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(1st speaker of government)

The most heinous crime in human existence was never a single war or any single
form of physical conflict. It's not even a single act. The worst crime happens every
single day. It's when the boy that dreamed of becoming a teacher grudgingly chooses
to go to medical school. It's when a lawyer sits back in her bench and wonders what
would happen if she chose to cook. It's when we look at who we are and what we
became, the people we left behind and reminisce the day that we chose to kill our
own dreams because society told us to. That is the world we oppose inside

Three points of framing before I move into my arguments
1. First, In both worlds there's a guarantee of success to individuals. That is to
say given that we're talking about the average middle class individual, who is
talented enough to succeed at whatever field of their choosing whether to be a
doctor a lawyer or a teacher for instance. In both worlds you're probably still
likely to be able to pay your bills, send your kids to school, and get food on the
table. So in this impact of passion, we can see that in our you might not have
all the comforts that they can claim on opposition. You might not be incredibly
wealthy but you still can probably maintain your middle class status. You still
have the fallback of the resources you have and you're likely to be stable.

2. Second, In this instance we're talking about when individuals are 20 to 30,
there is often a defining decade in your life. That is to say it is a period of life
in your life that you can't go back. So this debate is inherently a binary that is
to say you cannot choose a single field and go back on it. The majority burden
is where you choose to continue in that field.

3. Third, What does this debate look like and what is the word we manifest in.
First and therefore the comparative they need to defend is where you get more
pay and you work longer hours. The characterization of this is often hectic and
competitive feels like law where you need to put in a significant amount of
effort, but you might not necessarily be happy with the kind of work you do. It
might not give you a fulfillment. We can see you might make a lot of money
but that is different to getting the satisfaction from your work. Second our
word looks like probably being paid less but you've still thought about it as
something that you're willing to do, the thing you dreamed about as a kid
when you talked to your friends and said this was what I want my life to be, or
you envisioned it and you wanted to make it work. 
A burden panel in this debate is simple, it's to prove that our side provides a happier
more fulfilled life in the now and the long term that is the burden that both sides
have in this debate.
Three arguments in my speech. 
1. The first, as to why passion makes people happy. 
2. Second, as to how money is uniquely bad at creating happiness. 
3. Third, why we get better relationships

Argument #1: Why passion makes people happy

First argument then as to why passion makes people happy. It's important to know
that the value of our life is constructed from experience, and everyone in this debate
is probably going to conceive that life is valuable and you've only got a pretty limited
amount of years on this world anyway and if the majority of them is spending a desk
job that you dislike or doing something that does not give you the same amount of
happiness. And that is a subpar world in this debate.
So in that case, everyone doing anything in this instance to get more money or
finding friends is based on the idea that you make your life a better place.
First, in our world, you get more fulfillment from your job. That is to say what you do
is what you wanted to do as a child. That means it's non-conditional on any
hypothetical success or failure in your job. So if I'm teaching a kid or if I'm acting in
school for instance in all these instances irrespective of me getting higher pay respect
to me landing goals. The fact that I'm doing what I love gives you inherent happiness
that they cannot claim in their way.
But second, it materializes as memories. That is to say there's an inherent amount of
nostalgia associated with the work that you do. Because notice in doubt, sure you're
going to get money. But money can fluctuate with through time like a bad investment
can you mean you have less money, the value of money, for instance, can deteriorate.
So in that world uniquely the amount of happiness you get or the amount of money
you have in your bank can be stripped away from and the absolute worst instance.
Say whether you're the victim of an accident or you're the victim of theft, everything
you built your life upon can be taken away compare that panel to memories that will
never be stripped away from you. 
Third, in our the frequency of happiness increases that is to say when you're doing
the job you love, for instance when you teach in a preschool everyday panel you get
some amount of happiness. Where you see a struggling student trying from a b to c
that is a unique amount of happiness that you get. Compare it to being an investment
banker that wants a bonus that comes like once every two years that feels an
incredible amount of anxiety and pressure while waiting for it. I think that is a sub
For fourthly and finally, you dip into morally gray areas. That is to say in some
portion of higher paying jobs the kind of actions you need to do often go against like
individual moral comforts. This isn't about corruption. it's just things that
sometimes, this case like an investment banker that needs to foreclose on the house
of a purpose. A lawyer that has to separate a dad from his two children. In all these
instances panel this detracts from the individual's life that is a harm to them.
Before I went to the second argument 

Point Of Information
Q: Does proposition believe that passions can change or fade away in the future?

Reply: I think by the time you’re 20 your passions are more or less fixed but even in
that instance you can simply choose to undertake another passion but I think in your
world you don't have the choice either.

Argument #2: How money is uniquely bad at creating happiness

Second argument, then why money cannot buy happiness? Notice that the entire
system of consumerism, the idea that you need to take a high-paying job is
manufactured by the ruling elite. That is to say it's an inherently hierarchical
structure that was made for by the ruling elite to maintain their power. Where he
said some jobs are more valuable than others, that someone flipping burgers for
instance is necessary to the economy but still deserves to live in poverty we reject
that consumerist premise at its root.

First, consumerism is inherently short terms. That is to say the dopamine rush by
going on a fancy vacation or buying a large house is often a hedonic treadmill. That is
to say individuals never exactly a long term amount of happiness from money
because you desensitize yourself to the exact same things that you're able to buy. But
second, we live in a consumerist society so when you buy into the very premise of
consumerism things like advertising that tell you that however rich you are you need
to be richer and however much you have that is still not enough. That is the kind of
word you need to contend with when you buy into the lifestyle that says that money
is the be-all and end-all of life.

But third, there's an incredible amount of pressure to maintain yourself at that level.
The pressure of not performing as a high-stakes banker or not being a good enough
lawyer inherently cuts into the value of the life you have and you become more
insecure with larger amounts. Where you're worried about how you're going to
invest, worried about how that is going to pan out in your life. All of these are unique
harms that money brings that can never be fulfilling simply because it's a hedonic
treadmill that never stops running.

Argument #3: How we get better relationships

Third argument then as to how we get better relationships. Now notice that
relationships are critical to the conception of ourselves. Very good life is dependent
on the people we have around you and the family you have. In their world how is
family harm this is not to say that they don't get familiar relationships or they don't
get friends. That is not the argument, it is that the relationships you have become
subpar and tainted with the other conceptions that they talk about. In that world you
have less time to spend with your family. That is you're worried about your position
you have to spend more time at work because you're a constant raise to the top it's
highly competitive so you need to be on call. Even when you're at home you cannot
spend time with your children, you have to hire nannies for instance because you
cannot spend time with your wife.

In that comparative your relationship becomes subpar because for instance

relationships have flaws, you can argue with your spouse you can fight with your
kids. The comparative in our world is where you have more time to spend and work it
out. Where you'd spend time with your kids and they have a deeper connection to
you, where you're more likely to be able to see their problems and they want to
confide in you in that instance being their panel is half the struggle endeavor. That is
inaccessible in the most important years of the child's life because even if they can
spend time with the child like when they're old that is incredibly different to being
there in the short term.

Finally then as to how they harm friends, because your job inherently dictates your
social circle because these are the people you hang out with the people you need to
be. Within their world, it's often hyper competitive so your ability to make friends
decreases because the immediate concern for most people in high stakes jobs is to
make more money and get promotions. But secondly and finally people with different
values, to people who chose to do high-stakes trouble because they wanted to succeed
because they were inherently materials in that instance panel you lose out on
relationships simply because these are people you cannot relate to because they don't
have the same passions. Ultimately then panel you get subpar relationships you sell
out on your life and you hurt yourself and you can never find happiness. That is a
world we oppose.

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