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Second oral presentation

Deadline: 9th of April 2022

Send to:
Don’t forget to add your name and the group you belong to in the message.
You are applying for a position as a manager in a very important business company, they ask
you to send a video answering six questions, the first one is mandatory but the other five can
be selected by you among thirteen possible. On recording, read every question before
answering it.
Mandatory question
"Tell me a little about yourself."

Optional questions:

"What are your biggest weaknesses?"

"What are your biggest strengths?"

"Where do you see yourself in five years?"

"Out of all the candidates, why should we hire you?"

"Why do you want this job?"

"What do you consider to be your biggest professional achievement?"

"Describe your dream job."

"Why do you want to leave your current job?"

"What kind of work environment do you like best?"

"What is your leadership style?"

"Tell me how you think other people would describe you."

"What can we expect from you in your first three months?"

"What do you like to do outside of work?"

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