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The Crooked Moon

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Nick Bayton: My greenskin list is based around the Crooked Moon Night Goblin tribe Skarsnik's own personal mob of goblins. I started this army back when the Battle for Skull Pass boxed game first came out, because I just loved the Night Goblin models and wanted to paint a proper horde army for Warhammer. After painting five sets of Skull Pass, I then looked at the range and started painting all my favourite models for it, sticking very strongly with the Night Goblin theme. All of my models have been converted to suggest the subterranean existence of the tribe, to the extent that the Spear Chukkas have Night Goblin (or captured Dwarf crew), and the Rock Lobba throws Squigs instead of rocks. My most effective unit is Skarsnik's bodyguard, 'da Redcapz'. These are a huge block of Night Goblins led by Skarsnik. It includes Flagga Boy, my Battle Standard Bearer, who, with the Bad Moon on a Stick, makes the whole unit Stubborn. I'm fond of my slimy River Trolls, who quite often mill about looking confused, but have won me games before by charging in and smashing up enemy units. Perhaps my favourite unit, for sheer destructive power and unbridled entertainment value, is my huge herd of Squigs - it never fails to cause amusement, and sometimes even wins the odd combat or two! Da Crooked Moon Horde




LORDS Skarsnik, Warlord of the Eight Peaks Wizzbang (Level 4 Night Goblin Shaman)


POINTS 205 235

Staff of Sneaky Stealin'

HEROES Dropgutz Snotlicka (Night Goblin Big Boss) Bigged's Kickin' Boots Light armour Great weapon Bounca Weirdboy (Night Goblin Big Boss) Great Cave Squig Light armour Sneaky Skewerer Amulet of Protectyness Flagga Boy (Night Goblin Big Boss) Light armour Battle Standard Bad Moon on a Stick Flashgit (Level 2 Night Goblin Shaman) CORE Skarsnik's Redcapz (44 Night Goblins) Dispel Scroll x2 135 107 117 66

Spears Musician Standard bearer Boss


Dropgutz' Stickaz (48 Night Goblins)

Spears Musician Standard bearer Boss


Grok's Pokerz (25 Night Goblins)

Spears Musician



STUFF Standard bearer Boss


Brak's Boyz (25 Night Goblins)

Spears Musician Standard bearer Boss


Stikkit's Kommandoz (25 Night Goblins)

Spears Musician Standard bearer Boss


Frag's Frontlinerz (25 Night Goblins)

Spears Musician Standard bearer Boss


Deddeye's Hillhuggerz (20 Night Goblins)

Short bows Musician Standard bearer Boss


Snotz Runtlinz (10 Bases of Snotlings) 9 Fanatics SPECIAL Bounca's Backup Boyz (10 Squig Herds) Da Odd Boyz (5 Night Goblin Squig Hoppers) Da Krusha (Goblin Wolf Chariot) Da Squigchukka (Goblin Rock Lobba)

200 225

300 75 60 70

LORDS Dat Dwarf Gubbinz (2 Goblin Spear Chukkas) RARE Rankor Squignibbla (Giant) Boss Orville's Wondrous Flying Machine (Goblin Doom Diver Catapult) Skarsnik's Petz Corner (6 River Trolls)



205 80

360 TOTAL 3499

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