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Have you ever come late to school or work? Or have you ever procrastinated on your work?

I believe most of us can absolutely relate to those problems. Many Indonesians are lazy,
undisciplined, and want instant things. But why does this stereotype appear?

Hello, I’m Indi Sidhi and I am going to be speaking to you today about ___.

This stereotype exists because of the low quality of Indonesian human resources. But why
can human resources in Indonesia have such low quality? One of the main reasons for this
incident is the low quality of education in Indonesia. In fact. According to data published by
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) from the 2009-2015
survey period, Indonesia consistently ranks in the bottom 10 and according to the latest
survey conducted in 2018.  Indonesia's score had dropped by being ranked 74th out of 79

Due to the low quality of human resources, many Indonesians are only able to do manual
work and sell raw goods abroad and then buy finished goods at much higher prices. And that
is why many companies in Indonesia prefer to use foreign workers that have a higher skills
rather than using local workers who have a lower quality

Education in Indonesia is not evenly distributed. Both in terms of facilities and quality,
especially in border and interior areas, which are still far behind. The lack of facilities and
infrastructure to support the learning process, the limited number of skilled teachers, and the
high cost of education are the main causes of this problem.

Apart from that, many people, especially adults who already have children, still hold that the
test scores of their children are everything. Many of them have the perception that children
who have good competence have high test scores, while those with low test scores can be
said to have low competence. This phenomenon makes some parents compelled to do
various ways to make their child's grades good. In a good way, parents usually give their
children courses or provide additional learning facilities. However, not a few parents justify
any means to make their child's grades good. Sometimes they are looking for leaks about
their child's test using an insider or it could be bribing someone so that their child can attend
a certain school. This way will indirectly make their children get used to getting things the
easy way because they are used to being pampered at home (Anak sekarang diasuh

( sementara itu di lingkungan Pendidikan formal (SEKOLAH) )

Moral education in schools has not received serious attention in Indonesia, moral education
is always synonymous with Pancasila and Religion. The introduction was only a theory. No
practice. In fact, if there is a direct application and it becomes a habit, it will be more
effective. Especially if it is done early in the school environment. Because school is an
environment where individuals learn to socialize with a wider scope.

-Padatnya jadwal pembelajaran?

-Karena covid Pendidikan makin terkendala, pendidikan karakter makin sulit untuk di

Lingkungan Masyarakat
Meanwhile in society, especially in the world of work, we also get a lot of bad work culture.
Such as the habit of gossiping, unwillingness to accept criticism, and also unprofessionalism
at work.

 In fact, it is not uncommon for us to see people committing acts such as corruption,
collusion and nepotism


(Somehow connect these 3?)
-Seorang anak yang hidup dan tumbuh dalam lingkungan keluarga yang baik akan memiliki
modal kuat serta imunitas yang akan mampu menyaring segala pengaruh buruk
dilingkungan masyarakatnya dibanding dengan anak yang tumbuh dalam keluarga yang
A child who lives and grows up in a good family environment will have strong capital and
immunity that will be able to filter out all bad influences in his community compared to a child
who grows up in a messy family.

-Masyarakat tempat berinteraksi seorang manusia dengan lainnya akan memberi pengaruh
kuat terhadap karakter seseorang. Jika di tengah-tengah masyarakat tersebut merajalela
perbuatan munkar maka akan mempengaruhi siapapun yang ada di dalamnya. Oleh
karenanya diperlukan gerakan bersama yang berfungsi untuk mengatasi kerusakan moral
tersebut di tengah masyarakat. Bila tidak dilakukan maka kerusakan akan menimpa
The society where humans interact with other humans will greatly affect a person's
character. If in a society disobedience is rampant, it will have an impact on everyone in it.
Therefore, a joint movement is needed that functions to overcome the moral decline in
society. If not done then the damage will befall everything.

-Pemerintah harus dapat menegakkan hukum dengan memberikan sanksi yang berat dan
adil bagi pelanggarnya dan juga harus mempunyai efek jera agar tidak ada orang berani
melakukan perusakan terhadap moral bangsa ini
The government must be able to enforce the law by providing severe and fair sanctions for
violators and must also provide a deterrent effect so that no one dares to damage the morale
of this nation.

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