéo dai trén 60 ngay, thi khi dé mét trong hai bén e6 thé chim dit hgp déng nay khi da thong bao diy dit va kip thi cho bén kia. 1. Payment shall be deemed to haye been made only when the contract sum is paid into the Seller’s bank a count and is at the Seller's full disposal. Vige thanh ton s& chi duge xem li di durge thye hign khi sé tién cia hop déng durge chuyén vio ti khodn ngan hing cia ngudi bin va duge ngudi bin ty quyén dinh doat. 2. The contract price shall remain unchanged throughout the duration of this contract and shall not be subject to change for any reason whatsoever including but not limited to cost escalation or currency fluctuations. Gid hang h6a theo hop dong sé khong thay déi trong sudt thoi gian thyc hién hop dong va ciing st khong déi vi bat ky If do gi bao gém nhung khéng han ché 6 chi phf leo thang hoic bién dong ty gid. 3. If there has been unreasonable delay in any payment interest appropriate to the currency involved shall be charged. If such charge is not mutually agreed, a dispute shall be deemed to exist which shall be settled by arbitration, ‘Néu chim thanh todn ma khéng 6 ly do hop ly thi lai suat cham thanh todn tinh theo ding tién thanh todn s€ duge dp dung. Néu hai bén khéng thé théa thudin duge mite lai sudt nay thi tranh chip dugc xem ld di phat sinh va st duge gidi quyét bing trong ti. 4, Bank charges in connection with collection shall be borne by the sellers upon whose bank is acting. Payment charges made by the buyer’s bank shall be for the account of the buyers. Chi phi ngan hang lign quan dén vige nhd thu s@ do ngudi ban chiu Ki ngudi ma ngéin hang dai dign. Chi phi thanh ton do NH nguéi mua tinh s@ do nguéi mua chju 5. If payment of any sum payable is delayed, the Seller shall be entitled to receive interest on the amount unpaid during the period of delay. Then interest shall be at an annual rate three percentage points above the discount rate of the central bank in the Seller's country. Néu vige thanh toan bj tri hodn, ngudi ban s& duge quyén nhan khodn Iai sudt tinh trén sé suat tinh theo tién chua thanh tofin trong thoi gian chim tra. Mite lai sudt may sé 1a nim cao hon 3% so voi nutte Iai suat chiét khdu ciia ngan hang trung vong tai nude ngudi bain. 6. If payment for the goods shall be made by a letter of credit, Buyer shall establish in favor of Seller an irrevocable letter of credit through a prime bank of good international repute immediately after the conclusion of this contract in a from and upon terms satisfactory to Seller. ‘Néu viée thanh todn tién hing duge thyc hién bang tin dung thu thi ngudi mua phai mo cho ngudi ban hung | L/C khong hay ngang tai 1 ngan hang c6 uy tin quéc té ngay sau khi hop déng duoe ky két theo loai tin dung thu va theo diéu kién théa man ngudi ban. 7. If Buyer fails to pay for the Goods in accordance with the Contract, Buyer shall pay to Seller as liquidated damages and not as penalty overdue interest at the maximum interest mate permitted by the laws of Buyer’s country, calculated from the due date for such payment until the actual date of payment calculated on the 360 day year basis for the actual number of days elapsed. ‘Néu nguoi mua khdng thanh todn tién hang theo hop ddng nay thi ngudi mua phai wi cho ngudi bin tién bai thuémg thigt hai wée tinh chir khéng phai 1a tién phat duéi hinh thite Jai sudt qué han theo mite Idi suat ti da ma luat phép cia nuée ngudi mua cho phép, mite lai sudt nay duge tinh tr ngay dén han thanh toan cho dén ngay thanh todn thy té trén co s6 1 nam 6 360 nga 8. If Buyer’s failure to make payment, to establish a L/C, or otherwise to perform its obligations hereunder is reasonably anticipated, Seller may demand that Buyer provide, within a reasonable time adequate assurance satisfactory to Seller of due performance of this contract and may withhold shipment or delivery of the undelivered goods until such assurance is given. Néu ngudi bin 6 ly do hgp ly nghi ngir ngwoi mua khong thanh todn, khong mo LIC hoc khOng thye hign nghia vu cla minh theo hop dong thi nguéi ban c6 thé yeu cau nguéi mua trong | khong théi gian hop ly phai cung cap sy dim bao day di, thea man nguii ban vé vie thy hién hgp déng va c6 thé ngung giao hing hoae ngung giao phan hang chua duge giao cho ti khi c6 sy dim bao dé. 9, Where payment is to be made by means of a LIC, the credit shall be opened in strict conformity with the terms of the contract and by such means that the beneficiary shall be able to utilize it from the earliest possible day of the period stipulated for shipment. Trong trrdng hop thanh todn bing tin dung thy thi tin dung th phai duge mé pha hop hoan toan véi cdc diéu kién, diéu khoan ctia hgp déng theo phuong thite ma ngudi hong loi c6 thé sir dung sé tién ca L/C vao ngay sém nhit c6 thé ké tir ngay giao hing duoc quy dinh trong hop ding. 10, Should documents be presented with an incomplete set of bill(s) of lading or should other shipping documents be missing, payment shall be made, provided that delivery of such missing documents is guaranteed, such guarantee to be signed, if required by Buyers, by a recognized bank ‘Néu xudt trinh bé chimg tir ma kh6ng c6 day di bd van don hoe c chimg tir giao hing khae bj that lac thi thanh ton van phai duge thyc hign, mién 1a c6 dam bao vé vige giao ahiing chimg tir thét lac d6 sau nay ya thu dim bao d6 phai duge 1 ngén hing ¢6 uy tin xdc nhan néu ngudi mua yéu cau.

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