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Unit 8 – Lesson 4 Homework

Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. I need a few minutes to familiarize myself with the controls of this car. (Familiar)
2. It was revealed that some of the evidence had been deliberately falsify, so the case
was dismissed. (False)
3. These instructions are very complicated. Can you simplify them for me? (Simple)
4. I’ve been spending too much money – I need to economize. (Economy)
5. I don’t like being pressurized into doing something I don’t want to do. (Pressure)
6. Before giving you my opinion, I’d like to clarify one or two details that I’m not
sure I’ve understood correctly. (Clear)
7. Harry’s a doctor and he specialized in orthopedic surgery. (Special)
8. I hated the film. The violence in it Horrify me. (Horror)

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with the words in the box below.

1. Look forward we’ll be late!

2. We’re all looking sharp to the holidays!
3. Josh looks up to his older brother.
4. Debbie wouldn’t look me in the eye, so I knew she was lying.
5. Many people look back on their childhood with nostalgia.
6. I think Katy looks down on me because I’m not as successful as her.
7. Try and look on the Bright side – the worst may never happen.
8. Rupert comes from a wealthy family and looks down his nose at us.

Exercise 3
Match each of the phrases (A – K) with one of the six stages of a presentation.
A. One of the main reasons for… is because of… 4
B. And so, in this short presentation, I have suggested… 5
C. Good afternoon, everyone. 1
D. A second reason that… is because of… 4
E. Thank you very much for your attention. 5
F. Thank you for coming. 1
G. There are many reasons why… 3
H. In this short talk, I will outline three of them:… 3
I. Finally, a third reason for… is because… 4
J. I’d be happy to answer questions. 6
K. My presentation today is about… 2

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