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I want my future self to remember that anything is possible that I set my mind to.

Everyone has their own set of excuses, I might as well figure out how to overcome my personal
challenges. There is a fine line between working hard and working smart. While I like to push
myself to my absolute physical limits, sometimes the situation calls for something else that
requires more thought. Football is a game within life, but isn’t all that exists and is beautiful in
this world. I refuse to be outworked by my peers in whatever field I find myself in. That is the
number one thing I can personally control, my work ethic. While I accept that the road will have
bumps in it, that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be proactive and try to smoothen out the ride. Life is a
precious gift, and shouldn’t be wasted on people or things that don’t make me happy. While not
everyone will be my biggest supporter, there is value to be had in learning from other people’s
perspectives. I look forward to attacking the future challenges that may come my way head on.
I’ve learned a lot of lessons over my time in high school. Most importantly I’ve learned to not
procrastinate, and get things done as soon as I have time to. As I say this, of course, my
portfolio is not quite finished yet and I’m running out of time. Time is something that still
continues to amaze me. How could it go by so fast without me ever feeling like I can grasp it. It
always seems to slip through my fingers like some of the almost interceptions I wish I could
have back. It’s right in front of me yet I can’t seem to hold on to it. I continue to work on both my
hands and my time management. Another pivotal life lesson I’ve learned is to be appreciative of
what I have. While there’s always things we wish for in life, they’re not always things that will
bring us true inner peace and happiness. I’ve had my heart set on being a great linebacker for
as long as I can remember. However, at times I’ve let this aspiration consume me further than I
would’ve liked. While it’s important to have goals athletically and academically, the strength of
our personal relationships are truly what make us whole. I will work towards my goals and set
lofty ones as well. I will do everything in my power to hit those goals, and if I don’t hit them
somehow, I’ll adjust my approach. Albert Einstein famously said, “insanity is doing the same
thing over and over again and expecting different results”. This quote resonates with me
because sometimes I hold on to things too long and struggle to let go of the past. Moving
forward from past mistakes and using trial and error as a guide in life is extremely helpful
towards succeeding in anything. While my life isn’t perfect, I know that there’s no other way I’d
want things to be. I truly feel like the luckiest guy in the world with all my friends and family
being by my side. I can’t wait to find out what’s in store for me in the future. I won’t ever stop
chasing my dreams and working towards self-improvement in whatever I’m doing. I love life, and
I love Torrey Pines for all the great memories it has given me that I’ll cherish for a lifetime.

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