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Higher education is made up of educational programs after secondary education, taught by universities or other establishments that are authorized as higher education
institutions by the competent authorities of the country and / or recognized homologation systems.

The analysis has been organized in three general aspects: access to education, relevance and educational quality:

1. Educational quality:
University and technical higher education lack a system that jointly
addresses the evaluation and monitoring of the processes and
advances of the sector, as well as an integrated information system
with homogeneous criteria and levels for the assurance of higher
educational quality. 2. Access to higher education:

Inadequate mechanisms for incorporating students, manifested for example in the lack of
vocational guidance services; and the limited mechanisms to support students through
scholarships and educational credits, end up significantly reducing the number of students
who continue their studies after finishing high school. At the same time, the problem of
access to higher education seems to be, in the Peruvian case, highly inequitable in the
sense that the lowest percentages of young people who go from basic to higher education
are observed in the lowest quintile of spending per year. capita of the household where
only 21% of young people accessed the higher education system compared to 57% of the
highest spending quintile.

3. Educational relevance

Peruvian higher education has an offer that is not very relevant to the needs of
the labor market, which generates deficiencies and difficulties in the population
for their labor insertion. On the educational supply side, licensed universities
account for 65.8% of higher education enrollments; While, on the side of the
demand for workers, according to the 2018 Occupational Demand Survey, only
6.5% of the people who need to hire formal companies must have university
studies. The opposite and inverse case occurs with technical education.

Castrejon Valdez, Jerson Ivan

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