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Abril 2021


Human resources is an indispensable department within companies, since it is in

charge of managing everything that is related to the people who work in the
company, such as organizing and increasing the performance of employees within
the company in order to increase your productivity. The human resources department
must work for all the people who are part of the company’s human team.

The responsibilities of the human resources department start from when the
employees introduce their documents (papers) to the company and continue with the
recruitment, selection, hiring, induction, training, promotion, payroll, contracts and
even with the dismissal of workers.

Human resources is necessary for any company that needs or wants to grow and hire
the best workers for each position or help the people who work in the company to
continue developing, training for growth and thus the company has high quality
workers .

Human resources planning is the process in which the forecast of needs related to
human resources of the company is analyzed and determined. This type of needs
includes the forecast of demand for personnel, depending on the needs of the
organization at a global level.
List of verbs

 Commission - Encarga

 Manage - Gestionar

 This - Está

 They work - Trabajan

 Organize - Organizar

 Increase - Aumentar

 Performance - Desempeño

 Should - Debe

 They form - Forman

 Starts - Empieza

 They introduce- Introducen

 Continue - Continúan

 Recruitment- Reclutamiento

 Selection - Selección

 Hiring - Contratación

 Induction - Inducción

 Layoffs- Despidos

 Need- Necesite
 Wish - Desee

 Grow up- Crecer

 To help- Ayudar

 Developing- Desarrollándose

 Count - Cuente

 Planning - Planeación

 Analyze - Analiza

 Determine- Determina

 It includes- Incluye

 Dyed - Tenido

 I discovered - Descubrí

 Achieve - Lograr

 You may - Puedes

 Receive - Recibir

 Taste - Gustó

 I convinced - Convencí

 Take - Tomé

 Study it - Estudiarla

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